Inspectors call for review of ‘unsustainable’ indefinite prison sentences – Daily Telegraph

Posted March 4th, 2010 in news, prisons, probation, rehabilitation, reports, sentencing by sally

“Inspectors have called for a ministerial review of indefinite prison sentences, saying the current situation was ”unsustainable”.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 4th March 2010


PCC response to phone hacking controversy ‘weakened its credibility’ – The Guardian

Posted March 2nd, 2010 in complaints, interception, media, news, reports, telecommunications by sally

“The Press Complaints Commission’s actions over the phone-hacking controversy has weakened its credibility’ and ‘revealed major failings in its mandate and its ways of operating’, according to an independent report.”

Full story

The Guardian, 1st March 2010


Committee urges ministers to abandon control orders – The Guardian

Posted March 1st, 2010 in control orders, news, reports, terrorism by sally

“Ministers were today urged to abandon the use of control orders because they cost too much and have done ‘untold damage to the UK’s international reputation as a nation which prizes the value of fairness’.”

Full story

The Guardian, 26th February 2010


£140,000: the annual cost of jailing a young criminal – The Guardian

Posted March 1st, 2010 in detention, news, rehabilitation, reports, young offenders by sally

“Jailing one young criminal costs the taxpayer as much as £140,000 a year, a report says today. Locking up young offenders makes them more likely to commit further crimes and be unemployed later in life, the New Economics Foundation says.”

Full story

The Guardian, 1st March 2010


Huge rise in unresolved asylum cases revealed – The Guardian

Posted February 26th, 2010 in asylum, news, reports by sally

“Labour’s record on tackling asylum faces a fresh onslaught today over figures that show a new backlog of 30,000 cases and a warning by the government’s immigration watchdog that its targets are currently ‘unachievable’.”

Full story

The Guardian, 26th February 2010


Committee proposes libel law changes – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted February 25th, 2010 in defamation, media, news, privacy, reports by sally

“A parliamentary committee has proposed wide-ranging changes to the libel laws but rejected the introduction of legislation on privacy.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 25th February 2010


Privacy watchdog will investigate day-to-day surveillance for Parliamentary report –

Posted February 25th, 2010 in data protection, news, privacy, reports by sally

“Privacy watchdog the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) will report to Parliament later this year on the degree to which UK citizens are put under surveillance.”

Full story, 25th February 2010


Solicitors ‘key’ to increasing judicial diversity – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted February 25th, 2010 in equality, judiciary, law firms, news, reports, solicitors by sally

“Persuading more solicitors to apply for judicial posts is ‘absolutely key’ to increasing diversity in the judiciary, the chairwoman of the Advisory Panel on Judicial Diversity told the Gazette this week, as the panel published a raft of recommendations aimed at improving diversity on the bench.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 25th February 2010


Judges’ lack of diversity harms court system, report warns – The Guardian

Posted February 25th, 2010 in equality, judiciary, news, reports by sally

“The lack of diversity among judges is affecting the experience of people who use the courts and limiting judicial perspectives on critical legal issues, according to a report published today (24 February).”

Full story

The Guardian, 24th February 2010


Regulation of estate agents ‘unnecessary’, says OFT – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted February 22nd, 2010 in estate agents, news, reports, solicitors by sally

“Solicitors have expressed disappointment that the Office of Fair Trading did not propose the regulation of estate agents in its home buying and selling report published last week.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 22nd February 2010


Government ‘actively assessing’ Jackson report – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted February 18th, 2010 in civil justice, costs, news, reports by sally

“The government and the opposition have hinted that they would implement some of Lord Justice Jackson’s recommendations on civil litigation costs, following the first parliamentary exchange on the judge’s report since its publication a month ago.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 18th February 2010


Review of control orders report published – Home Office

Posted February 8th, 2010 in control orders, press releases, reports, terrorism by sally

“Lord Carlile, the independent reviewer of terrorism legislation, has published his fifth annual report on the operation of the Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005.”

Full press release

Home office, 1st February 2010


Lord Carlile finds ‘no alternative’ to control orders for terrorism suspects – The Guardian

Posted February 2nd, 2010 in control orders, news, reports, terrorism by sally

“Abandoning the controversial system of control orders for terrorism suspects could damage UK security, Lord Carlile, the government’s official counter-terrorism watchdog, concluded today.”

Full story

The Guardian, 1st February 2010


Lord Justice Jackson’s recommendations should be implemented speedily – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted February 2nd, 2010 in civil justice, fees, insurance, news, reports by sally

“‘Access to Justice entails that those with meritorious claims (whether or not ultimately successful) are able to bring those claims before the courts for judicial resolution or post-issue settlement, as the case may be. It also entails that those with meritorious defences (whether or not ultimately successful) are able to put those defences before the courts for judicial resolution or alternatively, settlement based upon the merits of the case.’”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 1st February 2010


Britain ‘complicit in mistreatment and possible torture’ says UN – The Guardian

Posted January 28th, 2010 in human rights, news, reports, terrorism, torture, United Nations by sally

“United Nations human rights investigators have concluded that the British government has been complicit in the mistreatment and possible torture of several of its own citizens during the ‘war on terror’.”

Full story

The Guardian, 27th January 2010


Ministers passing too many ‘bad’ laws, say ex mandarins – BBC News

Posted January 27th, 2010 in civil servants, drafting, legislation, media, news, parliament, reports by sally

“The way Britain is governed has gone wrong and is in urgent need of reform, a group of former Whitehall chiefs has warned in a highly critical report.”

Full story

BBC News, 27th January 2010


The Jackson report: PI claimant lawyers rue detrimental effect on access to justice – The Lawyer

Posted January 26th, 2010 in costs, fees, news, personal injuries, reports by sally

“The personal injury (PI) claimant market has launched an all-out assault on Lord Justice Jackson’s report into civil legal costs, arguing that his proposals would actually impede access to justice.”

Full story

The Lawyer, 25th January 2010


Fundamental review of the family justice system announced – Ministry of Justice

“An expert panel will examine reform of the current family justice system in England and Wales so that it better supports children and parents under a wide-ranging review announced by the Ministry of Justice today.”

Full press release

Ministry of Justice, 20th January 2010


Grandparents get easier route to see children when families split – The Guardian

Posted January 20th, 2010 in children, divorce, grandparents, news, reports by sally

“A legal obstacle is to be abolished to make it easier for hundreds of thousands of grandparents to gain access to their grandchildren when contact is denied after divorce and family breakdowns, the government will announce today.”

Full story

The Guardian, 20th January 2010


MPs warn of criminal justice ‘crisis’ – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted January 18th, 2010 in criminal justice, legal aid, news, prisons, reports by sally

“A committee of MPs has warned that the criminal justice system is ‘facing a crisis of sustainability’ as government spending on prisons takes resources away from other aspects of criminal justice.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 18th January 2010
