Sexual misconduct cases at record high in legal profession – The Guardian

‘The number of reports of sexual misconduct in the legal profession in England have increased over the last five years and have reached a record high, according to newly released figures.’

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The Guardian, 20th January 2020


Backlash against Sarah’s Law NDAs: Woman who discovered paedophile neighbour taken to court after being accused of telling neighbours – Daily Telegraph

‘Charities have sparked a backlash over the use of NDAs linked to “Sarah’s Law” after a woman who outed her paedophile neighbour was taken to court for revealing his crimes.’

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Daily Telegraph, 17th January 2020


Knife or offensive weapon offences at 10-year high in England and Wales – The Guardian

Posted January 16th, 2020 in news, offensive weapons, sentencing, statistics by sally

‘The number of knife or offensive weapon offences receiving cautions or convictions in England and Wales has hit a 10-year-high.’

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The Guardian, 16th January 2020


Fifth of adults in England and Wales abused as children, figures suggest – The Guardian

Posted January 15th, 2020 in child abuse, children, news, sexual offences, statistics by sally

‘About one in five adults in England and Wales experienced a form of child abuse before they turned 16, figures suggest.’

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The Guardian, 14th January 2020


Half of London’s knife killers had previous convictions for possessing blades, new stats show – Daily Telegraph

Posted January 14th, 2020 in homicide, London, news, offensive weapons, recidivists, statistics by sally

‘Half of London’s knife killers had previous convictions for possessing blades, new figures have shown as the capital’s “half-hearted” approach has been blamed.’

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Daily Telegraph, 12th January 2020


Half of those charged with knife murders had committed similar offences – The Guardian

Posted January 13th, 2020 in London, murder, news, offensive weapons, police, recidivists, statistics by tracey

‘Almost half of people charged with knife killings in London over the past three years had previously committed an offence involving a blade, Metropolitan police figures suggest.’

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The Guardian, 13th January 2020


Women continue to be under-represented in top jobs across sport, law and politics, study suggests – The Independent

Posted January 13th, 2020 in diversity, employment, equality, news, sex discrimination, statistics, women by tracey

‘Women are missing out on top jobs across a variety of sectors, showing that a “step change” is needed to boost the number in senior roles, campaigners have said.’

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The Independent, 13th January 2020


Serious crime victims wait longer for justice after court days cut – The Guardian

Posted January 13th, 2020 in budgets, courts, delay, Ministry of Justice, news, statistics, victims by tracey

‘Victims of serious crime now wait almost a year-and-a-half for the suspects to go on trial while judges sit “idle” after the government cut their sitting days – despite Guardian analysis finding almost half of all crown courtrooms in England and Wales are empty each day.’

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The Guardian, 13th January 2020


Prison staff misconduct investigations rise by third – BBC News

‘Investigations into alleged misconduct by prison staff have risen by a third in a year, figures have revealed.’

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BBC News, 13th January 2020


Call for law change over increase in homophobic hate crimes in London – BBC News

‘Homophobic hate crimes in London have increased by 55% in five years, prompting calls for changes to the law. Latest figures show there were 3,111 hate crimes based on sexual orientation in the 12 months up to October. Shaun Bailey, the Conservative candidate for mayor of London, called for new laws and tougher sentencing for homophobic attacks.’

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BBC News, 10th January 2020


County lines: Call to review ‘criminal abuse’ of pay-as-you-go phones – BBC News

‘The government has been urged to consider imposing restrictions on pay-as-you-go mobile phones to prevent county lines drug gangs using them.’

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BBC News, 10th January 2020


‘Relentless’ use of stop and search helps reduce murders for first time in five years, police chief says – Daily Telegraph

Posted January 9th, 2020 in murder, news, police, statistics, stop and search by tracey

‘Relentless use of stop and search powers by police has helped reduce murders in Britain for the first time in five years, according to one of Britain’s most senior officers.’

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Daily Telegraph, 8th January 2019


Homicides fall for first time in five years across UK despite London rise – BBC News

‘The number of people killed across the UK fell in 2019 for the first time in five years, BBC research suggests.’

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BBC News, 8th January 2020


Racism in UK military: only six people found guilty at court martial in past five years – The Guardian

‘Just over 17% of racially aggravated crimes investigated by military police over the past five years resulted in guilty verdicts at court martial, it has emerged, as the armed forces faces new pressure over claims it is failing black and Asian service personnel.’

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The Guardian, 7th January 2020


Government accused of ignoring ‘calamitous failings’ caused by its own budget cuts with justice review – The Independent

‘Legal campaigners have attacked the government’s announcement of a royal commission on the criminal justice system for “ignoring” the impact of its own budget cuts.’

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The Independent, 19th December 2019


Police deployment of tasers doubles in two years in face of rising violence by suspects – Daily Telegraph

Posted December 20th, 2019 in firearms, news, police, statistics, violence, weapons by tracey

‘Police deployed tasers a record 23,000 times last year in face of increasingly violent suspects, double the number just two years ago, Home Office figures show.’

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Daily Telegraph, 20th December 2019


Crown court disposals fall despite growing caseload – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted December 16th, 2019 in budgets, Crown Court, news, statistics by tracey

‘The Crown court faces a growing backlog of work, as the number of criminal cases reaching court rises but the number of disposals falls.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 16th December 2019


Stop and search: the controversial police power – BBC News

‘Stop and search is a controversial police power to stop, question and search a person who is suspected of doing something illegal, including carrying drugs.’

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BBC News, 7th December 2019


‘National disgrace’: Hundreds of disabled people detained in UK hospitals for more than 10 years – The Independent

‘More than 350 people with special needs have been detained in hospitals for more than 10 years, analysis has revealed.’

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The Independent, 8th December 2019


“Over-lawyered” witness statements set for limited reform – Litigation Futures

Posted December 9th, 2019 in consultations, evidence, legal profession, news, statistics, witnesses by sally

‘Witness statements are “over-lawyered” and too long and argumentative, a Commercial Court working group has found, but it has shied away from recommending radical reform.’

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Litigation Futures, 9th December 2019
