Returning from lockdown – Dealing with employee complaints: whistleblowing and the Equality Act – St John’s Buildings
‘The country is going to start to try and emerge from the lockdown, which was imposed to try and slow the spread of coronavirus. Guidance provided on 10.05.2020 was that some employees, who cannot work from home, should go to work. Coronavirus is still with us, so the Government has produced guidance on how employers can implement social distancing measures so as to make the workplace safe for its workers. For instance, employers are told that they might consider staggering start times; providing handwashing facilities or hand sanitiser at entrances; reducing congestion by opening multiple entrances, having one-way flow, discouraging non-essential trips; or rearranging workstations. The list goes on, but there are perhaps infinite ways in which employees can be protected in any particular workplace.’
St John's Buildings, 18th May 2020