Equality in the Judiciary – Speech by Lady Hale
Equality in the Judiciary (PDF)
Speech by Lady Hale
Kuttan Menon Memorial Lecture, 21st February 2013
Source: www.supremecourt.gov.uk
Equality in the Judiciary (PDF)
Speech by Lady Hale
Kuttan Menon Memorial Lecture, 21st February 2013
Source: www.supremecourt.gov.uk
“A criminal justice watchdog is to be formed to help overhaul a system that does not deliver the level of service the public ‘expect, want or deserve’, a senior minister is to announce.”
The Guardian, 19th February 2013
Source: www.guardian.co.uk
Intellectual Property Litigation: Implementation of the Jackson Report’s Recommendations (PDF)
Speech by Mr Justice Arnold
AIPPI UK, 14th February 2013
Source: www.judiciary.gov.uk
In the public interest (PDF)
Speech by Mr Justice Foskett
The ‘Disciplinary Conference’, 8th February 2013
Source: www.judiciary.gov.uk
“This lecture focuses on the question of whether justice in relation to markets is entirely to be seen as being procedural – that justice is a matter of securing the conditions of non-coercive economic exchange between free individuals. Or is justice also about social justice- that is to say about the proper distribution of resources and a concern about the outcomes of markets? If justice is about social as well as procedural justice how can we arrive at criteria for distributive justice if all moral values are seen as subjective? Should we not rather see market outcomes, in the words of the economist Fred Hirsch as being ‘in principle unprincipled’?”
Lecture by Professor the Lord Plant of Highfield
Gresham College, 29th January 2013
Source: www.gresham.ac.uk
“Speech by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rt Hon George Osborne MP, on the Reform of Banking, 4th Februaruy 2013.”
Banking reform: a new structure for stability and growth, Cm 8545
HM Treasury, 4th Februaury 2013
Source: www.hm-treasury.gov.uk
“Attorney General, Dominic Grieve QC MP outlined steps taken to prosecute economic crime at the Cityforum round table. Originally given at City of London Guildhall. This is the text of the speech as drafted, which may differ slightly from the delivered version.”
Attorney General’s Office, 21st January 2013
Source: www.gov.uk/ago
“Do Judges use Gavels?”: The Modern Judge in Myth and Reality (PDF)
Lord Carnwath of Notting Hill JSC
Judicial College, 16th January 2013
Source: www.supremecourt.gov.uk
” ‘Hold the front page: news-gathering in a time of change,’ speech by Lord Justice Leveson, University of Melbourne, Australia, 12 December 2012.”
Judiciary of England and Wales, 12th December 2012
Source: www.judiciary.gov.uk
“Speech given by Theresa May on ‘An Immigration System that Works in the National Interest’. The Speech was delivered on 12 December 2012.”
Home Office, 12th December 2012
Privacy in the 21st Century (PDF)
Lord Neuberger
UK Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists’ Lecture, 28th November 2012
Source: www.supremecourt.gov.uk
Spotlight On Reform (PDF)
Speech by Mr. Justice Ryder
The Association of Lawyers For Children National Conference, 16th November 2012
Source: www.judiciary.gov.uk
Judge for Yourself (PDF)
Speech by The Lord Chief Justice
Judge for Yourself event, 22nd November 2012
Source: www.judiciary.gov.uk
“” It is a pleasure to be here this evening to deliver the LCLCBA’s annual lecture. It is some time now since I was the chairman of the Association and I am glad to see that under the chairmanship of Michael Kent QC it continues to go from strength to strength. The role played in the development of the profession, and the interests of their members, of specialist Bar Associations, such as the LCLCBA is of immense importance and will continue to be so. I should emphasise that the views I express are my own; I do not purport to speak for the judiciary more generally…”
Judiciary of England and Wales, 22nd November 2012
Source: www.judiciary.gov.uk
“The Honourable Mr Justice Ryder delivered the keynote speech in Bristol at the annual conference on Friday 16 November 2012.”
Association of Lawyers for Children, 16th November 2012
Source: www.alc.org.uk
Black Holes in the Legal Cosmos – A Hitchhiker’s Guide (PDF)
Speech by Mr Justice Foskett
King’s College London Law Alumni Autumn Lecture, 15th November 2012
Source: www.judiciary.gov.uk
Home Truths about Judicial Diversity (PDF)
Speech by the Rt. Hon. Lord Sumption
Bar Council Law Reform Lecture, 15th Novemeber 2012
Source: www.barcouncil.org.uk
Reforming Legal Education (PDF)
Speech by Lord Neuberger
The Lord Upjohn Lecture, Association of Law Teachers, 15 November 2012
Source: www.supremecourt.gov.uk