Legal victory for child abuse man – BBC News

Posted January 30th, 2008 in news, sexual offences, time limits by sally

“A North Yorkshire man who suffered sexual abuse as a child has won the right to sue his tormentors in a landmark ruling by Law Lords.”

Full story

BBC News, 30th January 2008


‘I did not bring this case for the money – it is a fight for justice’ – The Times

Posted January 30th, 2008 in compensation, news, sexual offences, time limits by sally

“Two decades after being dragged into bushes and sexually assaulted as she took a daylight stroll through a Leeds park, Mrs A still suffers nightmares. Now in her late 70s, Mrs A has said that the brutality of the attack destroyed her confidence and left her with lasting psychiatric injury.”

Full story

The Times, 30th January 2008


Lotto rape victim wins hope for thousands – The Times

Posted January 30th, 2008 in compensation, news, sexual offences, time limits by sally

“One woman’s quest for justice against the so-called Lotto rapist ends in victory today, with a court ruling that paves the way for thousands of sex abuse victims to sue their attackers for compensation, The Times has learnt.”

Full story

The Times, 30th January 2008


Statek Corpn v Alford and another – WLR Daily

Posted January 29th, 2008 in breach of trust, law reports, time limits by sally

Statek Corpn v Alford and another [2008] EWHC 32 (Ch); [2008] WLR (D) 10

“S 21(1) of the Limitation Act 1980 applied to a claim by a beneficiary under a trust against an accessory to fraudulent breaches of trust committed by other people so that no limitation period applied to such claims.”

WLR Daily, 28th January 2008


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Parties miss legal deadline on gifts donations – Daily Telegraph

Posted January 26th, 2008 in elections, gifts, news, political parties, time limits by sally

“The Labour Party has repeatedly failed to declare donations totalling more than £2.8 million to electoral regulators within the legal time limit, it emerged last night.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 26th January 2008


Fleming (t/a Bodycraft) v Revenue and Customs Commissioners – Times Law Report

Posted January 25th, 2008 in EC law, law reports, retrospectivity, time limits, VAT by sally

Fleming (t/a Bodycraft) v Revenue and Customs Commissioners
Conde Nast Publications Ltd v Same

House of Lords

“There was a breach of European Union law in the absence of a transitional period when the legislature introduced a retrospective time limit within which those liable to value-added tax could make a claim for overpaid input tax.”

The Times, 25th January 2008 


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

Fleming (trading as Bodycraft) v Revenue and Customs Commissioners; Conde Nast Publications Ltd v Revenue and Customs Commissioners – WLR Daily

Posted January 24th, 2008 in EC law, law reports, retrospectivity, time limits, VAT by sally

Fleming (trading as Bodycraft) v Revenue and Customs Commissioners; Conde Nast Publications Ltd v Revenue and Customs Commissioners [2008] UKHL 2; [2008] WLR (D) 5

“The absence of a transitional period when the legislature introduced a retrospective time limit within which value added taxpayers could make a claim for overpaid input tax amounted to a breach of European Community law. Therefore the time limit had to be disapplied in respect of those who had accrued rights when the retrospective time limit was introduced, and in all the circumstances it was for the legislature and not the court to introduce an adequate transitional period.”

WLR Daily, 23rd January 2008


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Stuart v Goldberg Linde and another – WLR Daily

Posted January 21st, 2008 in abuse of process, law reports, striking out, time limits by sally

Stuart v Goldberg Linde and another [2008] EWCA Civ 2 [2008] WLR (D) 4

“In determining whether a claim was an abuse of the process of the court on the ground that it should have been included in a previous action, the prospects of the claim’s success or failure and delay in bringing it (falling short of a statutory time bar or laches) were not generally relevant.”

WLR Daily, 18th January 2008


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Vohora and Another – Times Law Reports

Posted December 10th, 2007 in company directors, disqualification, law reports, time limits by sally

Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Vohora and Another


“A claim by the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry to disqualify a director of a company under section 6 of the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 had to be brought, rather than commenced within two years.”

The Times, 10th December 2007


Please note the Times Law Reports are only avaialble free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication. 

O’Byrne v Aventis Pasteur MSD Ltd – Times Law Reports

Posted November 19th, 2007 in law reports, substitution, time limits by sally

O’Byrne v Aventis Pasteur MSD Ltd

Court of Appeal

“Where a claimant had made a mistake about the name but not the identity of the defendant, that name could be substituted after the expiry of the limitation period, where substitution was necessary required in order to determine the original action.”

The Times, 19th November 2007


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Vohora and another – WLR Daily

Posted November 19th, 2007 in company directors, disqualification, law reports, time limits by sally

Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Vohora and another [2007] EWHC 2656 (Ch)

“A claim by the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry to disqualify a director of a company, on the ground that it was expedient in the public interest, had to be brought, rather that started, within two years. Therefore the two-year period was a limitation provision and, in accordance with CPR Pt 7, para 5, where the Secretary of State’s claim form was received in the court office on a date earlier than the date on which it was issued, the claim was “brought” for the purposes of the two-year period on that earlier date.”

WLR Daily, 16th November 2007


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Lotto rapist victim ‘to win case’ – BBC News

Posted November 7th, 2007 in compensation, news, rape, time limits by sally

“A rape victim who is fighting to sue her attacker for damages after he won millions on the lottery is ‘almost certain’ to win, her lawyers say.”

Full story

BBC News, 6th November 2007


Victims of abuse test six-year limit for suing over assault – The Guardian

Posted November 5th, 2007 in child abuse, news, sexual offences, time limits by sally

“Sex attacks in childhood highlight legal loophole.”

Full story

The Guardian, 5th November 2007


Lords consider Lotto rapist case – BBC News

Posted November 1st, 2007 in compensation, news, rape, time limits by sally

“The Law Lords are to decide whether a victim of a rapist who won millions on the lottery can sue him.”

Full story

BBC News, 1st November 2007


Yeda Research and Development Co Ltd v Rhone-Poulenc Rorer International Holdings Inc and Another – Times Law Reports

Posted October 30th, 2007 in law reports, patents, time limits by sally

Patent amendment is not making a different claim

Yeda Research and Development Co Ltd v Rhone-Poulenc Rorer International Holdings Inc and Another

House of Lords

“When a reference was made under section 37(1)(a) of the Patents Act 1977 for joint ownership of a patent and the Comptroller-General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks was seised of the matter, an amendment to claim sole ownership of the patent did not amount to the making of a new or different claim.”

The Times, 30th October 2007


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

Rhone-Poulenc Rorer International Holdings Inc and another v Yeda Research and Development Co Ltd (Comptroller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks intervening) – WLR Daily

Posted October 25th, 2007 in law reports, patents, time limits by sally

Rhone-Poulenc Rorer International Holdings Inc and another v Yeda Research and Development Co Ltd (Comptroller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks intervening) [2007] UKHL 43

“When a reference pursuant to s 37(1)(a) of the Patents Act 1977 for joint ownership of a patent had been made and the Comptroller of Patents Designs and Trademarks was seised of the matter, an amendment so as to claim sole ownership of the patent did not amount to the making of a new or different claim which was outside the limitation period.”

WLR Daily, 24th October 2007


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Somerville and others v Scottish Ministers (HM Advocate General for Scotland intervening) – WLR Daily

Posted October 25th, 2007 in damages, human rights, law reports, Scotland, time limits by sally

Somerville and others v Scottish Ministers (HM Advocate General for Scotland intervening)

“The time-limit in s 7(5) of the Human Rights Act 1998 did not apply to a claim for damages based on breach of a Convention right by a member of the Scottish Executive where the act or failure to act relied on was outside devolved competence and thus ultra vires in terms of the Scotland Act 1998.”

WLR Daily, 17th October 2007


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Legal claim dismissed for being 88 secs late – The Times

Posted August 8th, 2007 in news, time limits, unfair dismissal by sally

“A senior employment court has thrown out a claim for unfair dismissal because the e-mail carrying the paperwork arrived 88 seconds late.”

Full story

The Times, 8th August 2007


Byrne v. Motor Insurers’ Bureau and Another – Times Law Reports

Posted June 15th, 2007 in EC law, law reports, Motor Insurers’ Bureau, time limits by sally

UK in breach of uninsured drivers’ duty 

Byrne v. Motor Insurers’ Bureau and Another

Queen’s Bench Division

“Failure by the United Kingdom to comply with the Second European Directive on motor insurance rendered it liable in damages.”

The Times, 15th June 2007


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

Drury v. British Broadcasting Corporation and Another – Times Law Reports

Posted June 11th, 2007 in law reports, service, time limits by sally

All steps to be taken in time 

Drury v. British Broadcasting Corporation and Another

Court of Appeal

“A claimant applying to extend time for service of the claim form should demonstrate to the court that he had taken all reasonable steps to effect service on the defendant before the time for service expired.”

The Times, 11th June 2007


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.