Increased risks for employers, says expert, as new illegal working offences come into force –

Posted July 13th, 2016 in criminal justice, employment, immigration, news, prosecutions, sentencing by sally

‘New immigration offences have now come into force, meaning it will now be easier to prosecute those who employ illegal workers.’

Full story, 13th July 2016


Ex-soldier jailed for trying to buy guns ‘to fight for IS’ – BBC News

Posted July 13th, 2016 in firearms, Islam, news, sentencing, terrorism, weapons by sally

‘A former British soldier who tried to join the so-called Islamic State has been jailed for 18 years for attempting to buy machine guns and pistols.’

Full story

BBC News, 12th July 2016


The takeover: how police ended up running a paedophile site – The Guardian

‘Exclusive: the inside story of a police operation that secretly took over a child abuse forum in a six-month sting, and the stunning breakthrough that led them to snaring Richard Huckle, ‘Britain’s worst-ever paedophile’.’

Full story

The Guardian, 13th July 2016


Rapist jailed for life following attack on grieving mother – Daily Telegraph

Posted July 12th, 2016 in grievous bodily harm, news, rape, recidivists, sentencing by sally

‘A brutal sex attacker has been jailed for life after admitting raping a grieving mother as she placed flowers on the grave of her six-year-old son.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 11th July 2016


Two jurors found guilty of contempt of court – Attorney General’s Office

Posted July 11th, 2016 in contempt of court, juries, news, sentencing by sally

‘Two jurors found guilty of contempt of court were sentenced to suspended prison terms after a hearing in the Royal Courts of Justice today.’

Full story

Attorney General’s Office, 9th July 2016


‘Speak out’ plea as rogue lettings agent is jailed – BBC News

Posted July 11th, 2016 in agency, fraud, landlord & tenant, news, sentencing by sally

Nearly all scam and fraud victims “suffer in silence”, councils say, but the jailing of a lettings agent shows billions of pounds could be saved.

Full story

BBC News, 8th July 2016


Man neglected by mental health services gets life sentence for manslaughter – The Guardian

Posted July 11th, 2016 in homicide, mental health, news, sentencing, social services by sally

‘A man who is mentally ill has been sentenced to life with a minimum term of 10 years for killing a retired solicitor after their cars were involved in a minor collision.’

Full story

The Guardian, 8th July 2016


Two burglars due to be sentenced after torturing couple – The Guardian

‘A pair of burglars are facing prison after torturing a wealthy couple in their home before making off with £20,000 in cash, gold ornaments and silverware. John McCarthy, 35, and Richard Leslie, 37, were among a gang who terrified the couple during a night-time raid in November 2014.’

Full story

The Guardian, 7th July 2016


Max Clifford cleared of indecent assault of teenage girl – The Guardian

Posted July 8th, 2016 in child abuse, news, sentencing by sally

‘The former celebrity publicist Max Clifford has been cleared of indecently assaulting a teenage girl.’

Full story

The Guardian, 7th July 2016


Ex-Barclays Libor traders jailed for more than 6 years – The Independent

Posted July 8th, 2016 in banking, conspiracy, fraud, interest, news, sentencing by sally

‘Four former Barclays traders were sentenced to as long as 6 1/2 years in prison for manipulating Libor as judges continued meting out tough punishments for white-collar crime.’

Full story

The Independent, 7th July 2016


Gang jailed over ‘colossal’ plot to smuggle £1.6bn of drugs into Britain in fake ambulances – Daily Telegraph

Posted July 5th, 2016 in conspiracy, drug trafficking, gangs, news, sentencing by sally

‘Six men have been jailed for their part in an audacious plot to smuggle £1.6 billion of drugs into Britain using a fleet of fake ambulances.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 4th July 2016


Six jailed for ‘drug ambulance’ smuggling plot – BBC News

Posted July 4th, 2016 in conspiracy, drug offences, drug trafficking, news, sentencing by michael

‘Six men have been jailed for a total of 94 years after smuggling drugs from Holland to the UK in fake ambulances.’

Full story

BBC News, 4th July 2016


Criminal proceedings against Kossowski (Case C-486/14) – WLR Daily

Criminal proceedings against Kossowski (Case C-486/14)

‘The accused fled from Germany to Poland after being accused of committing a criminal offence in Germany, and a criminal investigation was initiated against him in that state. The Polish authorities subsequently arrested the accused with a view to the enforcement of a term of imprisonment to which he had been sentenced in Poland in a different case. Subsequently, the Polish authorities opened an investigation procedure against the accused, accusing him of an offence based on his actions in Germany but decided eventually to terminate the criminal proceedings for lack of sufficient evidence. The Higher Regional Court, Hamburg, hearing an appeal brought by the Hamburg Public Prosecutor’s Office against that decision, took the view that under the German law, the evidence against the accused was sufficient to justify the opening of trial proceedings before the Regional Court, Hamburg, and the acceptance of the indictment for the purposes of those proceedings, unless that was barred by the principle of ne bis in idem (protection from multiple prosecutions in different member states) laid down in article 54 of the Convention Implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the gradual abolition of checks at their common borders (1995) (OJ 2000 L239, p 19) (the “CISA”) and article 50 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Accordingly, the Hamburg court referred to the Court of Justice of the European Union for a preliminary ruling a number of questions on the interpretation of those provisions.’

WLR Daily, 30th June 2016


Regina v Malhi – WLR Daily

Regina v Malhi

‘In 2006 the defendant pleaded guilty to a charge of conspiracy to obtain property by deception. He was sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment. In confiscation proceedings his criminal benefit was assessed at over £800,000 but, as he had no available assets, a confiscation order was made in the nominal sum of £1. Subsequently, the defendant having bought a house, the prosecution applied under section 22 of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 for reconsideration of the available amount. In July 2015 the amount of the confiscation order was varied from £1 to £108,010, the value of the defendant’s equity in the house, with five years’ imprisonment to be served in default of payment. The defendant made a late application for permission to appeal against conviction and sentence. The application was dismissed except that it was adjourned as to two of the proposed grounds of appeal, namely (i) that the default sentence was excessive because, at the time of the offence, the maximum period of imprisonment in default of payment of a confiscation order in relation to a sum between £100,00 and £250,000 was three years and the judge had therefore been wrong to have regard to the increased maximum period provided for in section 10 of the Serious Crime Act 2015 which, by regulation 3(g) of the Serious Crime Act 2015 (Commencement No 1) Regulations 2015 came into force on 1 June 2015; (ii) that the term imposed was manifestly excessive.’

WLR Daily, 30th June 2016


Plane passenger jailed for shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ and ‘boom’ on Birmingham-bound flight – Daily Telegraph

Posted July 4th, 2016 in Islam, news, sentencing, terrorism, threatening behaviour by michael

‘A passenger who sparked terror panic and left holidaymakers in tears after shouting “Allahu Akbar” and “boom” on a Birmingham-bound flight has been jailed.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 4th July 2016


Convicted Somalian rapist had deportation order overturned before attacking two more women as he “did not understand what is acceptable in UK” – Daily Telegraph

‘A convicted Somalian rapist who overturned a deportation order went on to rape two more women in Birmingham, with his lawyer arguing “he had a lack of understanding of what is acceptable in the UK”.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 3rd July 2016


Alice Gross: Evidence shows ‘police did not contribute to death’ – BBC News

‘The death of a girl suspected of being killed by a convicted murderer, was not contributed to by the actions of police, an inquest has heard.’

Full story

BBC News, 1st July 2016


Kayleigh Haywood murder: Stephen Beadman jailed for life – BBC News

‘A man who raped and murdered a 15-year-old girl after his friend had groomed her through Facebook and texts has been jailed for at least 35 years.’

Full story

BBC News, 1st July 2016


Telford woman jailed for baby kidnap tried to fake pregnancy – BBC News

Posted July 1st, 2016 in kidnapping, news, sentencing by tracey

‘A woman who kidnapped a baby as part of a “naive” attempt to fake a pregnancy has been jailed for two years.’

Full story

BBC News, 1st July 2016


Paedophile Information Exchange member Douglas Slade jailed – BBC News

Posted July 1st, 2016 in child abuse, news, sentencing, sexual offences by tracey

‘A paedophile once dubbed one of the “vilest men in Britain” has been jailed for 24 years for child abuse offences.’

Full story

BBC News, 1st July 2016
