Tough new penalties come into force for driving offences – The Guardian

Posted September 24th, 2007 in news, road traffic offences by sally

“Drivers who fail to identify who was behind the wheel when a speeding offence is committed face a heavier penalty under law changes that come into force today. The clampdown on driving offences includes higher maximum fines for careless driving and refusing to stop when flagged down by police.”

Full story

The Guardian, 24th September 2007


Police demand law change for drug drivers – The Guardian

Posted July 30th, 2007 in drug abuse, news, road traffic offences by sally

“Anyone who drives after taking illegal drugs should be prosecuted, senior police officers said today.”

Full story

The Guardian, 30th July 2007


O’Halloran v United Kingdon: Francis v United Kingdom – Times Law Reports

Posted July 13th, 2007 in human rights, law reports, road traffic offences by sally

Compulsion to identify driver does not prejudice right to fair trial

O’Halloran v.  United Kingdom; Francis v. United Kingdom 

European Court of Human Rights

“Registered keepers of motor vehicles could lawfully be compelled to tell the police who was driving it on a particular occasion.”

The Times, 13th July 2007


Please note: the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication

Drivers lose speed camera test case in Strasbourg court – The Guardian

Posted July 2nd, 2007 in news, road traffic offences, speed cameras by sally

“Two British drivers lost a test case at the European court of human rights in Strasbourg yesterday over whether the rules on speed camera prosecutions violate the 800-year-old right to silence. The two men claimed the law requiring car owners to reveal who was driving when the camera recorded a speeding violation infringes the right not to incriminate oneself, a key element of the right to a fair trial.”

Full story

The Guardian, 30th June 2007


Motorists lose speed camera case – BBC News

Posted June 29th, 2007 in news, road traffic offences, speed cameras by sally

“Two British motorists have lost the last round of their legal fight against speed cameras.”

Full story

BBC News, 29th June 2007


CPS to react to cycle deaths call – BBC News

Posted June 28th, 2007 in inquests, news, road traffic offences by sally

“The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) is expected to give its reaction later to criticisms made at an inquest into the deaths of four cyclists. ”

Full story

BBC News, 28th June 2007


Families given chance to explain impact of crime – The Times

Posted June 26th, 2007 in dangerous driving, news, road traffic offences, victims by sally

“Families of people who are murdered or killed by dangerous driving will be able to have a statement about their loss read out in court, it was announced today.”

Full story

The Times, 25th June 2007


Drivers face big cut in drink limit and random tests – The Guardian

Posted June 15th, 2007 in alcohol abuse, news, road traffic offences by sally

“Drivers face a drastic reduction in the drink-drive limit and the introduction of random roadside breath tests in a government crackdown on alcohol-related road deaths.”

Full story

The Guardian, 15th June 2007


Speeding drivers with loophole lawyers to face police challenge – The Times

Posted May 23rd, 2007 in news, road traffic offences, speed cameras by traceydennis

“Drivers who challenge speed camera fines will face a new team of expert witnesses dedicated to the task of rebutting spurious arguments put forward by so-called loophole lawyers”

Full story

The Times, 23rd May 2007


Court gives up on ‘speeding’ driver who kicked up too much of a fuss – The Times

Posted May 11th, 2007 in news, road traffic offences by sally

“A motorist accused of driving at 37mph in a 30mph zone has had the case against him dropped after the prosecution decided it wasn’t worth the trouble.”

Full story

The Times, 11th May 2007
