Far-right cell members jailed for terror offences – BBC News
‘Members of a “fascist” cell who made gun parts on a 3D printer and rejoiced at mass shootings have been jailed.’
BBC News, 23rd June 2022
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘Members of a “fascist” cell who made gun parts on a 3D printer and rejoiced at mass shootings have been jailed.’
BBC News, 23rd June 2022
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘Introducing a new law requiring public venues to better protect people from terror attacks is seen as a “top priority” by the security minister.’
BBC News, 16th June 2022
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘This decision is a reminder that, where unwanted conduct related to a protected characteristic is not intended to offend, intimidate, etc, an objective test applies to the question whether conduct amounts to harassment. The claimant was a Muslim employee of Heathrow Express. He complained of harassment and direct discrimination connected with religion after receiving an email concerning a security test carried out by the second respondent, which was responsible for carrying out security checks at Heathrow Airport and Heathrow Express stations at the airport. The test in question had involved a bag containing a box, some electric cabling and, visible at the top, a piece of paper with the words “Allahu Akbar” written in Arabic. The email reporting on the results of the test and included images of the bag and the note.’
Equality Law Blog, 24th May 2022
Source: equalitylawblog.com
‘Some terrorists in prison enjoy status and celebrity among their fellow inmates amid a culture of fear and violence in jails in England and Wales that is being exacerbated by staffing cuts, an official review has concluded.’
The Guardian, 27th April 2022
Source: www.theguardian.com
‘Counter-terrorism measures in the government’s Online Safety Bill could be “muzzled and confused”, a watchdog has said.’
The Independent, 20th April 2022
Source: www.independent.co.uk
‘Anis Ali, a Muslim, worked for the Heathrow Express which was at the relevant time run by the first respondent, Heathrow Express Operating Company Ltd. The second respondent, Redline Assured Security Ltd, was responsible for carrying out security checks at the airport and the Heathrow Express stations. The checks involved creating and leaving suspicious objects to test how security officers responded to them, and in August 2017 it carried out a test using a bag containing a box, some electric cable and, visible at the top, a piece of paper with the words “Allahu Akbar” written in Arabic. Subsequently, the Operating Company sent an e-mail reporting on the results of the test and including images of the bag and the note to a group of employees – including Mr Ali.’
Law & Religion UK, 19th April 2022
Source: lawandreligionuk.com
‘Ali Harbi Ali, 26, was handed a whole-life tariff by Mr Justice Sweeney after being convicted on Monday of murdering the MP and of planning terrorist attacks on other MPs, including the cabinet minister Michael Gove, for two years before he killed Amess.’
The Guardian, 13th April 2022
Source: www.theguardian.com
‘An IS fanatic has been found guilty of murdering Sir David Amess MP.’
BBC News, 11th April 2022
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘Four members of a “fascist” cell who made pistol parts on a 3D printer and celebrated right-wing attacks have been convicted of a range of offences.’
BBC News, 29th March 2022
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘The mother of a teenager murdered in the Manchester Arena bombing is campaigning for the right to register the death of her child. Caroline Curry, whose 19-year-old son Liam died, urged the home secretary to “look in her heart” and change the law. Current legislation prevents family members from registering the deaths of loved ones who are the focus of inquests or public inquiries.’
BBC News, 25th March 2022
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘Chris Mullin, the journalist and former MP, has won the right to protect his sources in a historic freedom of the press case at the Old Bailey.’
The Guardian, 22nd March 2022
Source: www.theguardian.com
‘A judge is expected to deliver his ruling in the case of a journalist who investigated the 1974 Birmingham pub bombings and resisted a police bid to force him to reveal his sources.’
The Independent, 22nd March 2022
Source: www.independent.co.uk
‘Pwr v Director of Public Prosecutions [2022] UKSC 2. On 26 January 2022 the Supreme Court ruled that s.13(1) Terrorism Act 2000 (“TA 2000 “) is a strict liability offence and that, whilst it does interfere with Art.10 ECHR (freedom of expression), the interference is lawful, necessary and proportionate.’
UK Human Rights Blog, 3rd February 2022
Source: ukhumanrightsblog.com
‘The case against the youngest girl charged with terrorism offences in the UK has been dropped, after the Home Office decided she was a victim of trafficking.’
BBC News, 27th January 2022
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘An 11-year-old schoolboy who was struggling with his homework was referred to the Prevent counter-radicalisation programme after a fellow pupil reported him saying during a fire drill that he wished his school would burn down.’
The Guardian, 26th January 2022
Source: www.theguardian.com
‘Far-right extremists and jihadists must be punished equally, the solicitor-general has said following a rise in terror cases involving neo-Nazis.’
The Independent, 23rd January 2022
Source: www.independent.co.uk
‘New details have emerged about the Liverpool bomber Emad Al Swealmeen’s failed asylum attempts – and the false information he used to make his cases.’
BBC News, 24th January 2022
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘A man told by a judge to read classic literature after being found guilty of a terrorism offence will be jailed after a suspended sentence was quashed.’
BBC News, 19th January 2022
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘A 14-year-old schoolboy from Darlington has become one of the youngest people in the UK to be convicted of terror charges.’
The Guardian, 19th January 2022
Source: www.theguardian.com
‘A neo-Nazi terror offender who was spared jail and ordered to read Jane Austen resumed his interest in far-right extremism within days, a court has heard.’
The Independent, 19th January 2022
Source: www.independent.co.uk