Abuse in English football a ‘crisis’ – Kick It Out – BBC News
‘The level of abuse in English football has “reached crisis point”, says the head of anti-discrimination body Kick It Out.’
BBC News, 10th February 2025
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘The level of abuse in English football has “reached crisis point”, says the head of anti-discrimination body Kick It Out.’
BBC News, 10th February 2025
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘A marketing executive at a party balloon company has lost a sex discrimination claim lodged after his female boss said “sorry boys” as she revealed that a woman had won an award.’
The Guardian, 5th February 2025
Source: www.theguardian.com
‘In 2019, the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union said it had received around 1,000 complaints from workers across UK branches of McDonald’s [1], although it was not clear whether these complaints were made against multiple franchisees or McDonald’s as the franchisor. The complaints were said to encompass a range of discriminatory behaviours, including sexual harassment.’
Doughty Street Chambers, 29th January 2025
Source: insights.doughtystreet.co.uk
‘The UK Supreme Court (UKSC) is poised to deliver its judgment in For Women Scotland v The Scottish Ministers, examining whether “woman” under the Equality Act 2010 (EA) includes trans women with a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) issued under the Gender Recognition Act 2004 (GRA). This blog discusses why GRC holders should not be excluded from the EA’s sex discrimination protections.’
Oxford Human Rights Hub, 30th January 2025
Source: ohrh.law.ox.ac.uk
‘Emma Greening reviews the case of Shakil v Samons Limited [2024] EAT 192, in which HHJ Tayler provides a useful recitation of how to approach quantum in an injury to feelings award.’
3 Paper Buildings, 19th December 2024
Source: www.3pb.co.uk
‘The Government Legal Department (GLD) discriminated against a senior lawyer by excluding her from a cost-of-living payment because she was on a career break at the time.’
Legal Futures, 7th January 2025
Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk
‘A paralegal who argued she was discriminated against due to her pregnancy, and was unfairly dismissed, has had her employment tribunal claims against a law firm dismissed after a judge found she had resigned from her role.’
Law Society's Gazette, 6th January 2025
Source: www.lawgazette.co.uk
‘Birmingham city council has reached an agreement to settle historical equal pay claims that left the authority with liabilities estimated at £760m and pushed it into effective bankruptcy.’
The Guardian, 10th December 2024
Source: www.theguardian.com
‘Michael Owen, Sumi Begum and May Atkinson round up the latest cases and court decisions of interest to housing associations and local authorities.’
Local Government Lawyer, 4th December 2024
Source: www.localgovernmentlawyer.co.uk
‘Increased use of artificial intelligence (AI) could “perpetuate or even amplify existing gender biases in the legal profession”, new research has warned.’
Legal Futures, 4th December 2024
Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk
‘The Employment Appeal Tribunal has ordered a re-hearing of claims by an ex-employee against a local authority, after finding that most of the Employment Tribunal’s written reasons were copied from the council’s witness evidence or written submissions.’
Local Government Lawyer, 26th November 2024
Source: www.localgovernmentlawyer.co.uk
‘In Finn v British Bung Manufacturing Company [2023] EAT 165, the EAT upheld an employment tribunal’s decision that calling a male colleague a ‘bald c**nt’ was harassment related to sex. The employer’s counterargument, that baldness is not an exclusively male characteristic, failed.’
Cloisters, 8th October 2024
Source: www.cloisters.com
‘A paralegal has been awarded £41,000 in damages against a law firm that unfairly dismissed and discriminated against her because she could not work full-time due to disability.’
Legal Futures, 11th November 2024
Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk
‘In the second session of our Autumn/Winter Employment Series, Nick Bidnell-Edwards and Safia Tharoo provide a concise review of whistleblowing law for detriment and dismissal claims, including recent developments, followed by practical tips on how to bring and to defend the claims.’
Local Government Lawyer, 1st November 2024
Source: www.localgovernmentlawyer.co.uk
‘Begum, R (On the Application Of) v London Borough of Tower Hamlets (2024) EWHC 2279 (Admin) – Ms Begum had applied as homeless to Tower Hamlets in 2001. She was given temporary accommodation in a studio flat. 5 months later her first child was born. In June 2022, she complained about the suitability of the studio, which at that time was still s.188 accommodation. In October 2022, Tower Hamlets accepted the full duty. An internal memo recorded that Ms B had requested a transfer due to overcrowding. By March 2023, Ms B was pregnant with her second child, with a due date in September 2023. Between May and July 2023 there was correspondence between Ms B’s solicitors and Tower Hamlets on the suitability of the accommodation. The present claim was issued and interim relief ordered in August 2023. Three days later, Tower Hamlets made an offer of accommodation which Ms B accepted.’
Nearly Legal, 20th October 2024
Source: nearlylegal.co.uk
‘The London Borough of Tower Hamlets has resisted a claim that a database of homeless applicants either needing or requesting a move to alternative accommodation, was a “waiting list” or means of delaying suitable accommodation being provided, and that it put women at a disadvantage.’
Local Government Lawyer, 9th October 2024
Source: www.localgovernmentlawyer.co.uk