Refugee campaigners launch legal challenge over Home Office ‘failure’ to implement Dubs scheme – The Independent

‘Campaigners have launched a High Court challenge against the Government over the number of unaccompanied child refugees accepted into the UK under the Dubs scheme.’

Full Story

The Independent, 20th June 2017


Council appeals £150k fine imposed over publication of sensitive data – Local Government Lawyer

‘Basildon Council has confirmed it is to appeal the imposition by the Information Commissioner of a £150,000 monetary penalty for publishing sensitive personal information about a family in planning application documents that were made publicly available online.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 20th June 2017


R (C) v Islington LBC – Arden Chambers

‘The Administrative Court has held that priority within a housing allocation scheme providing that existing social housing tenants are to be preferred over other applicants, such as the homeless and women fleeing domestic violence, for certain local lettings of eg new and refurbished accommodation was justified and accordingly had not been unlawfully discriminatory for the purposes of art.14 and ss.19, 29 Equality Act 2010; the introduction of the local lettings policies had complied with s.149 Equality Act 2010 and s.11 Children Act 2004; but the operation of a system of direct offers, used particularly to allocate accommodation to homeless applicants, had not been sufficiently set out in the scheme and was accordingly unlawful.’

Full Story

Arden Chambers, 31st May 2017


Making it up as you go – Nearly Legal

‘C was accepted for the full housing duty by Islington, with her 3 children, as a result of domestic violence. C is profoundly deaf. She had been living in Southwark, but following the DV, was in refuge in Islington and applied as homeless there. She was, eventually, given 3 bed temporary accommodation in Islington.’

Full Story

Nearly Legal, 6th June 2017


A bluffers guide to the Homeless Reduction Act 2017 – Nearly Legal

‘The Homelessness Reduction Act has now received royal assent. The Act itself is here. There is no date yet for it to come into force – there will need to be statutory guidance produced first – and the current guess is that it is likely to be in 2018. Of course, what the Act mostly does is amend Housing Act 1996 Part VII.’

Full story

Nearly Legal, 14th May 2017


‘Duty of care’ – Not in housing allocation – Nearly Legal

Posted April 12th, 2017 in duty of care, housing, news, statutory duty by sally

‘Many of you, I suspect, will be like me – you hear from clients, prospective clients, tenants etc., on a very frequent basis that in making a housing decision, or indeed in not making it, the council or housing association has ‘breached its duty of care’ to them.’

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Nearly Legal, 11th April 2017


‘Hillsborough law’ could imprison police officers who are not truthful – The Guardian

Posted March 29th, 2017 in health & safety, inquests, news, police, statutory duty by sally

‘A proposed “Hillsborough law” requiring police forces and public authorities to be open and truthful in legal proceedings, including about their own failures, and that would give bereaved families the same resources as the police to make their case at future inquests is to be presented to parliament.’

Full story

The Guardian, 29th March 2017


Councils struggle to meet duties under Children Act – Local Government Lawyer

Posted March 24th, 2017 in children, local government, news, statutory duty by sally

‘Some local authorities are no longer fulfilling their statutory duties to children and nearly nine out of ten local authorities are finding it “increasingly challenging”, according to a new report from the All Party Parliamentary Group on Children.’

Full story

Full report

Local Government Lawyer, March 2017


Church liability: fall from ladder – Law & Religion UK

‘On 3 March 2017, the Court of Appeal (Civil) Division handed down the judgment in Casson v Hudson & Anor [2017] EWCA Civ 125 in relation to a claim for damages following a fall from a ladder during the painting of a church hall. The case highlights the potential liabilities faced by incumbents and PCCs in relation to persons undertaking work on premises for which they are responsible.’

Full story

Law & Religion UK, 8th March 2017


HRA Claims and Concurrent Care Proceedings: Third Party Costs Orders, Statutory Charge Guidance and an Invitation to the Lord Chancellor – Family Law Week

‘Ben Mansfield, barrister of The 36 Group, examines the judgment of Mr Justice Keehan in H (A Minor) v Northamptonshire County Council and the Legal Aid Agency [2017] EWHC 282 (Fam).’

Full story

Family Law Week, 23rd February 2017


Parental consent not required for section 20 accommodation – Community Care Blog

‘Is it a breach of a local authority’s duty under section 20 of the Children Act 1989, and article 8 of the ECHR, to keep children in foster care without their parent’s consent? This was the question answered by the Court of Appeal in London Borough of Hackney v Williams [2017] EWCA Civ 26.’

Full story

Community Care Blog, 9th February 2017


Commercial landlords may have to police illicit tobacco sales under HMRC proposals –

‘Commercial property landlords could be forced to actively inspect their properties and police tenants suspected of tobacco and other excise duty evasion under plans proposed by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), an expert has warned.’

Full story, 22nd February 2017


Sharp v Leeds City Council – WLR Daily

Sharp v Leeds City Council [2017] EWCA Civ 33

‘The claimant alleged that an accident in which she sustained an injury had been caused by the failure of the local authority to maintain a footpath, in breach of its statutory duty. As the damages alleged were less than £25,000 or less, the claim fell within the purview of the Pre-Action Protocol for Low Value Personal Injury (Employer’s Liability and Public Liability) Claims (“EL/PL Protocol”). The claimant commenced the claims process pursuant to the protocol by loading a claim notification form (“CNF”) via the online Portal process, alleging breach of statutory duty under the Highways Act 1980. The claim subsequently ceased to continue within the EL/PL Protocol and thereafter fell within the Pre-action Protocol for Personal Injury Claims (“the Personal Injury Protocol”), the claimant’s CNF being treated as a letter of claim. As the local authority failed to provide the required pre-action disclosure within the prescribed time pursuant to the Personal Injury Protocol, the claimant made a pre-action disclosure application to the County Court under section 52 of the County Courts Act 1984. The district judge awarded her the costs of the pre-action disclosure application, summarily assessing them on the standard basis at £1,250. He treated the fixed costs regime provided by Section IIIA of CPR Pt 45 as inapplicable to the costs of applications under section 52 in respect of claims which had started, but no longer continued, under the EL/PL Protocol. However, on appeal, a different judge concluded that the fixed costs regime did apply, and the costs payable were reduced to £305.’

WLR Daily, February 2017


HMRC press briefing in film tax case breached confidentiality duty, says Supreme Court –

”Off the record’ comments made by former HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) permanent secretary for tax Dave Hartnett to journalists at The Times in 2012 breached the duty of confidentiality owed to taxpayers by the department, the UK’s highest court has ruled.’

Full story, 20th October 2016


MoD censured over soldier’s death on Lydd range – BBC News

Posted September 30th, 2016 in armed forces, firearms, health & safety, inquests, news, statutory duty by tracey

‘The Ministry of Defence has been censured over the death of a soldier who was shot in the neck during a training exercise.
Fusilier Dean Griffiths, 21, of First Battalion the Royal Welsh, died at Lydd Range, Kent in September 2011.’

Full story

BBC News, 29th September 2016


Part 1: the Prevent Duty for Universities – Cloisters

‘In this article I deal with the basics of the legal framework for the Prevent Duty. The simplest way of thinking about the Prevent Duty is visualisation. Imagining that you are the character at which Dirty Harry is pointing his gun in that film while uttering the words: “You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “do I feel lucky?”… Well do you punk?” The government has attempted to shift the publicity and legal risks from itself to the universities by use of the Prevent Duty. On the face of it universities have a dilemma: how to have due regard to the need to prevent people being drawn into terrorism, whilst taking all reasonably practicable steps to ensure free speech and academic freedom.’

Full story

Cloisters, 26th July 2016


Chetwynd and another v Tunmore and another – WLR Daily

Posted June 17th, 2016 in causation, fisheries, law reports, statutory duty, water by tracey

Chetwynd and another v Tunmore and another: [2016] EWHC 156 (QB)

‘The claimants alleged that the excavation of lakes by the defendants on the defendants’ land, and the abstraction of underground water as a result, had adversely affected the claimants’ fishery, in particular the water levels in the ponds therein. They issued a claim against the defendants, inter alia, under section 48A of the Water Resources Act 1991, seeking damages for the loss of fish from the ponds, the loss of income from the fishery, the costs of remediating the ponds, expenses incurred and for loss of amenity. The defendants denied liability on the basis that, under section 48A, they could only be liable for loss or damage caused by the abstraction which could reasonably have been foreseen by them and that, in any event, the claimants had failed to prove on the balance of probabilities that the defendants’ abstraction of water by the excavation of the lakes was the effective cause of the claimants’ alleged loss or damage.’

WLR Daily, 4th February 2016


Regina (Al-Saadoon and others) v Secretary of State for Defence (No 2) – WLR Daily

Regina (Al-Saadoon and others) v Secretary of State for Defence (No 2) [2016] EWHC 773 (Admin)

‘The claimants brought public law claims in the courts of the United Kingdom arising out of the British military involvement in Iraq between 2003 and 2009. The claims involved allegations of ill-treatment and in some cases unlawful killing, of Iraqi civilians by British soldiers. By their claims for judicial review the claimants sought court orders requiring the Secretary of State to investigate alleged human rights violations. Issues arose relating to the UK’s obligations under articles 2 and 3 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, including (i) the nature and scope of the state’s substantive obligation under article 2 of the Convention in relation to the use of lethal force while seeking to quell riots and uphold law and order during the occupation of Iraq, (ii) when the investigative duty under article 2 arose in such circumstances and (iii) the effect of delay on the investigative duties under articles 2 and 3 where the allegations of breach of the substantive rights were made many years after the incidents in question.’

WLR Daily, 7th April 2016


Opportunity doesn’t knock twice: recovering damages for consequential loss – Hardwicke Chambers

‘Today’s banks are in receipt of the largest fines ever imposed by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), or its predecessor the Financial Services Authority (FSA), and although they are taking responsibility for a number of failings (eg PPI, Derivatives, LIBOR and FOREX), restrictions on recovering loss, in particular where consequential loss is concerned, have come under significant scrutiny. This article examines the measure of loss in tort and contract, and particularly explores investors’ difficulties when making claims for loss of profit caused by mis selling.’

Full story

Hardwicke Chambers, 31st March 2016


Government’s review of child protection must not undermine vital services – The Guardian

‘The government’s review of local safeguarding children boards (LSCBs), due to report in March, is reshaping the architecture of child protection. LSCBs are tasked with oversight of agencies that protect children, including local authorities, police, schools and health. This is a fundamental review, which implies far-reaching change, and is of huge public interest. The spotlight on this review is made more intense by the cross-departmental children’s taskforce: one key outcome from it must be a better coordinated approach across government departments.’

Full story

The Guardian, 22nd February 2016
