Paralegal to pay £20k in costs for “hopeless” claim against law firm – Legal Futures

‘A paralegal has been ordered to pay costs of just over £20,000 for bringing a “hopeless and misconceived” employment tribunal claim against a law firm.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 25th March 2025


Solicitor can sue ex-firm for misuse of private WhatsApp messages – Legal Futures

‘A High Court master has rejected what he described as a law firm owner’s attempt to “stifle” a misuse of private information (MPI) claim by a junior solicitor he dismissed by applying to have her case struck out.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 11th January 2023


Solicitor sacked over order to move offices wins tribunal claim – Legal Futures

‘A solicitor has won her claim for wrongful dismissal after being sacked by a law firm for pushing back against a direction to relocate with immediate effect to another office.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 9th November 2021


Solicitor can sue firm as employee after ‘informal’ partnership rejected – Law Society’s Gazette

‘A solicitor introduced to an elevated role in her former firm through a historic partnership agreement can make an employment claim as an employee, a tribunal has ruled.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 27th June 2019


Article 9 ECHR & promotion of religious views by employees: Kuteh – Law & Religion UK

‘ In Kuteh v Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust [2019] EWCA Civ 818, the Claimant was a nursing sister employed by the Trust. She was a “committed Christian”; and in March and April 2016, staff in her department told her superiors that patients had been complaining that when they were being assessed by Mrs Kuteh she had been raising matters of religion and faith with them. One patient complained that she had been asked “what she thought Easter was about”, another that he had been asked what he thought being a Christian meant and a third, about to undergo major surgery for bowel cancer, that she had told him that if he prayed to God he would have a better chance of survival. In the end, she was dismissed: she lost her claim in the Employment Tribunal and, in an unreported judgment, the Employment Appeal Tribunal held that the grounds for an appeal to it were unarguable and dismissed her appeal from the ET’s decision[1]. [For the detailed background, see Mrs S Kuteh v Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust (England and Wales: Unfair Dismissal) [2017] UKET 2302764/2016.]’

Full Story

Law & Religion UK, 14th May 2019


Bus driver sacked for positive cocaine test awarded £40k as tribunal agrees drug came from students’ notes – Daily Telegraph

‘A bus driver who was sacked for testing positive for cocaine has been awarded £40,000 after a tribunal ruled the drug could have got into his system when he licked his fingers after accepting notes from students.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 20th November 2018


Royal Academy of Music teacher wrongfully sacked for referring to violinists as ‘gypos’, tribunal rules – Daily Telegraph

Posted November 20th, 2018 in diversity, equality, news, victimisation, wrongful dismissal by sally

‘A Royal Academy of Music teacher was wrongfully dismissed for referring to violinists as ‘gypos’, a tribunal ruled.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 19th November 2018


TaxPayers’ Alliance concedes it launched smears against Brexit whistleblower – The Guardian

‘The rightwing pressure group the TaxPayers’ Alliance has conceded that it illegally sacked the whistleblower Shahmir Sanni for revealing unlawful overspending in the Brexit referendum campaign, in a case that could have a major impact on how lobbyists are described in the media.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 11th November 2018


Regulators can be taken to employment tribunals, Supreme Court rules – Law Society’s Gazette

‘Solicitors claiming wrongful dismissal can potentially hold the Solicitors Regulation Authority to account in the employment tribunal following a Supreme Court judgment which clarifies rules on bringing complaints against qualifications bodies. The long-running case Michalak v General Medical Council and others centred on a discrimination complaint brought against the medical regulator by Dr Ewa Michalak. The SRA intervened in support of the GMC.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 3rd November 2017


Wrongful Dismissal Damages – Employment Law Blog

Posted June 30th, 2017 in damages, news, wrongful dismissal by tracey

‘It is established law that (1) the doctrine of mitigation of loss by way of avoided loss applies to claims for damages for breach of contract by way of wrongful dismissal from employment, (2) this means that there must be deducted amounts that the employee earned or should have earned in substituted alternative employment, and (3) such amounts are capable of encompassing benefits in kind, but (4) this is subject to the important qualification that the benefit must not be too remote. Lavarack v Woods of Colchester [1967] 1 QB 278 is an illustration of these propositions.’

Full Story

Employment Law Blog, 29th June 2017


Adesokan v Sainsbury’s – Cloisters

‘Caspar Glyn QC considers the Court of Appeal’s judgment today that an employee can be summarily dismissed for negligence and that a wrongfully dismissed employee cannot normally maintain an ongoing claim for wages.’

Full story

Cloisters, 24th January 2017


Preservation of Evidence and Misconduct During Employment: Is the Law Right? – Littleton Chambers

Posted November 9th, 2016 in confidentiality, disclosure, documents, employment, news, wrongful dismissal by sally

‘An employee believes that the working relationship with her employer is breaking down. She anticipates future disputes about a bonus, and any imminent future termination. Wanting to ensure that she has key documents available in case she needs to seek advice or prove a future claim, she emails some of them – including confidential documents – to a hotmail account. Has she done anything wrong?’

Full story

Littleton Chambers, 4th October 2016


Fiduciary Duties, Football, and the Fundamental Importance of the Contractual Relationship – Sports Law Bulletin

‘Can a senior employee be ordered to pay back his past contractual remuneration to his employer as a remedy for breach of fiduciary duty, in particular a duty to confess his own wrongdoing? There has been an increasing trend over the past few years for employers, outraged at the belatedly discovered wrongdoing of a trusted senior employee, to not only seek to justify summary dismissal on the basis of after-discovered gross misconduct but also to go a step further and try to recover the salaries or bonuses already paid to the employee prior to discovery of the misconduct.’

Full story

Sports Law Bulletin, 7th June 2016


Senior EU lawyer backs workplace ban on Muslim headscarves – The Guardian

‘Companies should be free to ban Muslim women from wearing headscarves at work if they have a general policy barring all religious and political symbols, a senior EU lawyer has said.’

Full story

The Guardian, 31st May 2016


Couple claim wrongful dismissal in UK’s first ‘caste bias’ battle – The Independent

Posted August 19th, 2011 in employment tribunals, news, race discrimination, wrongful dismissal by sally

“An Indian couple who met at a UK law firm where they both worked are claiming wrongful dismissal because of discrimination by caste.”

Full story

The Independent, 18th August 2011


McLaughlin v Governor of the Cayman Islands [2007] UKPC 50 – WLR Daily

Posted July 31st, 2007 in compensation, law reports, wrongful dismissal by michael

McLaughlin v Governor of the Cayman Islands [2007] UKPC 50

When a decision to dismiss a public office holder had been held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be void, the office holder remained entitled to his full emoluments of that office until his tenure of office was lawfully ended.”

WLR Daily, 30th July 2007


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.