Phone-hacking row: government backs new inquiry – The Guardian

Posted September 9th, 2010 in inquiries, interception, media, news, parliament, telecommunications by sally

“Pressure mounts on Andy Coulson, as MPs call on the powerful standards and privileges committee to summon witnesses such as Rupert Murdoch to give evidence.”

Full story

The Guardian, 9th September 2010


Phone hacking claims to be debated by Parliament – BBC News

Posted September 9th, 2010 in inquiries, interception, media, news, parliament, telecommunications by sally

“MPs are to hold an emergency debate later to discuss the allegations of phone hacking by journalists at the News of the World.”

Full story

BBC News, 9th September 2010


Phone-hacking scandal: Theresa May defends police investigation – The Guardian

Posted September 7th, 2010 in inquiries, interception, news, police, telecommunications by sally

“Home secretary says it is not for government to decide whether there should be new inquiry into allegations against News of the World.”

Full story

The Guardian, 6th September 2010


MPs seek fresh investigation into News of the World phone hacking – The Guardian

Posted September 6th, 2010 in interception, media, news, telecommunications by sally

“News International and David Cameron’s PR chief, Andy Coulson, face the prospect of a fresh parliamentary inquiry into phone-hacking by the News of the World after Labour MPs said they plan to press for the issue to be referred to the powerful standards and privileges committee of the House of Commons.”

Full story

The Guardian, 5th September 2010


Met asked to reveal what it knew about NoW hacking of officers’ phones – The Guardian

Posted September 3rd, 2010 in disclosure, inquiries, interception, news, police, telecommunications by sally

“Scotland Yard was tonight under fresh pressure to reveal what it knew about attempts by the News of the World to hack the phones of senior police officers.”

Full story

The Guardian, 2nd September 2010


News of the World faces fresh phone hacking charge – The Guardian

Posted September 3rd, 2010 in inquiries, interception, media, news, police, telecommunications by sally

“The government tonight came under pressure to set up a judicial inquiry into the phone hacking scandal at the News of the Wordl after the paper confirmed that it has suspended a journalist while it investigates new allegations of the unlawful interception of voicemail.”

Full story

The Guardian, 2nd September 2010


Emails and phones snooped on by authorities every minute – Daily Telegraph

“Public authorities asked for confidential communications data on more than 525,000 occasions last year including a 13 per cent increase in requests by town halls.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 28th July 2010


New code of practice to close multi-million pound stolen phones loop – Home Office

Posted July 23rd, 2010 in crime prevention, press releases, telecommunications by sally

“A new deal to stop an estimated 100,000 stolen mobile phones, worth around £4m, being sold to recycling companies was announced today by crime prevention minister James Brokenshire.”

Full press release

Home Office, 23rd July 2010


£4m stolen mobile loophole closed – The Independent

Posted July 23rd, 2010 in crime prevention, news, telecommunications by sally

“Crime gangs rake in up to £4 million a year by flogging ‘recycled’ stolen mobile phones overseas.  Officials revealed crooks have been giving blocked mobile phones a second lease of life by exporting them. Police said the phones still work abroad and up to 100,000 handsets worth an average of £40 each are resold on the black market. The Government, police and mobile phone industry joined forces today to sign an agreement designed to close the loophole.”

Full story

The Independent, 23rd July 2010


Government begins RIPA review –

“The Government will review the use of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA), the law that governs state tapping of phone, email and internet use. The law will be looked at as part of a wider review of counter-terrorism laws.”

Full story, 14th July 2010


Rapid review of counter-terrorism powers – Home Office

“The Home Secretary has announced today that a rapid review of key counter-terrorism and security powers is underway. The review will look at what counter-terrorism powers and measures could be rolled back in order to restore the balance of civil liberties and counter-terrorism powers.”

Full press release

Home Office, 13th July 2010


Counter-terrorism powers to face government review – BBC News

“The government is to review key counter-terrorism and security powers including the 28-day limit on detaining terrorist suspects without charge.”

Full story

BBC News, 13th July 2010


BT pension fund seeks legal ruling on taxpayers’ obligation to underwrite deficit – The Guardian

Posted July 13th, 2010 in news, pensions, telecommunications by sally

“How much of BT’s huge pension liabilities are underwritten by the taxpayer? Nearly 26 years after one of Margaret Thatcher’s biggest privatisations, the telecoms firm’s pensioners are finally close to getting an answer.”

Full story

The Guardian, 13th July 2010


BT and TalkTalk challenge Digital Economy Act – BBC News

Posted July 8th, 2010 in copyright, internet, judicial review, legislation, news, telecommunications by sally

“BT and TalkTalk are seeking a judicial review of the controversial Digital Economy Act, BBC News has learned.”

Full story

BBC News, 8th July 2010


Digital Economy Act: Ofcom consults on blacklisting infringers –

Posted June 2nd, 2010 in consultations, copyright, internet, legislation, news, telecommunications by sally

“Small ISPs, mobile operators and Wi-Fi providers like hotels and coffee shops will be exempt from a notification and blacklisting process under the Digital Economy Act, at least initially, according to a draft Code published by Ofcom.”

Full story, 1st June 2010


Ofcom unveils anti-piracy policy – BBC News

Posted May 28th, 2010 in copyright, internet, news, telecommunications by sally

“Lists of Britons who infringe copyright are to be drawn up by the UK’s biggest ISPs, under proposals from the regulator Ofcom.”

Full story

BBC News, 28th May 2010


Talk Talk restates pledge to go to court over Digital Economy Act measures –

Posted April 9th, 2010 in copyright, internet, news, telecommunications by sally

“Telco Talk Talk has restated its pledge to take music and film companies to court if they try to use parts of the just-passed Digital Economy Act. It said it will not hand over any customer details without a court order.”

Full story, 9th April 2010


Ofcom gets tough on internet suppliers over broadband speed claims – The Guardian

Posted March 30th, 2010 in internet, news, telecommunications by sally

“Internet users are still not getting the broadband speeds promised by internet service providers, more than a year after the industry signed up to a voluntary code of practice, forcing Ofcom to threaten mandatory regulation.”

Full story

The Guardian, 29th March 2010


The Bridgewater Canal Company Ltd v GEO Networks Ltd – WLR Daily

Posted March 24th, 2010 in canals, law reports, telecommunications by sally

The Bridgewater Canal Company Ltd v GEO Networks Ltd [2010] EWHC 548 (Ch); [2010] WLR (D) 85

“The consideration payable, pursuant to para 13(2)(e)(ii) of Sch 2 to the Telecommunications Act 1984, as amended by the Communications Act 2003, by an operator of a communications network to a person with control of land for the right to carry out work undertaken pursuant to the provisions of the Electronic Communications Code, as contained in Sch 2 to the 1984, as amended, included payment to reflect not only the right to carry out the works but also for the right to retain the works on the land once the works themselves had been completed.”

WLR Daily, 22nd March 2010


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

O2 condemns lawyers targeting alleged file-sharers – BBC News

Posted March 18th, 2010 in copyright, internet, law firms, news, telecommunications by sally

“Mobile firm O2 has stepped into the row over thousands of controversial letters that are being sent to alleged illegal file-sharers in the UK.”

Full story

BBC News, 17th March 2010
