Revised Banking Code of Practice gives HMRC too much discretion, says expert –

Posted October 15th, 2013 in banking, codes of practice, HM Revenue & Customs, news, taxation by sally

“HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) will be given ‘too much discretion’ to ‘name and shame’ banks that do not meet strict governance requirements in relation to tax matters under proposed changes to the industry Code of Practice, an expert has said.”

Full story, 14th October 2013


Up to 450,000 face court over council tax arrears – The Independent

Posted October 11th, 2013 in council tax, debts, local government, news, taxation by sally

“More than 450,000 people could already have received a court summons because they have fallen into arrears with their council tax payments following changes to the system, it was claimed.”

Full story

The Independent, 11th October 2013


French Republic v Commission of the European Union – WLR Daily

Posted October 7th, 2013 in appeals, contracts, EC law, law reports, news, public procurement, state aids, taxation by sally

French Republic v Commission of the European Union (Case C-115/12P); [2013] WLR (D) 364

“The calculation of whether a member state had ‘subsided directly’ by more than 50% a works contract awarded by an entity other than themselves within the meaning of article 2(1) of Council Directive 93/37/EEC which triggered the public procurement procedures under that Directive, included sums arising from tax reductions to the members of commercial partnerships, who were natural persons, investing in a works contract.”

WLR Daily, 26th September 2013


‘Shocking’ bedroom tax should be axed, says UN investigator – The Guardian

Posted September 11th, 2013 in government departments, housing, human rights, news, taxation, United Nations by tracey

“Housing expert Raquel Rolnik says policy could constitute a violation of the human right to adequate housing.”

Full story

The Guardian, 11th September 2013



Father jailed for stealing to launch son’s racing career – Daily Telegraph

Posted September 9th, 2013 in debts, fraud, news, sentencing, tax evasion, taxation by tracey

“A father has been jailed for stealing £600,000 from the taxpayer to try and make his son the next Lewis Hamilton.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 9th September 2013


New flood insurance tax ‘could breach EU law’ – Daily Telegraph

Posted August 27th, 2013 in competition, EC law, insurance, news, taxation by tracey

“Plans to charge every household in the country £10.50 to cover the cost of insuring properties in flood risk areas amount to a ‘tax’ and represent poor value for money for the economy, government analysts have concluded. The new system, intended to help up to 500,000 housholders afford home insurance despite living in fear of floods, is also likely to breach European laws, officials have said.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 26th August 2013


Updated Bar Council Taxation and Retirement Benefits Guidance – The Bar Council

Posted July 19th, 2013 in barristers, news, retirement, self-employment, taxation by sally

“The Bar Council has launched updated taxation guidance for barristers to help them manage their tax position. This coincides with changes to the tax system introduced by the Finance Act 2013, which received Royal Assent on 18 July 2013.”

Full story

The Bar Council, 18th July 2013


The Pollen Estate Trustee Co Ltd v Revenue and Customs Comrs; King’s College London v Same – WLR Daily

The Pollen Estate Trustee Co Ltd v Revenue and Customs Comrs: King’s College London v Same: [2013] EWCA Civ 753;   [2013] WLR (D)  255

“Where a charity contributed to the purchase of a property, to be held on trust for it and other, non-charitable, contributors in proportion to their contributions, the ‘chargeable interest acquired’ by reference to which stamp duty land tax was to be levied under Part 4 of the Finance Act 2003 was the equitable estate collectively acquired by the beneficiaries under the trust. However, paragraph 1(1) of Schedule 8 to the 2003 Act was to be interpreted as exempting the land transaction from charge to the extent of the charity’s interest.”

WLR Daily. 26th June 2013


HMRC consults on strengthening big banks’ tax Code of Practice –

“Plans to strengthen the Code of Practice on tax governance, adopted by the 15 largest banks in 2010, have been published for consultation by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).”

Full story, 5th June 2013


Run down on recent and anticipated welfare benefit changes – Hardwicke Chambers

Posted May 29th, 2013 in benefits, disabled persons, housing, news, taxation by sally

“In April 2013, the so called ‘bedroom tax’ was introduced, meaning that a single person or couple with no children will have their housing benefit reduced by 14% where they occupy two bedroom accommodation and 25% if they occupy three or more beds.”

Full story

Hardwicke Chambers, 24th May 2013


Date cross border group relief claim is made, not end of accounting period, will determine claim success, says Supreme Court –

Posted May 24th, 2013 in accounts, EC law, HM Revenue & Customs, news, subsidiary companies, taxation by tracey

“The date when a claim for cross border group relief is made should form the basis of a decision about one of the tests for granting that relief under EU law and not the date of the end of the accounting period in which the claim was made, the Supreme Court has ruled.”

Full story, 24th May 2013


Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (Appellant) v Marks and Spencer plc (Respondent); Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (Respondent) v Marks and Spencer plc (Appellant) – Supreme Court

Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (Appellant) v Marks and Spencer plc (Respondent); Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (Respondent) v Marks and Spencer plc (Appellant) [2013] UKSC 30 (YouTube)

Supreme Court, 22nd May 2013


Marks & Spencer plc v Revenue and Customs Commissioners – WLR Daily

Marks & Spencer plc v Revenue and Customs Commissioners [2013] UKSC 30; [2013] WLR (D) 191

“The inquiry as to whether a parent company established in the United Kingdom was entitled to cross-border group relief in respect of the losses of its non-resident subsidiaries was to be conducted on the basis of the circumstances existing as at the date of its claim, and not at the end of the accounting period in which those losses crystallised.”

WLR Daily, 22nd May 2013


Shurely shome mishtake? – 4 New Square

Posted May 21st, 2013 in mistake, news, setting aside, Supreme Court, taxation, trusts by sally

“The Supreme Court’s decision on mistake and the flawed exercise of discretion by trustees, and the impact of the decision on professional advisers and their insurers.”

Full story (PDF)

4 New Square, 17th May 2013


UK Uncut loses legal challenge over Goldman Sachs tax deal with HMRC – The Guardian

Posted May 16th, 2013 in HM Revenue & Customs, illegality, judicial review, news, taxation by sally

“Campaign group UK Uncut Legal Action has lost its high court challenge over the legality of the ‘sweetheart’ tax deal between HM Revenue and Customs and Goldman Sachs.”

Full story

The Guardian, 16th May 2013


Pitt and another v Holt and another; Futter and another v Futter and others – WLR Daily

Posted May 14th, 2013 in financial advice, law reports, mistake, Supreme Court, taxation, trusts by sally

Pitt and another v Holt and another; Futter and another v Futter and others [2013] UKSC 26; [2013] WLR (D) 172

“The court’s jurisdiction to intervene in a decision made by trustees who were acting within their power arose only if they could be shown to have acted in breach of duty. Trustees who wished to exercise a discretion which was within their powers and sought and acted on the advice of apparently competent professional advisers not in breach of duty merely because the professional advice turned out to be incorrect.”

WLR Daily, May 2013


Futter and another (Appellants) v The Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (Respondent); Pitt and another (Appellants) v The Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (Respondent) – Supreme Court

Posted May 10th, 2013 in law reports, mistake, Supreme Court, taxation, trusts by sally

Futter and another (Appellants) v The Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (Respondent); Pitt and another (Appellants) v The Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (Respondent) [2013] UKSC 26 (YouTube)

Supreme Court, 9th May 2013


Tax scandal threatens charity donations – The Independent

Posted May 9th, 2013 in charities, Charity Commission, news, taxation by tracey

“The Charity Commission’s handling of a high-profile tax-avoidance scandal that saw shockingly little donated money reach good causes has put charities at risk of losing the public’s confidence – and consequently their money, one of the leading figures in the sector has warned.”

Full story

The Independent, 8th May 2013


Judges to rule on HMRC’s tax deal with Goldman Sachs – BBC News

Posted May 2nd, 2013 in HM Revenue & Customs, illegality, judicial review, news, taxation by sally

“Judges are being asked to decide if HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) acted illegally by letting investment bank Goldman Sachs off part of its tax bill.”

Full story

BBC News, 2nd May 2013


Child Support: Here Comes the New Gross Income Scheme – Family Law week

Posted April 29th, 2013 in child support, news, regulations, remuneration, taxation by tracey

“Jody Atkinson TEP, barrister at St John’s Chambers, Bristol considers the new Child Support Gross Income Scheme.”

Full story

Family Law Week, 26th April 2013
