Fox News must let Ofcom meet harassment victims, lawyer says – The Guardian

‘Rupert Murdoch’s 21st Century Fox should waive gagging orders on victims of alleged racial and sexual harassment at Fox News so they can speak to the UK media watchdog, a lawyer representing the victims has said.’

Full story

The Guardian, 11th May 2017


Baroness Shields’ speech at the National Security Agency – Home Offcie

Posted April 24th, 2017 in intelligence services, internet, news, parliament, sex discrimination, women by tracey

‘Delivered to the fifth Annual Intelligence Community (IC) Women’s Summit.’

Full speech

Home Office, 21st April 2017


Community contribution, priority stars and discrimination – Nearly Legal

‘This was a judicial review of Southwark’s allocation policy as it applied to transfers. Specifically, the issue was whether Southwark’s policy, in awarding ‘priority stars’ for ‘community contribution’ discriminated against women and the disabled.’

Full story

Nearly Legal, 9th April 2017


No “reason why”: Essop and Naeem in the Supreme Court – Cloisters

‘Robin Allen QC and Anna Beale consider the latest case on indirect discrimination and ask the pressing question: are equal pay cases suddenly significantly easier for Claimants?’

Full story

Cloisters, 5th April 2017


The Supreme Court makes Indirect Discrimination simple again – 11 KBW

‘In the joined cases of Essop and Naeem ([2017] UKSC 27) the Supreme Court has taken on a daunting task: the simplification of indirect discrimination law. This is not a case note in the usual sense. We have not set out the facts, the law and then a statement of what is novel. At the hearing we tried to give the Supreme Court a new vocabulary to use as a tool for its analysis. The aim of this note is to explain that language as simply as we can. If we succeed, what we have to say will seem obvious. Those reading Lady Hale’s judgment (with which all of their Lordships agreed) will have had that experience. She has distilled, from an area of law that was submerging into great complexity, a handful of principles that dispel confusion and whch make intractable issues straightforward.’

Full story (PDF)

11 KBW, 5th April 2017


What is it with judges and women? – The Guardian

‘Men who inflict terrible violence on their partners are walking free from courts that treat their crimes lightly.’

Full story

The Guardian, 2nd April 2017


UK’s gender pay rankings will put discrimination under spotlight – The Guardian

Posted April 3rd, 2017 in disclosure, employment, equal pay, news, sex discrimination, statistics by sally

‘The naming and shaming of employers is welcome, but the fight for equal pay for women has just begun’

Full story

The Guardian, 2nd April 2017


Are you being replaced? How to deal with maternity discrimination – The Guardian

Posted March 23rd, 2017 in employment, news, reports, sex discrimination, women by sally

‘Love it or loathe it, BBC drama The Replacement addressed the job insecurity many women on maternity leave face, here’s how to cope if you feel forced out.’

Full story

The Guardian, 23rd March 2017


Gay man takes fight for equal pension rights for his husband to Supreme Court – Daily Telegraph

‘A gay man fighting to win his husband the same pension rights a wife would enjoy if he was in a heterosexual relationship takes his case to the UK’s highest court.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 8th March 2017


Men ‘bullied’ out of generous divorce settlements by breadwinning wives – Daily Telegraph

‘Men are being awarded more generous divorce payouts with some also receiving ongoing payments from their ex-wives, lawyers say.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 4th February 2017


BBC reporter Sally Chidzoy’s tribunal struck out for ‘unreasonable conduct’ – BBC News

‘A veteran BBC TV reporter who claimed she was the victim of a “witch-hunt” had her employment tribunal case struck out for unreasonable conduct.’

Full story

BBC News, 2nd March 2017


Opposite-sex civil partnerships? Steinfeld & Anor in the Court of Appeal – Law & Religion UK

‘S 1(1) Civil Partnership Act 2004 stipulates that only a same-sex couple may conclude a civil partnership: “A civil partnership is a relationship between two people of the same sex…”. In June 2014 the Coalition Government published the results of its second consultation on the future of civil partnership: Civil Partnership Review (England and Wales) – Report on Conclusions. After considering the responses to that consultation, the Government decided that it would not be making any changes at present.’

Full story

Law & Religion UK, 21st February 2017


Should heterosexual couples be allowed to enter civil partnerships? – The Guardian

‘A heterosexual couple who labelled traditional marriage as a “sexist” and “patriarchal” institution, have lost their appeal to enter into a civil partnership.’

Full story

The Guardian, 21st February 2017


Tax barrister plans to take Uber to court over alleged £20m black hole – The Guardian

‘A leading tax lawyer is planning to challenge Uber in the courts over what he alleges could be a £20m-a-year black hole in its tax payments in the UK.’

Full story

The Guardian, 21st February 2017


Joseph Bryan: High Heels and Workplace Dress Codes – Is Discrimination Law Working? – Littleton Chambers

Posted February 20th, 2017 in employment, employment tribunals, equality, news, sex discrimination by sally

‘In December 2015 Nicola Thorp, employed by reception agency Portico, turned up for her first day of work as a temporary receptionist at PwC. She was wearing smart flat shoes, but was told that Portico’s policy required women to wear heels between two and four inches high. She was given an ultimatum: go out and buy high heels or go home. Ms Thorp refused to buy a new pair. When she challenged the policy, her manager sent her home without pay.’

Full story

Littleton Chambers, 30th January 2017


BBC reporter Sally Chidzoy’s employment tribunal case struck out – BBC News

‘A BBC TV reporter who claimed she was the victim of a “witch-hunt” has had her case struck out by an employment tribunal.’

Full story

BBC News, 13th February 2017


Divorces are skewed by judges’ outdated chivalry, says female peer pushing for cap on payments – Daily Telegraph

‘Judges are labouring under antiquated notions of chivalry in awarding women maintenance payments which extend years into the future, despite the fact that many divorcees go on to earn good salaries on their own, says a leading female peer.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 12th February 2017


Putting Women on the Front Foot: The Joint Committee Report on High Heels and Dress Codes at Work – Cloisters

‘The Joint Committee report on high heels and dress codes at work shows that discriminatory dress codes can promote the sexualised objectification of women at work, disadvantage people with disabilities, inhibit employment prospects, impair work performance and cause long term and substantial damage to health.’

Full story

Cloisters, 26th January 2017


Inquiry launched into UK gender laws amid fears over Brexit effect – The Guardian

‘A major review into the UK’s gender discrimination laws is to be launched amid fears a potential post-Brexit move towards a lower regulation economy could see protections eroded.’

Full story

The Guardian, 30th January 2017


Fine firms for sexist dress rules, say MPs – BBC News

Posted January 27th, 2017 in employment, equality, fines, news, sex discrimination, women by sally

‘The government must enforce the law to ban sexist dress rules at work that discriminate against women, MPs say.’

Full story

BBC News, 25th January 2017
