Human rights commission to launch its own Grenfell fire inquiry – The Guardian

‘Britain’s human rights watchdog is to launch an inquiry into the Grenfell Tower fire that will examine whether the government and the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea failed in their duties to protect life and provide safe housing.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 9th December 2017


Intentional Homelessness: Whether 2-Years Renting Amounted to Settled Accommodation – Garden Court Chambers

‘In November 2010 the appellant, Mr Doka, was evicted from his home at Laburnam Close in South East London on the basis of rent arrears. His former employer, Mr Theobald, subsequently allowed him to stay in his home in Dartford. The arrangement was initially meant to be a temporary one. But after a few weeks the arrangement was put on a more stable footing, with Mr Theobald agreeing to provide what he described as ‘full-time accommodation’, allowing Mr Doka to sleep in his son’s bedroom (while his son was away at University) for £500 a month. Mr Theobald told Mr Doka that he could live there for two-three years, while his son finished at University, though Mr Doka would be required to stay with friend’s on occasion if Mr Theobald’s son returned and needed the use of the room.’

Full Story

Garden Court Chambers, 10th November 2017


Local Authority Decisions on Level of Fees They Will Pay For Residential Care Under National Assistance Act 1948 (Pre-Care Act 2014) – Garden Court Chambers

‘This case concerned care costs for residential care homes and Local authorities’ powers and duties. In summary the Court of Appeal held by a majority that there was nothing in the applicable guidance that precluded a local authority from taking account of certain revenue streams (namely private fees, top-up payments and support from the NHS) when making the evaluative judgment of what it would expect to pay for residential care for the elderly.’

Full Story

Garden Court Chambers, 10th November 2017


Ordinary Residence – Whether Duty Arose Under 21 National Assistance Act 1948 – s. 21 A Duty of Last Resort (A Pre-Care Act 2014 Case) – Garden Court Chambers

‘This case was decided on the basis of the legal regime now replaced by the Care Act 2014 (in force since 1 April 2015).’

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Garden Court Chambers, 10th November 2017


Discount Rate and Accommodation Claims: Is there a will and is there a way – Byrom Chambers

‘On 07.09.2016, the Lord Chancellor announced his much awaited response to the Consultation commenced by his predecessor following the decisions made on 27.02.2017 to lower the discount rate from 2.5% to -0.75%.’

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Byrom Street Chambers, September 2017


Further education college wins court battle with vending company over fire – Local Government Lawyer

Posted November 22nd, 2017 in damages, evidence, expert witnesses, fire, judges, local government, news, statutory duty by sally

‘A judge has held a vending machine company responsible for fire damage at a further education college after a complex dispute involving conflicting views among expert witnesses.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 21st November 2017


High Court hears judicial review challenge over £2bn development vehicle – Local Government Lawyer

‘The High Court has this week begun hearing a judicial review challenge to the London Borough of Haringey’s decision to establish the Haringey Development Vehicle (HDV), which is said to be the largest local authority development vehicle of its kind.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 26th October 2017


The felling of protest? – UK Police Law Blog

‘In Sheffield City Council v Fairhall [2017] EWHC 2121 (QB), the Court has been asked to consider the extent to which the decision in DPP v Jones [1999] UKHL 5; [1999] 2 AC 240 can be relied upon as a right to conduct peaceful but disruptive protest on the highway.’

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UK Police Law Blog, 30th September 2017


Data law: don’t expect a soft start, lawyers warned – Law Society’s Gazette

‘Any hope that a tough new data protection regime will be enforced lightly at first were dashed this week by a senior figure at the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force on 25 May next year, regardless of domestic legislation currently before parliament.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 29th September 2017


Judge rules council and CCG not required to fund visits of mother – Local Government Lawyer

Posted September 22nd, 2017 in expenses, local government, mental health, news, statutory duty by sally

‘Central Bedfordshire Council and North Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Group need not meet the travelling expenses of a woman who makes a lengthy weekly trip to see her son in a mental hospital.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 21st September 2017


UK legal claims grow over exposure at work to toxic diesel fumes – The Guardian

‘Legal claims over exposure to diesel exhaust fumes at work are growing as unions warn toxic air in the workplace is a ticking time bomb on a par with asbestos.’

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The Guardian, 16th September 2017


R (Davey) v Oxfordshire CC in the Court of Appeal – Community Care Blog

‘Last Friday the Court of Appeal delivered judgment in R (Davey) v Oxfordshire CC [2017] EWCA Civ 1308. This is the first time the Court of Appeal has examined the provisions of the Care Act 2014.’

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Community Care Blog, 7th September 2017


Use of cloud-based communications raises challenges over compliance with FOI laws, says watchdog –

‘The use of cloud-based communications tools by employees of public sector bodies presents challenges over the way those organisations comply with freedom of information (FOI) laws in the UK, the information commissioner has said.’

Full Story, September 2017


Grenfell Tower fire: lawyers warn Theresa May she may be breaching inquiry laws – The Guardian

Posted September 4th, 2017 in equality, fire, inquiries, legislation, London, news, statutory duty by sally

‘Lawyers acting for the family of one of the victims of the Grenfell Tower disaster have written to the prime minister, warning her that she may be in breach of key laws relating to the public inquiry.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 4th September 2017


The Wages of Sin is: the Ability to Rely on Section 12 – Panopticon

‘What happens when your FOIA request to a public authority is met with the response that it would breach the cost limits set under section 12 to respond to the request because the authority’s record keeping systems are in a particular (i.e. poor) state? In a word: tough.’

Full Story

Panopticon, 24th August 2017


Government threatened with new court action for ‘failing to act’ on harsh impact of immigration rules on children – The Independent

‘Campaigners have threatened a fresh court challenge after accusing the Government of failing to act on the Supreme Court’s ruling that harsh immigration rules unfairly punish children.’

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The Independent, 31st July 2017


Potholes Galore! – Zenith PI

‘Crawley v Barnsley MBC [2017] 1WLR 2329 may well have surprised both local authorities and those who follow the law reports. It strikes one as very much a decision on its own facts and typical of the numerous cases which these days clutter the Lexis reports. If it does indeed state a matter of principle, it may be thought a singular advance on previous authorities.’

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Zenith PI, 26th July 2017


Judge quashes Care Act assessment and decision to terminate placement – Local Government Lawyer

‘A Deputy High Court judge has quashed a London borough’s Care Act assessment for a man with autism spectrum disorder and severe learning difficulties.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 7th July 2017


Service Occupiers: Exclusion from Security of Tenure Regime Compatible with ECHR – Garden Court Chambers

‘The claimant, Hertfordshire County Council, were the owners of a bungalow occupied by the defendant, Mr Davies, and his family. The accommodation was tied to a local school, and Mr Davies had lived there since 2003 in his role as caretaker for the school.’

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Garden Court Chambers, 5th July 2017


Continuing Duty under s.17 Children Act 1989 – Community Care Blog

Posted June 23rd, 2017 in children, housing, judicial review, local government, London, news, statutory duty by tracey

“The Administrative court has confirmed that the duty on local authorities under s.17 of the Children Act 1989 is an ongoing one and held that Lewisham London Borough Council had acted irrationally in concluding in a follow-up assessment that a mother had the means to provide her children with accommodation and that the children were not in need within the meaning of s.17.”

Full Story

Community Care Blog, 22nd June 2017
