Victims of child abuse told accusations could ‘ruin perpetrator’s life’, inquiry finds – Daily Telegraph

Posted October 22nd, 2019 in child abuse, inquiries, news, statistics, victims by tracey

‘Victims of child sex abuse are often told by the authority figures they confide in that their allegations could “ruin the perpetrators life”, an analysis of over 3,200 cases found.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 21st October 2019


Hate crimes double in five years in England and Wales – The Guardian

‘The number of hate crimes reported to police has more than doubled since 2013, according to government figures, which also showed a large increase last year in offences against people based on sexual orientation.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 15th October 2019


Dog thieves are not being pursued by police as £500 rule leaves pets languishing as low priority, say campaigners – Daily Telegraph

Posted October 17th, 2019 in animal cruelty, animals, criminal justice, dogs, gangs, news, police, sentencing, statistics, theft by sally

‘Dogs may be our best friends and their unwavering loyalty priceless but thefts of them are not being pursued by police because most are worth under £500 and so rated a minor low level crime, say campaigners.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 16th October 2019


The connection between online hate speech and real-world hate crime – OUP Blog

‘Online hate speech is on the rise. All available academic and government sources indicate a year on year increase in the number of people being exposed to hateful content on social media, online news item comments, and websites. Over half (53%) of UK adult Internet users reported seeing hateful content online in 2018, an increase from 47% in 2017. In 2016, 34% of 12-15-year olds recalled seeing hateful content online. This figure increased to 45% in 2018. Of those who witnessed online hate, less than half took action in relation to the most recent incident.’

Full Story

OUP Blog, 12th October 2019


Howard League for Penal Reform: Parmoor Lecture – Crown Prosecution Service

‘I aim to be clear this evening about my role as the nation’s chief prosecutor, on behalf of the CPS which I lead. At a time of national upheaval and some political uncertainty, the role of a properly-funded and fully independent prosecution authority is absolutely pivotal.’

Full speech

Crown Prosecution Service 14th October 2019


Release under investigation gives criminals ‘carte blanche’, says CBA – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted October 15th, 2019 in criminal justice, news, recidivists, statistics by tracey

‘Too many suspects are being released under investigation, giving violent offenders ‘carte blanche to reoffend’, the Criminal Bar Association has warned.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 15th October 2019


One in four young women scared they will be sacked if they report sexual harassment, study finds – The Independent

‘One in four young women are scared they will be sacked if they report sexual harassment at work, a study has found. Carried out by the Young Women’s Trust and released on the second anniversary of the #metoo movement, the research found that just 6 per cent of young women who had been sexually harassed at work reported the misconduct.’

Full Story

The Independent, 15th October 2019


Number of British modern slavery victims up 72% in a year, figures show – The Independent

Posted October 14th, 2019 in children, drug trafficking, forced labour, gangs, news, statistics by tracey

‘The number of British people identified as modern slavery victims has surged by 72 per cent in a year, according to figures, fuelling concerns about “county lines” drugs gangs and other forms of labour exploitation.’

Full Story

The Independent, 14th October 2019


Scheme giving ex-offenders a stable place to live up and running – Ministry of Justice

‘A scheme giving vulnerable ex-offenders stable accommodation to help them rebuild their lives and stay away from crime is now up and running, Prisons Minister Lucy Frazer announced today (10 October 2019).’

Full press release

Ministry of Justice, 10th october 2019


Financial Remedy & Divorce Update, October 2019 – Family Law Week

‘Naomi Shelton, Associate, Mills & Reeve LLP considers the important news and case law relating to financial remedies and divorce during September 2019.’

Full Story

Family Law Week, 10th October 2019


Police bail decline revealed as Law Society say worrying trend means violent criminals are being released with no restrictions – Daily Telegraph

Posted October 10th, 2019 in bail, Law Society, news, police, statistics, victims, violence by tracey

‘Thousands of crime suspects are being released by police without any restrictions and potentially putting victims and the public in danger, new research suggests. In 2017, the law was changed in a bid to limit the time someone spends on bail to 28 days, offering police the chance to instead release someone under investigation (RUI) for an unlimited period of time and without having to place any restrictions on them.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 9th October 2019


Violent hate crime against disabled has risen by 41 per cent in the last year, figures suggest – The Independent

Posted October 10th, 2019 in disabled persons, hate crime, news, statistics, violence, violent offenders by tracey

‘Disability hate crime involving violence has risen by 41 per cent in the last year, figures suggest.’

Full Story

The Independent, 9th October 2019


Sex offender: ‘I’ve never had so many deviant thoughts’ – BBC News

‘In 2017, the government’s flagship treatment scheme for people convicted in England and Wales of rape or child sexual abuse was scrapped after it was shown to raise the risk of reoffending. Two sex offenders have told BBC Radio 4’s File on 4 programme what it was like to take part in the rehabilitation programme.’

Full Story

BBC News, 8th October 2019


Wonga customers’ average compensation payout may be just £118 – The Guardian

Posted October 9th, 2019 in administrators, compensation, complaints, debts, interest, loans, news, statistics by sally

‘Customers who were mis-sold loans by the collapsed payday lender Wonga are expected to receive less than 10% of what they are owed in compensation after administrators revealed that only £41m will be put aside for claimants.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 9th October 2019


Police failing to record thousands of crimes including harassment, stalking, and coercive behaviour, watchdog finds – Daily Telegraph

‘Police forces are failing to record thousands of crimes, including harassment, stalking, and coercive behaviour, a watchdog has found. New figures show a gap between the number of incidents that are reported and the number of incidents that are then logged appropriately.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 8th October 2019


Shaken baby syndrome cases ‘tip of the iceberg’ – BBC News

‘More than 220 infants in the UK were killed or injured as a result of being shaken in the past decade, analysis of NSPCC figures has found. Serious case reviews were carried out on 1,253 children, with nearly one in six of those reports concluding the youngster had suffered a brain injury. The charity said it believed that number was “the tip of the iceberg”.

Full Story

BBC News, 7th October 2019


Sexual violence and harassment cases at universities treble in three years – Daily Telegraph

Posted October 4th, 2019 in harassment, news, sexual offences, statistics, universities by tracey

‘Sexual violence and harassment cases at universities have trebled in three years, as victims reveal their claims are being investigated by novices.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 3rd October 2019


Who decides the length of prison sentences?

Posted October 2nd, 2019 in imprisonment, news, release on licence, sentencing, statistics by sally

‘Serious criminals will face “tougher” jail sentences, the government has said.’

Full Story

BBC News, 2nd October 2019


Alan Turing law: Gay, unjustly convicted – and now denied a pardon – BBC News

‘Two years ago the “Turing law” was passed to right a historic injustice by pardoning gay men convicted in the past because of their sexuality. But fewer than 200 living people have had their convictions wiped out so far. What’s going wrong?’

Full Story

BBC News, 30th September 2019


Majority of care cases continue to miss 26-week deadline – Law Society’s Gazette

‘The average time it takes to conclude care proceedings remains significantly high, according to latest quarterly statistics published today. Figures released by the Ministry of Justice, covering April to June, show that the average time for a care and supervision case to reach first disposal remained the same as it did for January to March – 33 weeks. This is the longest average time since the last quarter of 2013.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 26th September 2019
