Royal Navy sailor sex discrimination ruling reviewed – BBC News

Posted December 14th, 2010 in armed forces, news, sex discrimination, tribunals by sally

“A ruling that a sailor missed out on promotion due to her gender is to be reviewed.”

Full story

BBC news, 10th December 2010


‘Careful with those wrinkles,’ Countryfile presenter was told – The Independent

Posted November 5th, 2010 in age discrimination, media, news, sex discrimination by sally

“Former BBC presenter Miriam O’Reilly was warned ‘to be careful with those wrinkles when high definition comes in’ nine months before she was dropped from Countryfile by the BBC, a tribunal heard yesterday. Ms O’Reilly, 53, is suing the broadcaster for sex and age discrimination after losing her job when the rural affairs show was moved to a prime-time slot.”

Full story

The Independent, 5th November 2010


Judges told: ‘be more lenient to women criminals’ – Daily Telegraph

Posted September 13th, 2010 in news, sentencing, sex discrimination, women by sally

“Female criminals are more likely to have mental health or educational difficulties and to have parenting responsibilities, while a lower proportion will have committed violent crimes than men, according to new guidelines. Judges ought to ‘bear these matters in mind’ when passing sentence, according to the Equal Treatment Bench Book, published by the Judicial Studies Board (JSB).”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 11th September 2010


Firm claims sex discrimination in legal aid tender – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted September 10th, 2010 in law firms, legal aid, news, sex discrimination, tenders by sally

“A London firm has claimed sex discrimination in judicial review proceedings challenging the Legal Services Commission’s refusal to award it immigration and community care contracts.”

Full  story

Law Society’s Gazette, 9th September 2010


Coalition budget faces legal challenge from Fawcett Society over claims women will bear brunt of cuts – The Guardian

Posted August 2nd, 2010 in budgets, judicial review, news, sex discrimination by sally

“The coalition government’s emergency budget could be branded unlawful after a groundbreaking legal case was launched in the high court. Papers filed on Friday claim that Treasury officials broke the law by failing to carry out an assessment of whether the plans for heavy spending cuts would hit women hardest.”

Full story

The Guardian, 1st August 2010


Fox and others v North Cumbria University Hospitals NHS Trust – WLR Daily

Fox and others v North Cumbria University Hospitals NHS Trust [2010] EWCA civ 729; [2010] WLR (D) 169

“In order for there to be a stable employment relationship it was not necessary for there to be a succession of short term or intermittent contracts.”

WLR Daily, 2nd July 2010


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

BA pays damages to passenger who was moved – The Independent

Posted June 25th, 2010 in airlines, damages, news, sex discrimination by sally

“A male passenger who claimed British Airways discriminated against him has received an apology and compensation from the airline.”

Full story

The Independent, 25th June 2010


Timbrell v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions – WLR Daily

Posted June 24th, 2010 in appeals, law reports, pensions, retrospectivity, sex discrimination by sally

Timbrell v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions [2010] EWCA Civ 701; [2010] WLR (D) 155

The Gender Recognition Act 2004 did not have retrospective effect, and since the United Kingdom had failed to implement the relevant Community law Directive within the time permitted so far as concerned acquired gender and rights to pensions, an individual could invoke the Directive as its provisions were unconditional and precise.”
WLR Daily, 23rd June 2010
Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Firearms policewoman wins record damages in sexism case – The Guardian

Posted June 21st, 2010 in damages, news, police, sex discrimination by sally

“A police force ordered to pay record damages for sexually discriminating against a woman firearms officer acted in a ‘high-handed, insulting and malicious way’, according to an employment tribunal judgment obtained by the Guardian.”

Full story

The Guardian, 21st June 2010


Policewoman awarded £275,000 over sex discrimination – The Independent

Posted June 14th, 2010 in damages, news, police, sex discrimination by sally

“A policewoman who endured sexist comments at work has been awarded £275,000 in damages from her former force, it emerged today.”

Full story

The Independent, 14th June 2010


Nanny loses discrimination case against Heather Mills – BBC News

Posted June 4th, 2010 in employment tribunals, news, sex discrimination, unfair dismissal by sally

“Heather Mills’ ex-nanny has lost her unfair dismissal and sex discrimination case against her former boss.”

Full story

BBC News, 4th June 2010


Sex discrimination victory for man – The Independent

“A male lawyer was wrongfully sacked because bosses were worried they would be sued if they fired his female counterpart while she was on maternity leave, it emerged yesterday.”

Full story

The Independent, 19th May 2010


Reading transsexual to wait for NHS breast op ruling – BBC News

Posted May 14th, 2010 in medical treatment, news, sex discrimination by sally

“A transsexual who started a High Court battle for the legal right to NHS funding for breast augmentation surgery will have to wait for a judgement.”

Full story

BBC News, 13th May 2010


Eversheds to fight employment tribunal bias ruling – Law Society’s Gazette

“National firm Eversheds last week lodged an appeal against an Employment Tribunal ruling that it must pay £123,300 in compensation to a male associate who suffered sexual discrimination during the firm’s 2009 redundancy programme.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 13th May 2010


Lady Greenfield and Royal Institution settle sex discrimination case – The Guardian

Posted April 29th, 2010 in employment, news, sex discrimination by sally

“Lady Greenfield has dropped a sex discrimination case against the Royal Institution in an undisclosed out-of-court settlement.”

Full story

The Guardian, 28th April 2010


City lawyer ‘sacked for writing online erotic novel’ sues for £3.5m – Daily Telegraph

“A senior lawyer, Deidre Clark, sacked from a leading city firm after she wrote a sexually explicit online novel is suing her former employers for £3.5 million.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 26th April 2010


Firefighter who slept with boss wins payout – Daily Telegraph

“A woman firefighter who resorted to sleeping with her boss in a vain attempt to end a campaign of harassment against has received a payout from her former employers.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 23rd April 2010


Female solider awarded £17,000 by employment tribunal – The Guardian

“A single-mother soldier who won a claim of race and sex discrimination against the Ministry of Defence was awarded £17,016 by an employment tribunal today.”

Full story

The Guardian, 16th April 2010


City workers shouldn’t take offence at sexist comments, tribunal rules – Daily Telegraph

“Female bankers should not take offence when confronted with sexist remarks in the workplace, a tribunal has ruled.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 15th April 2010


Female soldier wins discrimination claim against army – The Guardian

“A soldier disciplined by the army after missing a parade to look after her daughter is set to receive damages after winning an employment tribunal claim, it was reported today.”

Full story

The Guardian, 13th April 2010
