Student son’s right to privacy – The Times

Posted May 16th, 2008 in data protection, news, universities by sally

“A university lecturer who wrote to an undergraduate’s mother to outline details of the student’s studies has been reprimanded for breaching data protection rules.”

Full story

The Times, 15th May 2008


University offers combined ‘British law’ degree – The Lawyer

Posted April 11th, 2008 in legal education, news, universities by sally

“The University of Dundee is introducing a bachelors law degree enabling dual-qualification in Scots and English & Welsh law. From September 2008 students will be able to study all of the subjects required by each of the respective local Law Societies.”

Full story

The Lawyer, 10th April 2008


New guidance calls on universities to reject separatism and ban those who preach violence – The Guardian

Posted January 22nd, 2008 in Islam, news, universities by sally

“Universities with large numbers of Muslim students should consider rejecting demands for separate prayer and washing facilities to prevent their campuses segregating along religious lines and risking a climate where illegal extremist views can flourish, the government will suggest today.”

Full story

The Guardian, 22nd January 2008


More students lodge complaints – BBC News

Posted August 16th, 2007 in complaints, news, universities by sally

“More students are lodging complaints about their universities, an independent watchdog reports.”

Full story

BBC News, 16th August 2007
