Separate but not equal? – Rajkiran Barhey – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted December 1st, 2017 in gender, news, school children, sex discrimination by tracey

‘Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills v The Interim Executive Board of Al Hijrah School [2017] EWCA Civ 1426. This fascinating judgment, delivered by the Court of Appeal on 13 October 2017, found that a policy of gender segregation in a co-educational school amounted to unlawful gender discrimination.’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 30th November 2017


Michalak v General Medical Council – Blackstone Chambers

‘The Supreme Court has decided that a doctor is not prevented from suing the GMC in the Employment Tribunal (“ET”) under the Equality Act 2010 (“2010 Act”) by the availability of judicial review.’

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Blackstone Chambers, 1st November 2017


Equal Civil Partnerships: Implications of Strasbourg’s latest ruling for Steinfeld and Keidan – Helen Fenwick & Andy Hayward – UK Human Rights Blog

‘Equal civil partnerships divide opinions. For their proponents, access to such a status, and the legal benefits that follow, allows couples critical of marriage – whether same or different-sex – the ability to express their relationship through (in their view) a more appropriate, modern and egalitarian legal institution. Opponents question such a need in light of the availability of civil marriage, which has over centuries evolved and may not now necessarily be perceived as embodying the patriarchal or heteronormative values that its critics challenge. Calls for allowing different-sex as well as same-sex couples to enter civil partnerships in England and Wales have grown louder recently following the failed Equal Love case (Ferguson v UK), the production of several Private Members Bills and the on-going litigation in Steinfeld and Keidan v Secretary of State for Education, due to be heard by the Supreme Court in Spring 2018. The desire, however, for different-sex civil partnerships is not limited to this jurisdiction, and was recently explored for the first time by the Strasbourg court in Ratzenböck and Seydl v Austria. After exploring the background to this legal challenge, this post will critically analyse the reasoning of the Strasbourg Court and assess its implications for the challenge in Steinfeld.’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 21st November 2017


New guidance issued to tackle pregnancy and maternity discrimination at work – The Independent

Posted November 21st, 2017 in employment, news, pregnancy, sex discrimination by sally

‘New guidance has been issued to tackle pregnancy and maternity discrimination at work after a huge increase in calls for advice.’

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The Independent, 21st November 2017


Al-Hijrah School: Gender segregation as direct discrimination and other lessons – Cloisters

Posted October 20th, 2017 in judicial review, news, school children, sex discrimination by sally

‘Rachel Barrett and Siân McKinley consider the recent Court of Appeal judgment on gender segregation, HM Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills v The Interim Executive Board of Al-Hijrah School, and the broader implications for discrimination law.’

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Cloisters, 19th October 2017


Islamic Faith School’s Gender Segregation Ruled Unlawful – RightsInfo

Posted October 16th, 2017 in education, equality, gender, Islam, news, school children, sex discrimination by sally

‘An Islamic faith school which has a policy of separating girls and boys has been told the rules are unlawful.’

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RightsInfo, 13th October 2017


UK gender inequality as bad as 10 years ago, EU league table shows – The Guardian

Posted October 12th, 2017 in education, employment, equality, gender, news, reports, sex discrimination by sally

‘Britain has made zero progress in tackling inequality between the sexes in the past decade and lags behind Sweden, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands and France in the EU’s latest gender equality league table.’

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The Guardian, 11th October 2017


Asda equal pay case: The landmark legal battle that could stop women in the UK being paid less than men – The Independent

‘The latest hearing in the UK’s largest ever private sector equal pay claim is due to kick off on Wednesday, in a case that could eventually see around 15,000 predominantly female Asda workers recovering well over £100m in pay.’

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The Independent, 10th October 2017


Women who had relationships with police spies criticise inquiry – The Guardian

Posted September 20th, 2017 in anonymity, news, police, sex discrimination, spying by sally

‘Women who were deceived into sexual relationships with undercover police officers have called for an urgent meeting with the home secretary over fears the official public inquiry lacks openness and fails to recognise claims of institutional sexism within the Metropolitan police.’

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The Guardian, 19th September 2017


Male police officers given £96,000 payout after they were sidelined for calling out sexism – Daily Telegraph

‘Two male police officers have been awarded £96,000 after they claimed they were sidelined for raising concerns about sexist attitudes in their force.’

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Daily Telegraph, 22nd August 2017


Court lifts ban on naming faith school in segregation case – The Guardian

Posted July 11th, 2017 in disclosure, Islam, news, sex discrimination by sally

‘A state-funded Muslim faith school in Birmingham at the centre of a legal battle over its policy of gender segregation in the classroom has been named ahead of the start of a court of appeal hearing on the legality of its approach.’

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The Guardian, 10th July 2017


Why We Should Oppose Gender Identity Fraud Prosecutions – Legal Voice

‘Following the conviction of Gayle Newland for tricking a female friend into having sex by pretending to be a man, Alex Sharpe looks at why such prosecutions are wrong.’

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Legal Voice, 10th July 2017


“Real misery is being caused to no good purpose” – Nearly Legal

‘This was the judicial review of the ‘reduced’ benefit cap – £20,000 pa outside London, £23,000 in London, brought by claimants who were all single mothers with children, including children under two years old. The claim was on the basis that the regulations were discriminatory, either against women as the majority of single parents, or against the children, on the basis that single parents of children under two years old were not able to ‘escape’ the cap by obtaining 16 hours or more a week of employment.’

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Nearly Legal, 25th June 2017


Trans woman receives police payout after being forced to strip naked and sprayed with mace – The Independent

‘A trans woman has won “substantial” damages after police stripped her and sprayed her in the face with mace, forcing her to wash her eyes out with toilet water.’

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The Independent, 20th June 2017


Father wins discrimination case against employer for failing to give him full paternity leave – Daily Telegraph

‘A father has successfully sued his employer for failing to give him full paternity leave rights, in a case thought to be the first of its kind.’

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Daily Telegraph, 11th June 2017


Fair share – Counsel

‘All members should feel that chambers is doing their best for them. But how can you check work is being allocated fairly, and how can clerks demonstrate the fact of fairness? Rachel Crasnow QC reports from a seminar addressing these concerns.’

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Counsel, June 2017


R (C) v Islington LBC – Arden Chambers

‘The Administrative Court has held that priority within a housing allocation scheme providing that existing social housing tenants are to be preferred over other applicants, such as the homeless and women fleeing domestic violence, for certain local lettings of eg new and refurbished accommodation was justified and accordingly had not been unlawfully discriminatory for the purposes of art.14 and ss.19, 29 Equality Act 2010; the introduction of the local lettings policies had complied with s.149 Equality Act 2010 and s.11 Children Act 2004; but the operation of a system of direct offers, used particularly to allocate accommodation to homeless applicants, had not been sufficiently set out in the scheme and was accordingly unlawful.’

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Arden Chambers, 31st May 2017


Making it up as you go – Nearly Legal

‘C was accepted for the full housing duty by Islington, with her 3 children, as a result of domestic violence. C is profoundly deaf. She had been living in Southwark, but following the DV, was in refuge in Islington and applied as homeless there. She was, eventually, given 3 bed temporary accommodation in Islington.’

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Nearly Legal, 6th June 2017


Female estate agent guilty of sexism after she offered male colleague sex act to hit £180k target – Daily Telegraph

Posted June 2nd, 2017 in estate agents, news, sex discrimination by sally

‘A female estate agent has been found guilty of sex discrimination after she offered to perform a sex act on a male colleague if he banked £180,000 in income.’

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Daily Telegraph, 1st June 2017


Landlord Fergus Wilson facing legal action – BBC News

‘The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has applied for an injunction against Fergus Wilson.’

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BBC News, 17th May 2017
