Your flexible friend? Interim code rights (University of London v Cornerstone) – Falcon Chambers
‘This case has important ramifications in the electronic communications sector. It settles a narrow but important point—if an operator thinks a site is suitable but is not sure, can it survey the site and gain access for that purpose? The Court of Appeal determined that such a right was part and parcel of Code right 3(d), which grants a right to undertake ‘works’ which are ‘in connection with’ installation and other specified matters. The Court of Appeal held that an inspection (called a multi-skilled visit, or MSV, in the jargon) constituted ‘works’, and that it was ‘in connection with’ installation where its purpose was to determine finally whether installation should occur. Of wider importance is the fact that the Court of Appeal rejected the suggestion that a claim for rights on an interim basis under para 26 had to be accompanied by a claim for rights on a final basis under para 20. Unlike para 27, which links temporary rights with final rights, there is no such linkage in para 26. This frees up parties to make para 26 agreements and seek tribunal approval if they wish to enter into short-term agreements without automatic security of tenure under Part V of the Code, an option which is of great advantage to both operators and site providers.’
Falcon Chambers, 28th November 2019