Krishan Nadesan: Asking the Impossible: Benn, Kinnock and Extending Article 50 – UK Constitutional Law Association

‘Boris Johnson seems caught in an impossible bind. The European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 2) Act – the Benn Act for short – obliges him to seek an extension of Article 50 on 19 October. He can extend, honour the law, but break his promises. He can refuse to extend, honour his promises, but break the law. Or he can resign. The Benn Act appears to trap the Prime Minister between these unpalatable options. Nevertheless, he may be able to escape. For the Act may ask the impossible.’

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UK Constitutional Law Association, 1st October 2019


‘Matter of time’: lawyers optimistic about enforcing foreign judgments – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted October 2nd, 2019 in enforcement, foreign jurisdictions, judgments, news, treaties by sally

‘Lawyers are optimistic about the success of a new international convention designed to make the enforcement of court judgments easier across jurisdictions.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 1st October 2019


Philip Allott: The Legality of a No-Deal Brexit Could Be Challenged – UK Constitutional Law Association

Posted September 3rd, 2019 in brexit, EC law, international law, interpretation, news, time limits, treaties by sally

‘It may be that there is no such thing as a date of 31 October 2019 for a no-deal UK withdrawal from the EU. On 9 April 2019, according to Le Monde, Michel Barnier, chief negotiator for the European Council in the withdrawal negotiations with the UK, said: ‘The EU will never take a decision on a ‘no deal’. That will be a choice for the British.’’

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UK Constitutional Law Association, 3rd September 2019


Manchester Arena bomber’s brother held in UK after extradition – The Guardian

‘The brother of the Manchester Arena attacker, Salman Abedi, has been extradited from Libya to the UK to face multiple murder charges over his alleged role in the attack.’

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The Guardian, 17th July 2019


David Vitale: Leaving the EU: A Matter of “Trust”? – UK Constitutional Law Association

Posted April 9th, 2019 in brexit, news, referendums, treaties by sally

‘Since the referendum in 2016, the Government has repeatedly justified its decisions on Brexit by invoking the concept of public trust. In December last year, the Prime Minister rejected the idea of a second referendum because, in her view, it “would do irreparable damage to the integrity of our politics, because it would say to millions who trusted in democracy, that our democracy does not deliver”. Then, last month, the Prime Minister said that not leaving the EU would cause “potentially irreparable damage to public trust”. And most recently, the Government – when confronted with a public petition to revoke Article 50 and remain in the EU – relied upon this concept of public trust to justify its ultimate rejection of that petition.’

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UK Constitutional Law Association, 9th April 2019


Philip Allott: Unexpected Denouement. The UK Remains in the EU by Mistake. The Brexit Saga Could Run and Run – UK Constitutional Law Association

Posted March 26th, 2019 in brexit, constitutional law, EC law, news, notification, time limits, treaties by sally

‘The two-year time-limit in Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union has come and gone. It is now possible that no withdrawal agreement between the European Council and the UK will be concluded. This means that the UK would leave the EU in catastrophic circumstances on April 12. An interesting final irony would be that the UK would be leaving the EU on the basis of a legal howler.’

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UK Constitutional Law Association, 26th March 2019


Kasey McCall-Smith: The Realities of Being Global: Treaty Law and Brexit – UK Constitutional Law Association

Posted March 20th, 2019 in brexit, EC law, news, treaties by sally

‘Throughout the two years of Brexit debates following Article 50 notification, the UK Government and Parliament consistently have failed to recognise that even if EU law is no longer applicable after Brexit, the UK is still bound to a broad gamut of rules under international law. Apparently attempting to appease Brexiteers, on 11 March Theresa May offered a unilateral statement to the EU on the UK interpretation of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland in relation to the backstop set out therein. In a similar vein, two days later, Geoffrey Cox MP argued that article 62 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (Vienna Convention) offered an easy out of the Withdrawal Agreement and Northern Ireland backstop if a more acceptable arrangement could not be reached in the coming years. Now pundits, politicians, and academics alike are expending great energy trying to ascertain what effect the unilateral statement or article 62 may have on the Withdrawal Agreement in future. Put simply, the statement has no legal effect. Article 62 is not a panacea and both the UK government and Parliament would do well to stop relying on concepts in international law to cure all that is disagreeable with the Brexit process. International law supports the precise opposite positions asserted in both of these circumstances. If the aim in leaving the EU is to ‘be global’ without the filter of EU regulations, the application of the international rules (in which the UK had a heavy hand in drafting) must be understood as starting, rather than end, points for negotiating future relationships.’

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UK Constitutional Law Association, 20th March 2019


Brexit Britain Could Be A Human Rights ‘Weak Link’, Fears Equality Watchdog – Rights Info

Posted March 12th, 2019 in brexit, human rights, news, treaties by sally

‘The government must ensure human rights standards are applied in treaties after Brexit, the UK Parliament Human Rights Committee has said.’

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Rights Info, 12th March 2019


‘An International Embarrassment’: Just How Likely Is It The Human Rights Act Could Actually Be Scrapped? – Rights Info

Posted February 14th, 2019 in human rights, news, treaties by sally

‘Our human rights are some of the most longstanding British traditions alive, often dated all the way back to Magna Carta. Somewhat conversely though, they feel continually under threat, with one expert saying recent questions over their future could leave us a “rung below Russia”.’

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Rights Info, 13th February 2019


Four key messages about EU staff and Brexit – Technology Law Update

Posted January 23rd, 2019 in brexit, EC law, employment, news, treaties by sally

‘The recent vote in the UK House of Commons to reject the EU Withdrawal Agreement may result in additional concern for EU staff and their employers in the tech sector.’

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Technology Law Update, 23rd January 2019


Jurisdiction after a no deal Brexit – Competition Bulletin

Posted January 23rd, 2019 in brexit, domicile, EC law, jurisdiction, news, treaties by sally

‘Time for some more speculation about the future which awaits us after 29 March. The topic this time is jurisdiction.’

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Competition Bulletin, 22nd January 2010


Aris Georgopoulos: Revoking Article 50 TEU (C-621/18 Wightman and others): “Iphigenia Must Reach the Altar” – UK Constitutional Law Association

Posted December 18th, 2018 in brexit, constitutional law, EC law, news, treaties by sally

‘The CJEU’s ruling in C-621/18 Wightman and others clarifying that Member States can unilaterally revoke the withdrawal notification of Article 50 (2) TEU, is bound to have repercussions; in the case of Brexit and beyond.’

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UK Constitutional Law Association, 17th December 2018


Kenneth Armstrong: The Advent of Brexit – Can It Be Paused? – UK Constitutional Law Association

Posted December 12th, 2018 in brexit, constitutional law, EC law, news, notification, time limits, treaties by sally

‘As each day passes, a new window seems to be thrown open exposing a fresh legal issues to be solved as the UK continues its journey towards its withdrawal from the European Union. It’s like an advent calendar for lawyers.’

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UK Constitutional Law Association, 12th December 2018


The myth that Article 50 is a one-way street – New Law Journal

Posted December 11th, 2018 in brexit, EC law, news, statutory interpretation, treaties by sally

‘David Wolchover explains exactly why Article 50 can be unilaterally rescinded.’

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New Law Journal, 5th December 2018


Gavin Phillipson and Alison L. Young: Wightman: What Would Be the UK’s Constitutional Requirements to Revoke Article 50? – UK Constitutional Law Association

Posted December 10th, 2018 in brexit, constitutional law, EC law, news, notification, referendums, Scotland, treaties by sally

‘Today the Court of Justice of the European Union delivered its judgment in Wightman. This followed the opinion of Advocate General Campos Sánchez-Bordona, concluding that the UK may unilaterally revoke its notification of its intention to leave the EU. In a similar manner to the AG, the CJEU placed conditions on this unilateral revocation. A formal process would be needed to notify the European Council of the UK’s intention to revoke article 50. Such notice of revocation would have to be unequivocal and unconditional (para 74), and, importantly, ‘in accordance with the constitutional requirements of the Member State’, in this case, the UK, and following a ‘democratic process’ (para 66). It would also have to take place before the end of the Article 50 negotiation period, or any agreed extension, and before a Withdrawal Agreement between the exiting state and the EU had been ‘concluded’ – i.e. entered into force (para 73). In addition, the AG’s opinion was that any revocation would have to be in ‘good faith’ and in line with the requirement of ‘sincere cooperation’ between the Member State and the EU and. Further, although not required, it would be reasonable for the Member State to provide its reasons for revoking the Article 50 notification.’

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UK Constitutional Law Association, December 2018


Brexit: UK can unilaterally revoke article 50, says ECJ – The Guardian

‘The UK can unilaterally stop the Brexit process, the European court of justice has said in a ruling that will boost demands for a second EU referendum.’

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The Guardian, 10th December 2018


Article 50: Law officer says UK can cancel Brexit – BBC News

Posted December 4th, 2018 in brexit, EC law, news, references to European Court, treaties by tracey

‘The UK should be able to unilaterally cancel its withdrawal from the EU, according to a top European law officer. The non-binding opinion was delivered by the European Court of Justice’s advocate general.’

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BBC News, 4th December 2018


Brexit: court rejects attempt to derail legal action to revoke article 50 – The Guardian

Posted November 20th, 2018 in brexit, news, references to European Court, Supreme Court, treaties by sally

‘The supreme court has dismissed an attempt by the Brexit secretary to derail a European court hearing into whether article 50 – which triggered the UK’s departure from the EU – could be reversed.’

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The Guardian, 20th November 2018


Is it time for the 1980 Hague Convention to be revised? – Family Law

Posted November 7th, 2018 in child abduction, enforcement, news, treaties by sally

‘The Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (“1980 Hague Convention”) is a multilateral treaty developed by the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH). There are currently 99 Contracting Parties to the 1980 Hague Convention and it is often lauded as one of, if not the most, successful international family law initiatives.’

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Family Law, 7th November 2018


Covered Investment in International Investment Law – Chapter in Investment Treaty Arbitration Review – 4 New Square

Posted November 2nd, 2018 in arbitration, international law, news, treaties by sally

‘Can Yeginsu (4 New Square Chambers) and Ceyda Knoebel (Gibson Dunn) examine the definition of “investment”, often a critical threshold question of jurisdiction in investor state arbitration.’

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4 New Square, 5th October 2018
