Statute Law Repeals – Law Commission

Posted January 29th, 2008 in repeals, reports by sally

“The most recent Statute Law Repeals Report (the 18th report in the series) was published on 29 January 2008. A draft of the Bill, which gives effect to the repeal proposals contained in the report, is included. The Bill will shortly be introduced in the House of Lords for its First Reading.”

Full story

Law Commission, 29th January 2008


Related link: Statute Law Repeals: Eighteenth Report (PDF)

Advocacy Training Council – The Bar Council

Posted January 25th, 2008 in advocacy, barristers, reports by sally

“The third annual report of the Advocacy Training Council (ATC) marks the closing contribution of Edwin Glasgow CBE QC as Chairman.”

Full report

The Bar Council, 25th January 2008


Review of the use of Low Copy Number DNA analysis in current cases: CPS statement – Crown Prosecution Service

Posted January 16th, 2008 in DNA, reports by sally

“The judgment in the Omagh bombing case, R v Hoey, was handed down on the 20th December 2007.

The Judge expressed concerns about Low Copy Number (LCN) DNA analysis, conducted by the Forensic Science Service Ltd (FSS), which was adduced in evidence. In particular he expressed concerns about the extent to which the scientific validity of the technique had been demonstrated.”

Full story

Crown Prosecution Service, 14th January 2008


Alternative dispute resolution: annual pledge report 2006/07 – Ministry of Justice

Posted January 15th, 2008 in dispute resolution, reports by sally

“The Annual Pledge Report monitors the effectiveness of the government’s commitment to using alternative dispute resolution across government departments and agencies.

The 2006/07 report shows that alternative dispute resolution has been used in 331 cases across government, with 225 leading to settlement, and with estimated savings of £73.08 million.”

The Annual Pledge Report 2006/07 (PDF)

Ministry of Justice, 15th January 2008


Human Rights Insight Project – Ministry of Justice

Posted January 11th, 2008 in human rights, reports by sally

“The report presents the findings from the Human Rights Insight Project, which set out to establish whether human rights could be used empirically as a tool to improve the public’s experience of public services and if so, how we in government could encourage and facilitate this.”

Full Report (PDF)

Ministry of Justice, 10th January 2008


First progress report of the Standing Committee of the Judges’ Council – The Judiciary of England and Wales

Posted January 4th, 2008 in judiciary, reports by sally

“This is the first Progress Report to the Judges’ Council,  of the Standing Committee on Judicial Support and Welfare.”

Full report

The Judiciary of England and Wales, 4th January 2008


Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) reaches first century in healthy state – Judiciary of England and Wales

Posted December 11th, 2007 in appeals, courts, reports by sally

“The latest annual review of the Court of Appeal (Criminal Divison) coincides with the centenary of the court. Perhaps to fittingly illustrate the continuing value and relevance of the court, there has been a rise in both appeals against conviction and sentence in the past year.”

Full story

Judiciary of England and Wales, 10th December 2007


Related link: Court of Appeal (Criminal Division): review of the legal year 2006/2007 (PDF)

Violence interventions systematic review – Ministry of Justice

Posted December 10th, 2007 in reports, violent offenders by sally

“A systematic review of the national and international evidence on the effectiveness of interventions with violent offenders. The review was commissioned to provide a comprehensive overview of the available evidence and was not designed to evaluate National Offender Management Service or HM Prison Service programmes.”

A systematic review of the national and international evidence on the effectiveness of interventions with violent offenders (PDF)

Ministry of Justice, 7th December 2007


Commercial Court publishes working party report on long trials – Judiciary of England and Wales

Posted December 7th, 2007 in Commercial Court, reports by sally

“The Commercial Court has today (6 December) published the report of its Long Trials Working Party set up under the chairmanship of Mr Justice Richard Aikens. The report was considered and adopted by the Commercial Court Judges and the Committee of Users of the Commercial Court at its meeting last Wednesday, 28 November 2007.”

Full story

Judiciary of England and Wales, 6th December 2007


Securing the future: Proposals for the efficient and sustainable use of custody in England and Wales – Ministry of Justice

Posted December 6th, 2007 in prisons, reports by sally

“Lord Carter’s review of prisons, which gives options for improving the balance between the supply of prison places and demand for them and recommendations on how this could be achieved.”

Securing the Future: Proposals for the efficient and sustainable use of custody in England and Wales (PDF)

Ministry of Justice, 5th December 2007


Entry to the Bar Working Party Final Report (Neuberger Report) – Bar Council

Posted November 27th, 2007 in barristers, legal education, reports by sally

Report and Appendices

Bar Council, 27th November 2007


Race and the criminal justice system – Ministry of Justice

Posted October 31st, 2007 in criminal justice, race discrimination, reports by sally

“This publication fulfils a statutory obligation for the Secretary of State to publish, annually, information relating to the criminal justice system (CJS) with reference to avoiding discrimination on the ground of race. This publication reports statistical information on the representation of black and minority ethnic groups as suspects, offenders and victims with in the CJS and on employees within criminal justice agencies.”

Statistics on Race and the Criminal Justice System 2006 (PDF)

Ministry of Justice, 30th October 2007


Government’s response to report ‘Relations between the executive, the judiciary and Parliament’ – Ministry of Justice

Posted October 18th, 2007 in constitutional law, reports by sally

“Government’s response to the House of Lords Select Committee on the Constitution’s report ‘Relations between the executive, the judiciary and Parliament’.  The Committee’s inquiry was conducted between May 2006 and July 2007, producing several conclusions and recommendations for the Government and others. The report was published on 26 July 2007 and the response was published on 17 October 2007.”

Full story

Ministry of Justice, 17th October 2007


Public Protection, Proportionality and the Search for Balance – Ministry of Justice

Posted September 27th, 2007 in human rights, proportionality, reports by sally

“This report examines how courts in the UK and Europe respond when human rights and security appear to conflict. It compares cases from the UK, France, Germany, Spain, and the European Court of Human Rights, and examines how human rights are applied and how courts use the concept of proportionality to mediate conflicts between rights and security.”

Full story

Ministry of Justice, 27th September 2007


Independent review of police presented – Home Office

Posted September 14th, 2007 in police, reports by sally

“Sir Ronnie Flanagan has written an interim report on the review he is conducting into policing; in it he calls for police to be given more freedom from red tape and paperwork.”

Full report

Home Office, 12th September 2007


Confidence in the criminal justice system: what lies beneath? – Ministry of Justice

Posted August 8th, 2007 in criminal justice, reports by sally

“This report presents the findings from an omnibus survey and focus groups designed to identify the factors that people consider when answering the question: ‘How confident are you that the criminal justice system is effective in bringing people who commit crimes to justice?’ This question is contained in the British Crime Survey, the responses to which are used to monitor performance against one of the Government’s public service agreement targets.  The study also identified which agencies people thought made up the criminal justice system (CJS), and whether they considered the CJS as a national system, local system, or a combination of the two.”

Confidence in the criminal justice system: what lies beneath? (PDF) 

Ministry of Justice, 7th August 2007


Women and justice report – The Fawcett Society

Posted July 25th, 2007 in criminal justice, reports, women by sally

“This report, published on Wednesday 25 July, examines the work that has been done in the last year to improve the criminal justice system for women, as offenders, victims and staff … ”

Women and justice: the third annual review of the Commission on Women and the Criminal Justice System (PDF)

The Fawcett Society, 25th July 2007


Twisting arms: court referred and court linked mediation under judicial pressure – Ministry of Justice

Posted May 23rd, 2007 in dispute resolution, reports by traceydennis

“This report evaluates a) a quasi-compulsory mediation programme and b) a voluntary mediation scheme.  The results describe the uptake of mediation, user experiences, and the potential of mediation to offer savings to the justice system.”

Full report

Ministry of Justice, 21st May 2007


Implementation of the Carter Review of Legal Aid – Constitutional Affairs Select Committee

Posted May 2nd, 2007 in legal aid, reports by sally

Implementation of the Carter Review of Legal Aid (PDF)

Constitutional Affairs Select Committee, 1st May 2007


‘Only merit and potential necessary to enter the Bar’ – Bar Council

Posted April 5th, 2007 in barristers, reports by sally

“The interim report of a high-level Working Party, chaired by Law Lord, Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury, says that the Bar should be equally open to all, irrespective of any barriers which are not connected with merit or potential.  It suggests changes from school level through to pupillage, including placement schemes in sets of chambers for less privileged children, and loan schemes on preferential terms for Bar students.”

Full story

Bar Council press release, 5th April 2007
