First Tier Tribunal (Tax Chamber) – Payment of Tax or Hardship Application not Required to Lodge Notice of Appeal – 23 Essex Street
‘On 19 May 2017 HMRC decided that SNMP was not entitled to repayments of input tax claimed in respect of ten accounting periods and issued assessments for £312,377. That decision was later confirmed following a statutory review under sections 83A-G Value Added Tax Act 1994 (“VATA”). The solicitors for SNMP submitted a notice of appeal on 18 August 2017 but an application for hardship was not made nor had the amount in dispute been paid. As a consequence the FTT returned the appeal. The solicitors for SNMP re-submitted the appeal on 31 August 2017 but the disputed tax had still not been paid and neither had a hardship application been made. On the same date the FTT returned the appeal for the same reason as before by e-mail. Unfortunately the FTT used the wrong e-mail address for the solicitor and it was never received.’
23 Essex Street, 25th August 2022