Children: Private Law Update (December 2015) – Family Law week
‘Alex Verdan QC of 4 Paper Buildings reviews recent important judgments in private law children cases.’
Family Law week, 16th December 2015
‘Alex Verdan QC of 4 Paper Buildings reviews recent important judgments in private law children cases.’
Family Law week, 16th December 2015
In re Z (A Child) (Foreign Surrogacy: Parental Order): [2015] EWFC 73; [2015] WLR (D) 375
‘Since section 54(1) of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 provided that in certain circumstances the court might make a parental order on the application of “two people”, it was not open to the court to make such an order on the application of one person only; nor could section 54(1) be “read down” in accordance with section 3(1) of the Human Rights Act 1998 to enable that to be done.’
WLR Daily, 7th September 2015
‘Child’s genetic father not recognised as parent under UK law despite full agreement of American surrogate mother.’
Daily Telegraph, 8th September 2015
‘Andrew Powell, barrister, 4 Paper Buildings, examines recent developments in surrogacy law.’
Family Law week, 26th June 2015
‘Are new laws needed to cover surrogacy arrangements and modern family set-ups? Mai-Ling Savage, a barrister and specialist in surrogacy, same-sex parenting and fertility law at Fourteen, a specialist family chambers, analyses a recent case which highlights the lack of a clear legal framework to enforce agreements made before the birth of a child.’
Halsbury’s Law Exchange, 4th June 2015
‘Natalie Gamble, solicitor, of Natalie Gamble Associates and Elizabeth Isaacs QC of St Ives Chambers consider the significance of H v S (Surrogacy Agreement) in which Ms Justice Russell awarded care of a surrogate child to a gay couple.’
Family Law Week, 12th May 2015
‘H & S (Surrogacy Arrangement) EWFC 36, 30 April 2015. M, a fifteen month old girl, was born as the result of artificial or assisted conception and of a highly contested agreement between S (the mother, a Romanian national) and H (the father, of Hungarian extraction) and B (the second applicant and H’s partner who had moved to the UK in 2004).’
UK Human Rights Blog, 11th May 2015
‘Lawyers are calling for rules surrounding surrogacy to be tightened up after a woman who had a child with a gay couple then refused them access was ordered to hand over the baby.’
The Guardian, 6th May 2015
‘A High Court Judge has ruled that a baby girl conceived through surrogacy should be placed with her father and his partner after her biological mother was deemed “homophobic”.’
The Independent, 6th May 2015
‘The single father in the recent case B v C & Others (Surrogacy: Adoption) [2015] EWFC 17 (Fam) successfully obtained an adoption order which was the only means open to him to secure his legal relationship with his surrogate son. Alison Hunt of Park Square Barristers represented the father in this unique case in the Family Court before Mrs Justice Theis. The judgment opens the way for other single would-be parents to proceed in the same way, but it also highlights the very real pitfalls and uncertainty which await them in this difficult process. It raises questions about whether parental orders should be available to single applicants as they are for couples.’
Park Square Barristers, 9th March 2015
‘Anne-Marie Hutchinson OBE, Partner, and Colin Rogerson, Solicitor Advocate, both of Dawson Cornwell, consider the options for single parents seeking legal parentage of children born through a surrogacy arrangement.’
Family Law Week, 6th March 2015
‘A woman acted as a surrogate mother for a baby whose biological father is her adult son, a family court judge has been told.’
The Guardian, 4th March 2015
‘In this inaugural surrogacy update, Andrew Powell, barrister, of 4 Paper Buildings reviews recent judgments in the High Court.’
Family Law Week, 4th September 2014
‘A Thai surrogate mother, C, gave birth to twins on behalf of Australian nationals D and WF in an arrangement where C was paid £9,000. When one of the twins, G, was born with Down’s syndrome, C alleged that D and WF abandoned the baby boy, taking only the healthy sister back to Australia. D and WF deny this.’
Halsbury’s Law Exchange, 28th August 2014
‘Information for British nationals who are considering entering into surrogacy arrangements in foreign countries.’
Home Office, 26th June 2014
‘Louise Pollard, who once agreed to act as a surrogate for Bin Laden’s son, is jailed for pretending to carry children for other desperate couples’
Daily Telegraph, 16th June 2014
‘The European Court (CJEU) has now considered two requests for preliminary ruling made in proceedings between intended mothers (also referred to as a commissioning mother) who have had babies through a surrogacy arrangement, and their employers concerning the refusal to grant them paid leave following the birth of the babies. It has replied that EU law does not provide for commissioning mothers to be entitled to paid leave equivalent to maternity leave or adoption leave.’
UK Human Rights Blog, 26th March 2014