Lotteries: Repeals Consultation – Law Commission

Posted January 12th, 2010 in consultations, gambling, Law Commission, legislation, repeals by sally

“In our consultation paper we propose the repeal of some seven obsolete statutory provisions which relate to the holding of different forms of lottery.”

Full story

Law Commission, 12th January 2010


Poor Relief: Repeals Consultation – Law Commission

Posted July 23rd, 2009 in consultations, Law Commission, repeals, statute law revision by sally

“In our consultation paper we propose the repeal of 57 obsolete Acts relating to the poor law relief arrangements that existed before the advent of the modern welfare state. Indeed most of them are relics of the parish-based system that existed before 1834. The earliest of them date back to 1697 during the reign of William III and made provision for the poor in areas such as Colchester, Exeter, Hereford and Shaftesbury.”

Full story

Law Commission, 23rd July 2009


City of Dublin Repeals Consultation – Law Commission

Posted August 15th, 2008 in Ireland, news, repeals, statute law revision by sally

“The Commission has identified some 40 Acts relating to the City of Dublin, spanning the years 1807 to 1920, and enacted by the UK Parliament during the period before Ireland was partitioned in 1922.”

Full story

Law Commission, 15th August 2008


Related link: Statute Law Repeals: Consultatation Paper City of Dublin Repeal Proposal (PDF)

Statute Law (Repeals) Act 2008

Posted July 22nd, 2008 in legislation, repeals by sally

Statute Law (Repeals) Act 2008 published

Full text of Act (PDF)


Legal Opinion: Time for the abolition of the workhouse and the bawdy house? – The Independent

Posted February 6th, 2008 in repeals, special report, statute law revision by sally

“Some laws have been used just once in 200 years. Others have simply outlived their usefulness. Robert Verkaik, Law Editor, looks at plans to tidy up the statute-book.”

Full story

The Independent, 6th February 2008


Statute Law Repeals – Law Commission

Posted January 29th, 2008 in repeals, reports by sally

“The most recent Statute Law Repeals Report (the 18th report in the series) was published on 29 January 2008. A draft of the Bill, which gives effect to the repeal proposals contained in the report, is included. The Bill will shortly be introduced in the House of Lords for its First Reading.”

Full story

Law Commission, 29th January 2008


Related link: Statute Law Repeals: Eighteenth Report (PDF)