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439 results found:

Migrant Work, Gender and the Hostile Environment: A Human Rights Analysis – Industrial Law Journal

‘This article addresses work-related and gendered harms of the “hostile environment”, a set of measures implemented through the Immigration Acts of 2014 and 2016, which aims to make life in the UK impossible for irregular migrants. The hostile environment criminalises work without legal status, facilitates data sharing between public bodies and immigration enforcement, and restricts access services and benefits. The article examines factors that can make women susceptible to irregularity and exposure to hostile environment measures, and distinctive forms of gendered harm such as workplace sexual harassment. It argues that the detrimental impacts of the hostile environment contravene international and regional human rights obligations. Barring certain migrants from access to the labour market may violate the socio-economic right to work and/ or the right to private and family life, while a lack of access to legal remedy or labour inspection fuelled can violate migrants’ right to decent work and undermine protections against forced labour. The UK’s recent ratification of the Council of Europe’s “Istanbul Convention” and ILO Convention 190 on violence and harassment at work signifies a renewed commitment to safeguarding women regardless of migration status, but the universalistic potential of these instruments is undermined by the hostile environment’s continued operation.’

Full Story

Industrial Law Journal, March 2024


CMA investigation into UK vet market could have big implications for investors –

Posted March 18th, 2024 in animals, competition, news, ombudsmen, veterinary surgeons by tracey

‘The UK’s competition watchdog is to launch an in-depth investigation into the veterinary market due to concerns over poor competition and limited consumer choice, the outcome of which could have direct implications on buy-and-build investors in the sector, commercial and competition law experts have said.’

Full Story, 15th March 2024


UK Court of Appeal decision gives firms guidance on T&Cs in digital age –

Posted March 14th, 2024 in contracts, electronic commerce, gambling, news by sally

‘The Court of Appeal in England and Wales has considered what businesses need to do to incorporate standard terms and conditions into a digital contract for online services for the first time.’

Full Story, 13th March 2024


New legislation simplifies UK Construction Industry Scheme scope –

Posted March 11th, 2024 in building law, construction industry, landlord & tenant, news, taxation by tracey

‘New rules outlined today are designed to simplify a UK tax regime that applies when tenants carry out certain construction works and where payment is made by landlords.’

Full Story, 8th March 2024


Data case shows CAT claims are broadening –

Posted March 5th, 2024 in competition, data protection, news by tracey

‘The type of claims being raised in opt-out collective proceedings before the UK’s Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) is broadening, with the CAT’s recent certification of a data-related claim the latest example of this trend.’

Full Story, 4th March 2024


Law body considers which law governs digital asset disputes –

‘The Law Commission of England and Wales has opened a new project to examine how questions on the application of private international law should be answered in the context of disputes over digital assets or electronic trade documents.’

Full Story, 29th February 2024


ICO guide addresses Online Safety Act and GDPR cross-over –

Posted February 28th, 2024 in data protection, internet, news, ombudsmen by sally

‘New guidance has been issued by the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) to help content platforms meet their duties under the UK’s Online Safety Act in a way that accords with UK data protection law.’

Full Story, 27th February 2024


Court of Appeal: FTT failed to apply Iran country guidance to Kurdish asylum seeker’s case – EIN Blog

Posted February 27th, 2024 in appeals, asylum, Iran, married persons, media, news by tracey

‘FA (Iran) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2024] EWCA Civ 149 (22 February 2024). The Court of Appeal has held that the UT should have concluded that the FTT had failed to apply the current Iran country guidance cases to the appellant FA’s case, who was a Kurdish National of Iran who claimed to have left Iran illegally on foot, and claimed to have got married en route to the United Kingdom. He had entered the United Kingdom on 4 December 2019 and then claimed asylum. The SSHD rejected his claims for asylum and for humanitarian protection. The appeal was remitted to a different judge in the FTT for him to consider the question of risk to the appellant if he were returned to Iran. The Court of Appeal grappled with the two determinations at hand, i.e. the FTT determination and the UT determination which Elisabeth Laing LJ referred to as determination 1 and determination 2 during the course of her judgment. She touched on the effects of XX (PJAK – sur place activities – Facebook) Iran CG [2022] UKUT 23 (IAC), SSH and HR (Illegal Exit) Iran CG [2016] UKUT 308 (IAC), HB (Kurds) Iran CG [2018] UKUT 430 (IAC) and also BA (Demonstrators in Britain: Risk on Return) Iran CG [2011] UKUT 36 (IAC). The SSHD’s case was that FA admitted in his asylum interview that he was a supporter of the Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran (“KDPI”) and not a member. The SSHD considered it strange that FA had not been introduced to the KDPI until he was 29 and considered that the answers to questions in the the asylum interview were inconsistent.’

Full Story

EIN Blog, 26th February 2024


Insider trading conviction highlights FCA market abuse crackdown –

‘A recent criminal conviction secured by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in a case of insider trading highlights the UK regulator’s intention to proactively crackdown on cases of market abuse – not just with criminal prosecutions but through the enforcement of regulation too, a former senior market regulator has said.’

Full Story, 23rd February 2024


SSHD’s appeal on Bouchereau exception dismissed by Court of Appeal – EIN Blog

Posted February 20th, 2024 in criminal records, disclosure, drug offences, immigration, news by tracey

‘Secretary of State for the Home Department v Okafor [2024] EWCA Civ 23 (23 January 2024). The Court of Appeal has held that UT Judge Grubb’s decision to allow the appeal of Mr Okafor, a Nigerian citizen against the refusal of his leave to enter the UK under the EU Settlement Scheme, notwithstanding his previous conviction for serious drug offences and subsequent related disclosure failures when applying for leave to enter, disclosed no error of law that justified or permitted interference. The judge had considered the cumulative effect of all relevant matters and had not erred in concluding that the individual’s overall conduct did not fall within the exception in R v Bouchereau (Case 30-77) [1978] QB 732 such as to justify his exclusion on the basis that it represented a “genuine, present and sufficiently serious threat affecting one of the fundamental interests of society” under regulation 27(5)(c) of the Immigration (European Economic Area) Regulations 2016. Moylan, Stuart-Smith and Snowden LJJ dismissed the SSHD’s appeal and upheld UT Judge Grubb’s decision to allow Mr Okafor’s appeal against the cancellation and refusal of his leave to enter the UK. Mr Okafor was married to a Swedish national who had been granted indefinite leave to remain in the UK in 2019. He was granted entry clearance under the EUSS in July 2020. On his arrival in the UK in September 2020 with an EUSS family permit, he was refused admission on public policy grounds. His permit was revoked and his leave to enter cancelled under paragraph 321B of the Immigration Rules.’

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EIN Blog, 19th February 2024


Industrial action in the UK –

Posted February 19th, 2024 in employment, industrial action, news, trade unions by tracey

‘UK employers faced with industrial action need to understand the steps that a trade union must take before they can lawfully make a call for industrial action and the timing of those steps.’

Full Story, 16th February 2024


Consultation on Martyn’s law published but questions remain –

‘The UK government’s consultation on proposed changes to the requirements for standard tier premises under draft anti-terrorism legislation confirms a commitment to proportionality. However, questions remain, including on what businesses must do to protect against acts of terrorism, an expert has said.’

Full Story, 14th February 2024


Court of Appeal in England drills down on term ‘incidental’ in tax cases –

Posted February 13th, 2024 in corporation tax, news, statutory interpretation by tracey

‘A recent English Court of Appeal decision provides food for thought surrounding the use of “incidental” in tax legislation, an expert has said.’

Full Story, 12th February 2024


UK court decision provides clarity on scope of litigation privilege –

Posted February 12th, 2024 in appeals, disclosure, documents, fraud, legal profession, news, privilege by tracey

‘A recent Court of Appeal judgment provides useful clarity that non-parties can be entitled to the protection of litigation privilege, an expert has said.’

Full Story, 8th February 2024


UK AI copyright code initiative abandoned –

Posted February 8th, 2024 in artificial intelligence, codes of practice, copyright, news by tracey

‘The UK government has abandoned plans to broker an industry-led agreement on a new AI copyright code of practice, a voluntary framework the government hoped would strike a balance between AI developers’ desire to access quality data to train their AI models and content creators’ right to control – and commercialise – access to their copyrighted works’

Full Story, 7th February 2024


Growing AI litigation risk requires business response –

‘The risk businesses face from litigation is changing as artificial intelligence (AI) tools become more popular. Businesses need to recognise this and consider the different kinds of risks associated with AI technology and how they might give rise to liability.’

Full Story, 5th February 2024


UK High Court dismisses Thatchers cider ‘copycat’ claims –

Posted February 6th, 2024 in consumer protection, food, news, trade marks by tracey

‘A recent decision by the High Court in London may diminish the confidence of firms looking to invoke registered trade mark rights in cases of lookalike products, an expert has said.’

Full Story, 5th February 2024


Growing AI litigation risk requires business response –

‘The risk businesses face from litigation is changing as artificial intelligence (AI) tools become more popular. Businesses need to recognise this and consider the different kinds of risks associated with AI technology and how they might give rise to liability.’

Full Story, 5th February 2024


Brian Christopher Jones: Nigel Farage and the UK Constitution – UK Constitutional Law Association

Posted February 5th, 2024 in brexit, constitutional law, news by sally

‘The upheaval of the UK constitution from 2016 onwards has been associated with a host of individuals, from David Cameron to Boris Johnson to Dominic Cummings, who have received the significant bulk of academic attention in recent years. And yet, another individual has had a substantial impact upon the UK constitution during this time: Nigel Farage. But his impact has not been as direct as other constitutional actors, and has often been scorned, sidelined, or generally undocumented. I can find only passing mentions of Farage on this blog, in addition to other major blogs on the UK constitution. Most of the articles mentioning him do so fleetingly, casting him in a negative light in relation to populism and his influence on Brexit (although some take a slightly more nuanced look). And yet, controversial though he is, Mr Farage deserves more attention. Although it may be easy to discount Farage as a fringe politician that has never held domestic political office, some of the issues and challenges his involvement in politics has brought forward go to the heart of the UK’s constitutional system.’

Full Story

UK Constitutional Law Association, February 2024


Onshore wind policy in England subject to legal challenge –

Posted January 29th, 2024 in climate change, energy, government departments, judicial review, news, planning by sally

‘The UK government’s decision to omit onshore wind projects from the types of energy infrastructure projects that can generally be considered as ‘nationally significant infrastructure projects’ (NSIPs) under planning policy applicable in England is subject to a new legal challenge.’

Full Story, 26th January 2024
