Torture evidence ignored by Home Office, says charity – BBC News

Posted November 21st, 2016 in asylum, evidence, news, torture by sally

‘The Home Office is “disregarding and mistreating” medical evidence of torture in UK asylum claims, a report by a charity suggests.’

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BBC News, 21st November 2016


Supreme court case reopens debate over battlefield human rights – The Guardian

Posted October 25th, 2016 in Afghanistan, appeals, armed forces, bills, detention, human rights, news, Supreme Court, torture by michael

‘The political row over whether human rights law can be extended to the battlefield will be reopened this week in a supreme court case over the legality of detaining a Taliban suspect in Afghanistan.’

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The Guardian, 25th October 2016


Developments in the oversight of British Troops abroad – the Roundup – UK Human Rights Blog

‘The oversight of the conduct of British soldiers in Iraq has been subject of two recent developments. The first is political, as Prime Minister Theresa May has renewed criticism of investigations into allegations of criminal behaviour of British troops. The second is legal, with the Court of Appeal offering clarification as to the role of the ECHR in conflicts abroad. However, comments by Defence Secretary Michael Fallon have since thrown into doubt the future role of the ECHR in conflicts abroad.’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 5th October 2016


Theresa May trying to protect soldiers who murder prisoners and torture civilians, says top human rights lawyer – The Independent

Posted October 6th, 2016 in armed forces, human rights, murder, news, torture, treaties by tracey

‘Geoffrey Robertson QC, a former UN judge, hits back after Prime Minister vows to defend Armed Forces personnel from “activist left-wing human rights lawyers.” ‘

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The Independent, 5th October 2016


How often must we investigate torture? – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted September 21st, 2016 in appeals, armed forces, detention, human rights, Iraq, news, torture, war by tracey

‘Al-Saadoon & Ors v. Secretary of State for Defence [2016] EWCA Civ 811, 9 September 2016. This post concerns the extent of any obligations imposed on the UK to investigate violations of non-refoulement (under Article 3, ECHR) and arbitrary deprivation of liberty (Article 5, ECHR). The non-refoulement issue arose from two individuals whom had been captured by British forces in Iraq claimed they were transferred to American custody and subsequently ill-treated. The Article 5 issue arose from the detention by British forces in Iraq of several individuals who claimed to have had their Article 5 rights violated whilst in British custody.’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 20th September 2016


Theresa May will not allow an ‘industry of vexatious allegations’ against British troops over claims of abuse in Iraq – The Independent

Posted September 21st, 2016 in armed forces, inquiries, Iraq, murder, news, torture by tracey

‘Theresa May has made clear she will not allow an “industry of vexatious allegations” against British troops over claims of abuse in Iraq. But the Prime Minister refused to bow to pressure and dismantle the Government body, the Iraq Historic Allegations Team (IHAT), which is handling approximately 1,500 allegations of murder, abuse and torture carried out by British soldiers.’

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The Independent, 21st September 2016


War remains inside the court room: jurisdiction under ECHR – UK Human Rights Blog

‘This is an extremely important judgment from the Court of Appeal on the reach of the ECHR into war zones, in this case Iraq. The CA, with the only judgment given by Lloyd Jones LJ, disagreed in part with Leggatt J.’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 11th September 2016


Hundreds of compensation claims against British soldiers could be abandoned after controversial law firm announces closure – Daily Telegraph

‘Hundreds of compensation claims against British soldiers are likely to be abandoned after a controversial law firm accused of “hounding” troops announced that it is closing.’

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Daily Telegraph, 15th August 2016


We Need To Talk About…Abu Qatada – RightsInfo

‘In the first of an occasional series, we discuss a controversial human rights case and argue that there is another side to the way the case was reported.’

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RightsInfo, 7th July 2016


Why We Shouldn’t Use Evidence Obtained By Torture – RightsInfo

Posted July 13th, 2016 in evidence, human rights, news, terrorism, torture by sally

‘Torture is wrong, we all know that. But so too is its lesser known sibling – evidence obtained by torture. In this opinion article, Corallina Lopez-Curzi takes us through why this practice cannot be relied on in court and how we are ultimately responsible for making sure this does not happen in the UK.’

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RightsInfo, 28th June 2016


Outrage as war crimes prosecutors say Tony Blair will not be investigated over Chilcot’s Iraq war report – but British soldiers could be – Daily Telegraph

‘Prosecutors at the International Criminal Court will examine the Chilcot report for evidence of abuse and torture by British soldiers but have already ruled out putting Tony Blair on trial for war crimes.’

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Daily Telegraph, 2nd July 2016


Battle to stop Jack Straw facing Libya rendition charges – The Guardian

‘The government has spent at least £600,000 of taxpayers’ money trying to prevent a civil case being brought against it by a husband and wife who allege that British intelligence was complicit in their detention, rendition and torture.’

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The Guardian, 26th June 2016


Crown Prosecution Service statement: Operation Lydd – CPS News Brief

‘The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has considered a file of evidence from the Metropolitan Police relating to one suspect in connection with allegations made concerning the movement and alleged ill treatment of Abdel Hakim Belhadj and his wife, Fatima Boudchar, and Sami Al Saadi and his wife and children from countries in South East Asia to Libya in 2004.’

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CPS News Brief, 9th June 2016


CPS will not bring charges against MI6 over rendition of Libyan families – The Guardian

‘Prosecutors are set to announce that they are bringing no charges following a police investigation into MI6’s involvement in the kidnapping of two families who were “rendered” to the late Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi’s prisons, despite protests by the victims and their lawyers that the evidence against the agency is overwhelming.’

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The Guardian, 8th June 2016


High Court strikes down unfair decision in DFT of vulnerable victim of torture – Free Movement

Posted May 27th, 2016 in asylum, damages, detention, false imprisonment, news, torture by tracey

‘In the first judgment of its kind since the suspension of the Detained Fast Track on 2 July 2015, the High Court struck down the Home Secretary’s refusal and certification of an asylum claim which was made in the structurally unfair and unjust Detained Fast Track (DFT) and ordered the Home Secretary to remake the decision afresh without regard to material obtained in the unfair process. The case is R (on the application of Zafar) v The Secretary of State for the Home Department [2016] EWHC 1217 (Admin).’

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Free Movement, 25th May 2016


Mau Mau rebellion victims claim parliament was misled over torture – The Guardian

Posted May 24th, 2016 in colonies, compensation, Kenya, news, parliament, torture, victims by sally

‘The UK’s parliament was misled over the brutal tactics used to suppress the 1950s Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya, the high court has heard.’

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The Guardian, 23rd May 2016


Mau Mau lawsuit due to begin at high court – The Guardian

‘Compensation claims for torture, rape, wrongful detention and forced labour brought by 40,000 Kenyans who allege they were mistreated by British officials during the Mau Mau insurgency are due to be heard in the high court in London on Monday.’

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The Guardian, 22nd May 2016


Regina (Al-Saadoon and others) v Secretary of State for Defence (No 2) – WLR Daily

Regina (Al-Saadoon and others) v Secretary of State for Defence (No 2) [2016] EWHC 773 (Admin)

‘The claimants brought public law claims in the courts of the United Kingdom arising out of the British military involvement in Iraq between 2003 and 2009. The claims involved allegations of ill-treatment and in some cases unlawful killing, of Iraqi civilians by British soldiers. By their claims for judicial review the claimants sought court orders requiring the Secretary of State to investigate alleged human rights violations. Issues arose relating to the UK’s obligations under articles 2 and 3 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, including (i) the nature and scope of the state’s substantive obligation under article 2 of the Convention in relation to the use of lethal force while seeking to quell riots and uphold law and order during the occupation of Iraq, (ii) when the investigative duty under article 2 arose in such circumstances and (iii) the effect of delay on the investigative duties under articles 2 and 3 where the allegations of breach of the substantive rights were made many years after the incidents in question.’

WLR Daily, 7th April 2016


What has the European Court of Human Rights done for us? – The Independent

‘Campaigners and politicians have criticised Home Secretary Theresa May’s assertion that Britain should leave the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).’

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The Independent, 25th April 2016


Theresa May barred from deporting six men to Algeria over torture concerns – The Independent

‘The Government has been barred from deporting six men to Algeria because there is a “real risk” they could be tortured there, judges have ruled.’

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The Independent, 18th April 2016
