Speech by the Lord Chief Justice: English Law on the World Stage – Courts and Tribunals Judiciary
‘Speech by the Lord Chief Justice: English Law on the World Stage.’
Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 8th May 2019
Source: www.judiciary.uk
‘Speech by the Lord Chief Justice: English Law on the World Stage.’
Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 8th May 2019
Source: www.judiciary.uk
‘Speech by Chancellor of the High Court: The effect of Brexit on Financial Services Disputes in London.’
Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 7th May 2019
Source: www.judiciary.uk
‘Speech by The Rt Hon Sir Nicholas Hamblen: Litigating financial disputes in London and the Financial List.’
Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 7th May 2019
Source: www.judiciary.uk
‘Sir Geoffrey Vos, Chancellor of the High Court, gave a speech to the Joint Northern Chancery Bar Association and University of Liverpool Lecture, entitled: “Cryptoassets as property: how can English law boost the confidence of would-be parties to smart legal contracts?” ‘
Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 3rd May 2019
Source: www.judiciary.uk
‘An analysis of the exercise of judicial discretion in the Family Law sphere. Address by Mr Justice Mostyn to the Hong Kong Family Law Association, British Consulate-General, Hong Kong 25 April 2019.’
Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 26th April 2019
Source: www.judiciary.uk
‘Victoria Atkins delivered speech at Paris Supply Chains conference.’
Home Office, 25th February 2019
Source: www.gov.uk/home-office
‘The Lord Chief Justice, The Right Hon. The Lord Burnett of Maldon, spoke about judicial appointments and diversity in the Treasurer’s Lecture 2019.’
Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 18th February 2019
Source: www.judiciary.uk
‘Speech by Lord Justice Gross: London Common Law & Commercial Bar Association Annual Lecture.’
Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 16th January 2019
Source: www.judiciary.uk
‘Speech by Senior President of Tribunals: The Modernisation of Justice.’
Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 14th December 2018
Source: www.judiciary.gov
‘Speech by the Right Honourable Lady Justice Rafferty to the Criminal Law Review Conference.’
Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 12th December 2018
Source: www.judiciary.gov
‘Speech by Mrs Justice Cheema-Grubb DBE.’
Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 6th December 2018
Source: www.judiciary.uk
‘Speech by Sir Ernest Ryder: First International Forum on Online Courts.’
Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 6th December 2018
Source: www.judiciary.gov
‘The Secretary of State for Justice spoke at the first international forum on online court services.’
Ministry of Justice, 3rd December 2018
Source: www.gov.uk/government/organisations/ministry-of-justice
‘Speech by Lord Chancellor of the High Court: The City UK Launch.’
Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 30th November 2018
Source: www.judiciary.uk
‘Speech by Lord Burnett of Maldon, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales: The cutting edge of digital reform.’
Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 3rd December 2018
Source: www.judiciary.uk
‘Speech by Rt. Hon. Sir Andrew McFarlane: Association of Lawyers for Children Conference 2018.’
Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 23rd November 2018
Source: www.judiciary.uk