‘Happy slap’ teenagers sentenced – BBC News

Posted March 13th, 2008 in murder, news, sentencing, young offenders by sally

“Two teenagers who beat a man to death in a ‘revolting’ attack, while a 15-year-old girl filmed it on her mobile phone, have been sentenced.”

Full story

BBC News, 13th March 2008

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Girl, 15, convicted of murder – The Guardian

Posted March 3rd, 2008 in murder, news, young offenders by sally

“A 15-year-old girl who stabbed a young mother to death while high on drink and drugs was convicted of murder today.”

Full story

The Guardian, 3rd March 2008

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Jail for disabled man’s ‘sadistic’ murderers – Daily Telegraph

Posted March 3rd, 2008 in murder, news, sentencing, young offenders by sally

“A gang of thugs who murdered a disabled man in a ‘sadistic’ attack were jailed for life yesterday, after the judge heard that killings by youngsters had doubled in a decade.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 1st March 2008

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Train attack youth’s sentence cut – BBC News

Posted February 20th, 2008 in criminal damage, news, sentencing, young offenders by sally

” A youth who dropped masonry from a bridge shattering a train’s windscreen and hitting the driver of a separate train has had his prison sentence cut.”

Full story

BBC News, 20th February 2008

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Girl faces jail for ‘happy slap’ pictures -The Times

Posted February 15th, 2008 in aiding and abetting, homicide, news, young offenders by sally

“A schoolgirl faces a custodial sentence for filming a brutal and fatal attack on a mobile phone.”

Full story

The Times, 15th February, 2008

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

Newlove killer ‘considers appeal’ – BBC News

Posted February 13th, 2008 in appeals, murder, news, young offenders by sally

“One of the gang who kicked to death father-of-three Garry Newlove is considering an appeal over his sentence and conviction, his solicitor has said.”

Full story

BBC News, 13th February 2008

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Teenagers given life sentences for Newlove murder – The Guardian

Posted February 12th, 2008 in murder, news, sentencing, young offenders by sally

“Three youths convicted of kicking and beating Garry Newlove to death outside his own home after a seven-hour drinking binge were today all jailed for life.”

Full story

The Guardian, 11th February 2008

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Now it’s the age of the knife – The Independent

Posted February 4th, 2008 in offensive weapons, special report, young offenders by sally

“One in six murders committed in Britain in 2007 has resulted in the conviction or arrest of a teenager, research by The Independent on Sunday reveals. The figures, gathered by a poll of every police authority in the country, come as statistics from the Ministry of Justice indicate an alarming rise in the number of young people carrying knives, leading to accusations that the Labour government has failed an entire generation.”

Full story

The Independent, 3rd February 2008

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Juvenile court magistrate: Our hands are tied – Daily Telegraph

Posted January 28th, 2008 in magistrates, news, young offenders by sally

“Violent crime committed by children and teenagers has gone up by a third in only three years, an investigation by The Sunday Telegraph revealed last week. Total offences climbed steadily from 184,474 in 2003 to 222,750 in 2006. Most of these are dealt with by overstretched youth courts in possession of limited sentencing powers. Patrick Sawer reports from the ‘frontline’ of youth justice, as magistrates, lawyers and officials struggle to cope with rising levels of youth crime.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 27th January 2008

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Police target youth criminal risk – BBC News

Posted January 24th, 2008 in crime prevention, news, police, young offenders by sally

“Young people who are believed to be at risk of becoming offenders are to be targeted in a new police initiative.”

Full story

BBC News, 24th January 2008

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Police chief: Public should challenge the hoodlums – The Times

Posted January 18th, 2008 in news, young offenders by sally

“The police chief of the county where a father of three was killed as he confronted a teenage gang urged the public last night to continue to challenge young hoodlums.”

Full story

The Times, 18th January 2008
Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

Teenage killer was on bail after committing seven offences – The Guardian

Posted January 18th, 2008 in bail, murder, news, young offenders by sally

“The leader of the gang that kicked and beat Garry Newlove to death was released on bail despite having admitted to carrying out seven separate offences in the year leading up to the murder.”

Full story

The Guardian, 18th January 2008

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Straw supports the courts after bail row over Newlove murderer – The Times

Posted January 18th, 2008 in bail, murder, news, young offenders by sally

“Jack Straw came to the defence of judges and magistrates faced with controversial bail decisions last night, as it emerged that a teenager who killed Garry Newlove had been bailed ten hours earlier.”

Full story

The Times, 18th January 2008

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

Teenagers convicted of Garry Newlove murder – The Times

Posted January 17th, 2008 in murder, news, young offenders by sally

“The wife of father of three Garry Newlove, killed as he confronted a gang of teenage vandals, has delivered an emotional plea for the three youths convicted of his murder today to be handed maximum life sentences.”

Full story

The Times, 16th January 2008

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

Manslaughter sentences over stoning are quashed – The Times

Posted January 14th, 2008 in homicide, news, sentencing, young offenders by sally

“A widow whose husband died after being stoned by a gang of boys said yesterday: ‘Justice has not been done.’ Linda Norton, 56, was speaking after the manslaughter convictions of the five boys, for the death of her husband Ernest, 67, were quashed. Each received a 12-month supervision order for violent disorder yesterday.”

Full story

The Times, 12th January 2008

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

Gordon Brown ditches Respect agenda on youth crime – The Times

Posted January 11th, 2008 in criminal justice, news, young offenders by sally

“Tony Blair’s drive against antisocial behaviour has been scrapped by the Government.”

Full story

The Times, 11th January 2008

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

Tagging blunder in teenage killer case – Daily Telegraph

Posted December 19th, 2007 in bail, electronic monitoring, murder, news, young offenders by sally

A teenager who stabbed a friend to death after a drunken party should have been under curfew and wearing an electronic tag, it was disclosed yesterday.

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 19th December 2007
Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Manslaughter verdicts quashed for boys who stoned pensioner – The Times

Posted December 14th, 2007 in appeals, homicide, news, young offenders by sally

“Five young boys who were convicted of causing a pensioner’s death by pelting him with stones had their convictions for manslaughter overturned yesterday.”

Full story

The Times, 14th December 2007

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

Teenager jailed for rape receives second life sentence for murder – The Guardian

Posted December 10th, 2007 in murder, news, rape, sentencing, young offenders by sally

“A teenager who was jailed for the rape of a schoolgirl two weeks ago was given a second life sentence yesterday for killing a father of two in a flash of temper.”

Full story

The Guardian, 8th December 2007

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Boy gets Asbo for bragging about crimes online – The Guardian

Posted December 5th, 2007 in ASBOs, internet, news, young offenders by sally

“A teenager has been given an antisocial behaviour order that bans him from promoting his criminal behaviour online.”

Full story

The Guardian, 5th December 2007

Source: www.guardian.co.uk