Data retention law makes little difference to telcos, says trade body –

Posted October 2nd, 2007 in data protection, news, telecommunications by sally

“UK telecoms firms must keep phone call logs for a year under legislation which comes into force today. But an industry trade association said the new rules will make ‘little practical difference’ to telecoms providers that already store such data for billing purposes.”

Full story, 1st October 2007


Church court says yes to mobile mast –

Posted August 28th, 2007 in ecclesiastical law, faculties, news, telecommunications by sally

“A church has been given permission to install a 3G mobile phone mast on its tower despite there being a risk that the mast will transmit pornography. An ecclesiastical appeals court has overturned an earlier order and allowed the mast’s installation.”

Full story, 24th August 2007


In re St Peter and St Paul, Chingford – WLR Daily

Posted August 22nd, 2007 in ecclesiastical law, faculties, law reports, telecommunications by sally

In re St Peter and St Paul, Chingford

“In carrying out the balancing exercise necessary in considering whether or not to grant a faculty for the installation of telecommunications equipment it was necessary to differentiate between the effect of the installation of equipment on children and the effect on adults. Mobile phone operators had to ensure a reasonable response to countering the risk to children from pornography over the mobile phone network. In respect of the risk to adults, to bar something which would be of benefit to the public generally because there was a risk that some adults would be able privately to access material which many Christians and others deplored was to take an unbalanced approach.”

WLR Daily, 21st August 2007


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Data retention law passed in UK –

Posted July 27th, 2007 in data protection, internet, news, telecommunications by sally

“UK telecoms companies will have to keep phone call logs for a year under a new law to come into force in October. The law does not apply to records of internet activity, such as web surfing, email and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone calls.”

Full story, 27th July 2007
