You’ve lost that loving Ealing (Sorry) – Nearly Legal

‘Ealing’s allocation policy has already had lawfulness problems, compounded by Ealing’s unlawful refusal to do anything about that unlawfulness. But this judicial review of the policy was on a different basis and confirms a whole fresh ground of unlawfulness.’

Full story

Nearly Legal, 27th April 2016


FA asked to investigate, as Lucy Ward tribunal finds Leeds owner Massimo Cellino was sexist – The Independent

Posted April 14th, 2016 in employment tribunals, news, sex discrimination, sport by sally

‘The Football Association will be asked to launch an investigation into Leeds United owner Massimo Cellino and his former executive director Adam Pearson for alleged sexual discrimination, after an employment tribunal delivered a damning indictment of their decision to dismiss an experienced welfare worker from the club.’

Full story

The Independent, 13th April 2016


Equality claims and health regulators – Availability of JR does not oust jurisdiction of ET – UK Human Rights Blog

‘Michalak v The General Medical Council & Ors [2016] EWCA Civ 172: This important case deals with the remedies available to individuals who claim to have suffered from discrimination, victimization, harassment or detriment in the treatment they have received from a “qualifications body” under s.53 of the Equality Act 2010 viz. any authority or body which can confer a relevant qualification (e.g. the GMC, ACCA etc.). It also clarifies the understanding of the place of judicial review in the context of internal and statutory appeals in cases of alleged discrimination contrary to the Equality Act 2010.’

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 11th April 2016


From domestic violence to coercive control – OUP Blog

Posted April 8th, 2016 in domestic violence, human rights, news, sex discrimination, women by sally

‘When a major obstacle is removed to our progress, idealist intellectuals like myself rejoice. I was introduced to one such obstacle in the early l970s, when a woman hiding from her abusive husband in our home told us “violence wasn’t the worst part.” Like the millions of other victimized women we have served in the ensuing years, she understood that the prevailing equation of partner abuse with domestic violence has little relation to her lived experience of oppression.’

Full story

OUP Blog, 8th April 2016


Fifth of women harassed at work over pregnancy or flexible hours, report finds – The Guardian

‘Three-quarters of pregnant women and new mothers experience discrimination at work and one in nine lose their job as a result, government-commissioned research has found.’

Full story

The Guardian, 22nd March 2016


British women cannot wait 50 years for justice – The Guardian

Posted March 15th, 2016 in equality, judiciary, legislation, news, quotas, sex discrimination, women by sally

‘Men’s domination of the senior echelons of the British judiciary means the law is biased against women. We urgently need gender quotas for women in senior legal roles.’

Full story

The Guardian, 15th March 2016


Speech by Mr Justice Singh: Making Judgments on Human Rights Issues – Courts and Tribunals Judiciary

Posted March 11th, 2016 in human rights, proportionality, sex discrimination, speeches by tracey

‘Human Rights Law Centre Annual Lecture 2016.’

Full speech

Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 9th March 2016


Closing the Gap: Will the gender pay gap information Regulations bring about equality? – Cloisters

Posted February 22nd, 2016 in employment, equality, gender, news, penalties, remuneration, sex discrimination, statistics, women by sally

‘On 12 February 2016, the Government published the draft Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2016, which will affect some 8,000 businesses. This means that it finally implemented s.78 of the Equality Act 2010 (“EqA”), the section enabling the Secretary of State to make Regulations concerning equal pay audits. (The gender reporting implemented by these Regulations is not be confused with the compulsory audits ordered by ETs under s. 139A of the EqA). Section 78 was shunted sideways in 2010, then revived following pressure from the Lib Dems in the Coalition and Mind the Pay Gap, the campaign launched by Grazia magazine. And you thought Grazia was all about clothes and celebrities…’

Full story

Cloisters, 15th February 2016


Drugs boss who said he ‘only employs beautiful women’ guilty of sexism – Daily Telegraph

Posted November 17th, 2015 in employment, harassment, news, sex discrimination, tribunals, unfair dismissal by tracey

‘The boss behind a banned cancer “wonder drug” has been found guilty of sex discrimination after writing “Red lipstick, heels – good” on his personal assistant’s job application.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 17th November 2015


#killallwhitemen row: charges dropped against student diversity officer – The Guardian

‘Bahar Mustafa, the Goldsmiths student diversity officer who was due to appear in court after allegedly tweeting the hashtag #killallwhitemen, has had charges against her dropped.’

Full story

The Guardian, 3rd November 2015


Sexual harassment and universities’ legal obligations – the government’s new taskforce – Education Law Blog

‘Many of you will have heard about the government’s recent decision to set up a taskforce to tackle violence against women on campus. (See the government press release here.) This move is timeous or long overdue (depending on your viewpoint) in the light of the accumulating momentum of campaigns by various individuals and organisations to highlight the high incidence of sexual violence/harassment on campus.’

Full story

Education Law Blog, 23rd September 2015


Firearms officer sues Met for sex discrimination – Daily Telegraph

Posted July 30th, 2015 in employment tribunals, London, news, police, sex discrimination by sally

‘Former Diplomatic Protection Group officer tells tribunal his police officer wife was granted a career break but he wasn’t.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 29th July 2015


Female barristers subjected to shocking levels of rampant sexism, says Bar report – The Independent

Posted July 28th, 2015 in barristers, news, reports, sex discrimination, women by sally

‘Shocking levels of rampant sexism still exist among barristers “existing in a children’s playground” who know they can get away with “grossly disrespectful” comments, according to a major Bar Council report.’

Full story

The Independent, 24th July 2015


Related link: Snapshot: The Experience of Self-Employed Women at the Bar

Maternity leave discrimination means 54,000 women lose their jobs each year – The Guardian

Posted July 24th, 2015 in equality, maternity leave, news, sex discrimination by sally

‘Women returning from maternity leave are more likely to face discrimination in the workplace than they were a decade ago, according to a report published today by the Equality and Human Rights Commission.’

Full story

The Guardian, 24th July 2015


Sainsbury’s faces equal pay battle with female shop floor workers – The Guardian

‘Sainsbury’s is facing legal action from four female shopfloor workers who claim they are paid less than men to do equally valuable jobs at the supermarket chain.
The case, which will be the subject of a preliminary hearing at a Birmingham employment tribunal on Friday, comes as a similar legal action involving 6,000 female Asda employees remains to be settled.’

Full story

The Guardian, 9th July 2015


Met Police officer Carol Howard was bullied by her boss on account of her sex and race – so why did she find it so difficult to win her case? – The Independent

‘As a black – and female – firearms officer, Carol Howard stood out in the Metropolitan Police’s Diplomatic Protection Group (DPG), one of only 12 women in a unit of 700. She had wanted to join the police from a young age and was incredibly proud of her job. But instead of being rewarded for her tenacity in such an environment, she was treated with suspicion, passed over for promotion and subjected to intense scrutiny.’

Full story

The Independent, 17th June 2015


Architect accused by boss of ‘maternity paranoia’ wins £250k payout – Daily Telegraph

‘Tribunal hears Julie Humphryes felt she was being ‘marginalised by the company’ while she was on maternity leave.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 16th June 2015


Centre cancels ‘illegal’ women-only screening of film by Jewish director – The Guardian

Posted June 16th, 2015 in artistic works, equality, Judaism, news, sex discrimination by sally

‘A Jewish community centre in north west London has cancelled plans to show the controversial Israeli drama Gift of Fire after admitting proposals to ban men from a screening were most likely illegal under UK equality laws.’

Full story

The Guardian, 15th June 2015


Belgravia Auto Valet advert is banned by the ASA for being ‘sexist’ and ‘demeaning to women’ – The Independent

Posted June 11th, 2015 in advertising, complaints, news, sex discrimination, women by sally

‘An online advert for a London car wash which showed young bikini-clad women pouring soapy water over themselves has been banned by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) – after receiving just one complaint.’

Full story

The Independent, 10th June 2015


Men-only divorce law firm for fathers feeling let down by family courts to open in London – The Independent

Posted May 18th, 2015 in children, divorce, law firms, news, sex discrimination by sally

‘Men-only divorce law firms look set to be the latest import from America as Britain’s first practice targeting fathers who feel hard done by in the family courts sets up in London.’

Full story

The Independent, 17th May 2015
