Teenagers jailed for robbing and killing man – The Guardian

Posted August 26th, 2009 in murder, news, robbery, sentencing, young offenders by sally

“Two teenagers were jailed today after being convicted of killing and robbing a grandfather described by the judge as ‘a gentle, amiable man’.”

Full story

The Guardian, 26th August 2009

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Ronnie Biggs wins permission to challenge parole decision – The Guardian

Posted July 31st, 2009 in judicial review, news, parole, robbery by sally

“The great train robber Ronnie Biggs has been given permission to challenge the decision to refuse him parole, his legal adviser said today.”

Full story

The Guardian, 30th July 2009

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

First trial without jury approved – BBC News

Posted June 18th, 2009 in Crown Court, juries, news, robbery, trial without jury by sally

“The Court of Appeal has ruled that a criminal trial can take place in front of a judge without a jury for the first time in England and Wales.”

Full story

BBC News, 18th June 2009

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Men jailed for 17-day crime spree – BBC News

Posted May 8th, 2009 in burglary, kidnapping, news, robbery, sentencing by sally

“Two men who terrorised part of Greater Manchester during a 17-day crime spree have been jailed for life.”

Full story

BBC News, 7th May 2009

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Regina v Zeca – Times Law Reports

Posted March 17th, 2009 in law reports, robbery, sentencing, suspended sentences by sally

Regina v Zeca

Court of Appeal (Criminal Division)

“It would be unjust to activate a completed unpaid work requirement attached to a suspended order of imprisonment where an offender breached the suspended order by committing a further offence.”

The Times, 17th March 2009

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

Great train robber Ronnie Biggs set to be released in July – The Guardian

Posted February 18th, 2009 in news, parole, robbery by sally

“Great train robber Ronnie Biggs may walk free this summer, it emerged last night. A parole board meeting on 3 July will decide if he can be released from Norwich jail after nine and a half years in custody in the UK and more than 35 years on the run in Australia and Brazil since the £2.3m raid on the Glasgow to London mail train.”

Full story

The Guardian, 18th February 2009

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Robbery trial collapses after judge finds victim ‘too believable’ – Daily Telegraph

Posted January 14th, 2009 in news, robbery, victims, witnesses by sally

“A man accused of robbing a driving instructor has been found not guilty after a judge found that his alleged victim was ‘too believable’ in her evidence.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 13th January 2009

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Jury discharged in £53m Tonbridge depot robbery trial – The Guardian

Posted January 8th, 2009 in juries, news, robbery, verdicts by sally

“Retrial date to be set after jury trying man allegedly ‘at heart’ of Britain’s biggest cash robbery fails to reach verdict.”

Full story

The Guardian, 8th January 2009

Source: www.guardian.co.uk