Page 3 model ad banned for being ‘sexist and objectifiying women’ – Daily Telegraph

Posted November 6th, 2014 in advertising, gambling, media, news, sex discrimination by sally

‘The newspaper advert, which offered a date with a Page 3 model as a prize, has been criticised by the Advertising Standards Authority.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 5th November 2014


Are murder laws sexist? – BBC News

Posted October 16th, 2014 in defences, murder, news, provocation, sex discrimination by sally

‘In much of the UK, men on trial for killing their partner are no longer allowed to use the excuse of provocation. But are judges following the spirit of the law designed to eliminate sexism from the judicial process?’

Full story

BBC News, 15th October 2014


Watchdog investigates Met police over handling of discrimination complaints – The Guardian

‘Scotland Yard is being investigated by a human rights watchdog for deleting references to discrimination from internal reports to avoid problems at tribunals.’

Full story

The Guardian, 22nd September 2014


Should you ever sue your boss for discrimination? – Daily Telegraph

‘Former police officer Carol Howard has won £37,000 from the Met, after two years fighting her case against racial and gender discrimination. A victory, yes, but hard won. So is it ever worth suing your boss? Radhika Sanghani asks the legal experts.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 4th September 2014


Proving and Disproving Discrimination – Cloisters

‘This talk looks at the legal and practical tools available to employment lawyers to prove or disprove direct discrimination and harassment, exploring in particular three areas:
How judges apply the burden of proof s136(2)(3) EA 2010.
What is the role of Comparators in light of the Supreme Court decision of Hewage v Grampian Health Board [2012] ICR 1054, SC.
What role does knowledge of the protected characteristic now play in light of IPC Media Ltd v Millar [2013] IRLR 707.’

Full story

Cloisters, 29th August 2014


Met discriminated against black female police officer, tribunal finds – The Guardian

‘Scotland Yard subjected a black female officer to “vindictive … spiteful … insulting, malicious and oppressive” treatment and greeted her victory against the force in a discrimination case by trying to smear her name, a tribunal has found.’

Full story

The Guardian, 2nd September 2014


Maternity leave: a fair deal for returning mothers? – Halsbury’s Law Exchange

Posted September 2nd, 2014 in employment, maternity leave, news, sex discrimination by sally

‘Six out of ten mothers think their careers were “derailed” and they faced open discrimination after becoming pregnant, new research by Slater & Gordon has revealed.’

Full story

Halsbury’s Law Exchange, 2nd September 2014


Mothers’ names to be added to UK marriage registers in equality move – The Guardian

‘The names of couples’ mothers are to be added to marriage registers for the first time as the government addresses “another inequality in marriage” by introducing the first reforms to the system in more than 150 years, David Cameron has announced.’

Full story

The Guardian, 18th August 2014


Discrimination at work goes unpunished as women can’t afford to sue – The Independent

‘Women are being priced out of justice in the workplace, according to figures which show the number of sex discrimination claims brought by women against employers have fallen 80 per cent since court charges were introduced.’

Full story

The Independent, 29th July 2014


Women bishops vote welcomed by Archbishop of Canterbury – BBC News

Posted July 15th, 2014 in Church of England, clergy, equality, news, sex discrimination, women by tracey

‘The Archbishop of Canterbury has welcomed the Church of England’s historic vote to allow women to become bishops.’

Full story

BBC News, 15th July 2014


Black female officer discriminated against by Met Police, tribunal finds – Daily Telegraph

‘Britain’s biggest force faces a large compensation claim as a tribunal rules Carol Howard was treated unfairly because of her sex and race.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 1st July 2014


University of Wales Trinity St David men awarded £460,000 – BBC News

Posted June 9th, 2014 in equality, news, remuneration, sex discrimination, universities by sally

‘Eighteen men unhappy at being paid less than their female colleagues at a university have been awarded a total of £460,000 in back pay.’

Full story

BBC News, 7th June 2014


PA sacked by her boss after wife found out about their affair awarded £35,000 damages – Daily Telegraph

‘A personal assistant sacked from her job at a successful property company by her boss after his wife found out about their affair has been awarded nearly £35,000 in damages. ‘

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 29th May 2014


Men win sex discrimination pay case against university – BBC News

Posted April 24th, 2014 in contract of employment, equal pay, news, sex discrimination, universities, Wales by tracey

‘Eighteen men unhappy at being paid less than their female colleagues have won an equal pay claim against a university.’

Full story

BBC News, 23rd April 2014


Not unlawful to refuse egg freezing therapy for Crohn’s sufferer – UK Human Rights Blog

‘There are times when individual need comes up against the inflexible principles of the law and the outcome seems unjustifiably harsh. This is just such a case – where a relatively modest claim based on individual clinical need was refused with no breach of public law principles. As it happens, since the Court rejected her case, the the young woman concerned has been offered private support for the therapy she was seeking. The case is nevertheless an interesting illustration of the sometimes difficult “fit” between principles of public law and the policy decisions behind the allocation of NHS resources.’

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 18th April 2014


Male employees sue university for alleged sexual discrimination, claiming unequal pay to women – The Independent

’26 men are suing a Welsh university over allegations that they have been victims of sexual discrimination in the work place and received unequal pay to their female counterparts.’

Full story

The Independent, 18th April 2014


No maternity rights for surrogate parents? – Halsbury’s Law Exchange

‘In the recent cases of CD v ST and Z v A Government Department and the Board of Management of a Community School, the ECJ clarified the EU position regarding the protections and benefits that should be afforded to mothers having children through surrogacy arrangements.’

Full story

Halsbury’s Law Exchange, 26th March 2014


Griffiths v Secretary of State for Justice (Equality and Human Rights Commission intervening): Coll v Secretary of State for Justice (Equality and Human Rights Commission intervening) – WLR Daily

Posted March 20th, 2014 in law reports, prisons, release on licence, sex discrimination, women by tracey

Griffiths v Secretary of State for Justice (Equality and Human Rights Commission intervening): Coll v Secretary of State for Justice (Equality and Human Rights Commission intervening); [2013] EWHC 4077 (Admin);   [2014] WLR (D)  136

‘The Secretary of State for Justice had not discriminated, directly or indirectly, in the performance of his functions of providing approved premises for women released from prison on licence.’

WLR daily 19th December 2013


Not sex discrimination to dismiss employee for post-natal depression absence after maternity leave finished, says UK EAT –

‘It was neither sex discrimination nor discrimination related to pregnancy or maternity leave to dismiss an employee for excessive absences due to post-natal depression that took place after her maternity leave had ended, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has found.’

Full story, 12th March 2014


Napoli v Ministero della Giustizia – Dipartimento dell’Amministrazione penitenziaria – WLR Daily

Posted March 12th, 2014 in EC law, employment, equality, law reports, public interest, sex discrimination, women by tracey

Napoli v Ministero della Giustizia – Dipartimento dell’Amministrazione penitenziaria: (Case C-595/12);   [2014] WLR (D)  115

‘Article 15 of Parliament and Council Directive 2006/54/EC precluded national legislation which, on grounds relating to the public interest, excluded a woman on maternity leave from a vocational training course which formed an integral part of her employment and which was compulsory in order to be able to be appointed definitively to a post as a civil servant and in order to benefit from an improvement in her employment conditions, while guaranteeing her the right to participate in the next training course, the date of which was nevertheless uncertain. Article 14(2), which provided that a difference of treatment based on a characteristic relating to sex did not constitute discrimination in relation to particular occupational activities, did not apply since the national legislation did not limit a specified activity solely to male workers but only delayed access to that activity for female workers who had been unable to receive full vocational training as a result of compulsory maternity leave. Both articles 14(1)(c) and 15 were sufficiently clear, precise and unconditional to have direct effect.’

WLR Daily, 6th March 2014
