Employment vetting: have we got it right yet? – Halsbury’s Law Exchange

Posted September 8th, 2011 in bills, criminal records, employment, news, vetting by sally

“In a forthcoming policy paper for Halsbury’s Law Exchange I discuss the employment vetting system, in the light of the changes made by the Protection of Freedoms Bill. Although in some respect the Bill is welcome, I argue that it does not go far enough in reforming this difficult area.”

Full story

Halsbury’s Law Exchange, 7th September 2011

Source: www.halsburyslawexchange.co.uk

Criminal checks on people working with children scaled back – Home Office

Posted February 11th, 2011 in children, criminal records, press releases, vetting by sally

“More than nine million people working or volunteering with children and vulnerable adults will no longer need to register and be monitored by the state.”

Full press release

Home Office, 11th February 2011

Source: www.homeoffice.gov.uk

Freedom Bill signals common sense approach to public protection – Home Office

“Millions of people will be protected from unwarranted state intrusion in their private lives, the Home Secretary has outlined in today’s Protection of Freedoms Bill.”

Full press release

Home Office, 11th February 2011


Thousands could sue Government over unlawful ‘child protection’ sackings – Daily Telegraph

Posted January 31st, 2011 in child neglect, criminal records, news, nurses, vetting by sally

“Nurses who were banned from working under a controversial vetting scheme are to launch a major test case against the Government in the European Court.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 30th January 2011

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Scrutiny of vetting and barring scheme gets underway – Home Office

Posted October 22nd, 2010 in child abuse, criminal records, press releases, vetting by sally

“The system of checks that people working with children and vulnerable adults are required to undergo will be considered afresh in a radical examination of the Vetting and Barring Scheme (VBS). The Government today outlined the terms of a thorough review of the VBS which will re-examine whether the scheme is the most appropriate mechanism to protect children and vulnerable people and, if so, how many roles should be covered by it.”

Full press release

Home Office, 22nd October 2010

Source: www.homeoffice.gov.uk

Anti-paedophile vetting scheme to be ripped up – Daily Telegraph

Posted October 22nd, 2010 in child abuse, criminal records, news, vetting by sally

“An anti-paedophile vetting scheme that would have forced nine million people to undergo checks is to be ripped up under a review to be announced today, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 22nd October 2010

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Vetting scheme ‘would not protect children as paedophiles operate online’ – Daily Telegraph

Posted June 29th, 2010 in children, criminal records, news, vetting by sally

“Children would not be protected by Labour’s controversial anti-paedophile database, according to experts, because sexual predators are more likely to find victims online rather than in their workplaces.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 29th June 2010

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Vetting and Barring Scheme registration halted – Home Office

Posted June 18th, 2010 in child abuse, criminal records, press releases, vetting by sally

“Registration with the Vetting and Barring Scheme (VBS) will be halted to allow the government to remodel the scheme back to proportionate, common sense levels, it was announced today.”

Full press release

Home Office, 15th June 2010

Source: www.homeoffice.gov.uk

Climbdown over plan to vet contact with children – The Independent

Posted December 14th, 2009 in child abuse, criminal records, news, vetting by sally

“Controversial new rules requiring adults who have frequent access to other people’s children to be enrolled on an official register are to be dramatically scaled down, just two months after they were introduced.”

Full story

The Independent, 13th December 2009

Source: www.independent.co.uk

15,000 people criminalised by Criminal Records Bureau over past six years – Daily Telegraph

Posted November 11th, 2009 in criminal records, news, vetting by sally

“Up to 15,000 people have been wrongly branded criminals or accused of more serious offences by the Government agency which vets the backgrounds of people who want to work with children, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 11th November 2009

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Court rules on vetting safeguards – BBC News

Posted October 29th, 2009 in children, criminal records, news, vetting by sally

“New vetting checks designed to protect children and vulnerable people carry a “real risk” of undermining public confidence, the Supreme Court has said.”

Full story

BBC News, 29th October 2009

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Flawed vetting system that allowed an abuser to slip through the net – The Independent

Posted October 2nd, 2009 in child abuse, criminal records, news, vetting by sally

“Few parents will have forgotten the day they handed over their child to a nursery worker or other carer for the first time. For many, the experience would have been tinged with a sense of guilt – but all will recall the overwhelming need to trust the person into whose hands you deliver the most precious thing in your life. The horrors that unfolded at Little Ted’s Day Nursery in Plymouth will increase the anxieties of couples who, with the aid of the Government, have turned to professional childcare in ever greater numbers over the past decade. According to the National Day Nurseries Association, 15,500 nurseries in Britain cater for 700,000 pupils. Pre-school children spend an average of 21 hours a week in nurseries, a study by the Department for Children, Schools and Families found recently.”

Full story

The Independent, 2nd October 2009

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Vetting scheme for adults under review – The Guardian

Posted September 15th, 2009 in children, criminal records, news, vetting by sally

“The government is to look again at the detailed operation of its controversial scheme to vet the 11 million adults who are in regular contact with other people’s children in the face of a public outcry that it could jeopardise ‘perfectly safe and normal activities’.”

Full story

The Guardian, 14th September 2009

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

School protection register is flawed – The Independent

Posted August 6th, 2009 in child abuse, criminal records, news, vetting by sally

“The man whose inquiry led to new vetting procedures for adults working with children today calls on the Government to rethink parts of its controversial anti-paedophile register.”

Full story

The Independent, 6th August 2009

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Criminal Records Bureau errors lead to hundreds being branded criminals – Daily Telegraph

Posted August 3rd, 2009 in criminal records, news, vetting by sally

“More than 1,500 people have been wrongly branded as criminals or mistakenly given a clean record by the government agency set up to vet those working with children, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 2nd August 2009

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Teenage volunteers face prosecution unless they register with anti-paedophile database – Daily Telegraph

Posted July 31st, 2009 in children, criminal records, news, vetting by sally

“Guidance for the controversial Independent Safeguarding Authority states that youths who want to help vulnerable groups will have to be vetted ‘in time for their 16th birthday to avoid committing an offence’.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 31st July 2009

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Analysis: Soham loopholes still not closed – The Times

Posted June 11th, 2009 in child abuse, criminal records, news, vetting by sally

“The investigation into alleged child abuse at the Little Ted nursery is likely to consider whether the worker who was charged yesterday was subjected to the correct vetting process. Loopholes in vetting came to light after the Soham murders of 2002. Yet a new system designed to strengthen checks has yet to come into force, although ministers say they are confident that they will meet the latest deadline of this October.”

Full story

The Times, 11th June 2009

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

Criminal record checks double in five years – Daily Telegraph

Posted August 11th, 2008 in criminal records, news, vetting by sally

“The number of people forced to undergo vetting by the Criminal Records Bureau has doubled in the last five years to nearly 3 million.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 8th August 2008

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Hundreds of innocent people ‘wrongly branded criminals’, by CRB checks – Daily Telegraph

Posted July 7th, 2008 in criminal records, news, vetting by sally

“Hundreds of innocent people have been wrongly branded as criminals by the Government agency set up to vet people working with children, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 5th July 2008

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk