10 cases that defined 2019 – UK Human Rights Blog

‘And so, we reach the end of another year. And what a year it has been. As well perhaps the most tumultuous period in British politics for decades, this year saw the first ever image taken of a black hole, a victory for the England men’s cricket team at the World Cup, the discovery of a new species of prehistoric small-bodied human in the Philippines and signs that humpback whale numbers in the South Atlantic have bounced back thanks to intensive conservation efforts. And the law? Well, rather a lot has happened really. As the festive season draws near, what better way is there to celebrate than to rewind the clock and relive the 10 cases which have defined 2019?’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 19th December 2019

Source: ukhumanrightsblog.com

Director of lettings and property management agency jailed for two years over £230k fraud – Local Government Lawyer

‘The director of a lettings and property management agency who defrauded more than £230,000 from the landlords and tenants that were his clients has received a two-year prison sentence, following an investigation by Southampton City Council’s Trading Standards Service.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 19th December 2019

Source: www.localgovernmentlawyer.co.uk

FTT fails natural justice on tenant’s RRO application – Nearly Legal

Posted December 6th, 2019 in houses in multiple occupation, licensing, news, rent, repayment by sally

‘In which the Upper Tribunal gives the First Tier Tribunal a thorough ticking off over its decision on a rent repayment order application.’

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Nearly Legal, 5th December 2019

Source: nearlylegal.co.uk

Après nous le déluge – rents and water resellers – Nearly Legal

Posted December 2nd, 2019 in landlord & tenant, local government, news, rates, rent, water by tracey

‘Royal Borough of Kingston-Upon-Thames v Moss (2019) EWHC 3261 (Ch). Ever since Jones v London Borough of Southwark (2016) EWHC 457 (Ch) (our report), the position on water rates taken as rent by a number of London Councils and Housing Associations under agreements with Thames Water has been conflicted. Some councils (including Southwark) refunded tenants the ‘discount’ that they had received. Other councils did nothing, and frantically tried to settle and defence to rent arrears possession proceedings that raised the water rates point (not always successfully), in the hope and expectation that someone else would take another case to the High Court and overturn or distinguish Jones.’

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Nearly Legal, 1st December 2019

Source: nearlylegal.co.uk

Samuel Parsons considers the recent decision of ICC Judge Barber in Re London Bridge Entertainment Partners LLP (in administration) – Guildhall Chambers

Posted November 26th, 2019 in administrators, deposits, expenses, news, rent by sally

‘Insolvency and Companies Court (ICC) Judge Barber held that the Lundy Granite principle does not extend to an obligation to ‘top up’ a rent deposit fund, where sums had been withdrawn from the fund to pay rent. Re London Bridge Entertainment Partners shows how seemingly immaterial business decisions made when an entity is solvent will be thrown into relief when the same entity becomes insolvent. Here, the decision to ‘pay first, ask questions later’ from the deposit fund meant that the landlord effectively lost its priority ranking in respect of those rent payments; a priority it could otherwise have been entitled to. The case also demonstrates that the ambit of provable debts will continue to be construed broadly, while the category of administration expenses will be narrowly construed. Written by Samuel Parsons, barrister at Guildhall Chambers.’

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Guildhall Chambers, 22nd November 2019

Source: www.guildhallchambers.co.uk

If you go down to the woods today – Nearly Legal

Posted November 18th, 2019 in damages, estoppel, housing, human rights, landlord & tenant, leases, news, rent, repairs, repossession by sally

‘This is a rather odd case concerning possession of a farmhouse in the Forest of Dean. It had been first occupied by the defendant’s mother and step father in 1993. The terms of this were in dispute, but the rent was £155 and the step-father was to undertake repairs and maintenance to the property. The step-father did carry out some repairs, but he moved out in 2002, visiting and leaving some possessions there thereafter. The mother moved out in 2006. Various other family and friends lived at the property in subsequent years. The defendant had rented and bought property of his own, but took on repairs to the farmhouse and regarded it as his family home.’

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Nearly Legal, 17th November 2019

Source: nearlylegal.co.uk

Assorted – Licensing and prior offences, RROs and Section 8 Notices – Nearly Legal

‘This appeal was on the issue of whether a local authority and the First Tier Tribunal could take into account previous convictions that were spent under the terms of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 in deciding whether an applicant for a Housing Act 2004 licence was a ‘fit and proper person’.’

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Nearly Legal, 10th November 2019

Source: nearlylegal.co.uk

Negotiating Retail CVAs – where are we now? Amanda Eilledge considers the recent decision in Discovery (Northampton) Limited v Debenhams [2019] EWHC 2441 (Ch) – Hardwicke Chambers

Posted October 31st, 2019 in insolvency, leases, news, rent by sally

‘2018 was seen by many as the ‘year of the CVA’ and the year of the so -called ‘Retail CVA’ in particular. Such CVAs have been used in an attempt by companies operating in the retail and casual dining sector with burdensome leases to reduce the cost of their premises whilst continuing to trade.’

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Hardwicke Chambers, 14th October 2019

Source: hardwicke.co.uk

Risks facing social housing sector on the rise, warns regulator – Local Government Lawyer

Posted October 24th, 2019 in health & safety, housing, news, rent, reports by sally

‘Strategic and operational risks facing the social housing sector are on the rise, the Regulator of Social Housing’s Sector risk profile 2019 has suggested.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 23rd October 2019

Source: www.localgovernmentlawyer.co.uk

Rent payments, unless orders and relief from sanction – Nearly Legal

Posted October 21st, 2019 in appeals, landlord & tenant, news, rates, rent, sanctions by sally

‘This is not really a housing case, being a commercial lease dispute, but there are a couple of points about relief from sanction and rent payments that are worthy of noting.’

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Nearly Legal, 16th October 2019

Source: nearlylegal.co.uk

Rent Repayment Orders, limitation and award periods – Nearly Legal

Posted October 2nd, 2019 in limitations, news, rent, repayment by sally

‘This is worth a quick note from some comments and questions I have received after this post on a Rent Repayment Order (RRO). The issue is about the meaning of the requirement that an application for an RRO is brought within 12 months of a relevant offence.’

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Nearly Legal, 30th September 2019

Source: nearlylegal.co.uk

Warrants of possession – fresh grounds and Equality Act defences – Nearly Legal

Posted September 26th, 2019 in landlord & tenant, news, rent, repossession, warrants by tracey

‘Where a landlord already has a possession order for rent arrears, but then seeks a warrant also on the basis of anti-social behaviour, the usual route has been for the landlord to ask the court to consider whether the warrant should be stayed in light of the allegations of ASB, even if the court would be minded to stay the warrant on the arrears. This was the approach in Sheffield City Council v Hopkins (2001) EWCA Civ 1023, which suggested a summary approach to fact finding in such cases.’

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Nearly Legal, 22nd September 2019

Source: nearlylegal.co.uk

UK court rejects landlords’ challenge to Debenhams CVA – Pinsent Masons

Posted September 25th, 2019 in company law, debts, landlord & tenant, news, rent by michael

‘Court rejected landlords’ challenge to Debenhams’ CVA in what will be seen as a victory for retailers and a validation of “landlord only” CVAs.’

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Pinsent Masons, 24th Septwmber 2019

Source: www.pinsentmasons.com

Rent Repayment Orders – who is the landlord? – Nearly Legal

Posted September 17th, 2019 in housing, landlord & tenant, licensing, news, rent by tracey

‘Mrs Elanga Longane et al v Frank Mukahanana and Wealth Harbour Consulting Ltd LON/00AH/HMG/2018/0002 (Copy of decision). This FTT decision on a rent repayment order application raises a couple of interesting issues. First, when is an application for a licence actually made by a landlord. Second, who should a rent repayment order be made against where the ostensible landlord is a company, but the property is owned by the sole director of the company.’

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Nearly Legal, 15th September 2019

Source: nearlylegal.co.uk

Landlords charge ‘pet rent’ to recoup losses after ban on unfair fees – The Guardian

Posted September 4th, 2019 in animals, fees, landlord & tenant, news, rent by sally

‘Landlords are charging “pet rent” running into hundreds of pounds a year in an attempt to recoup losses from a ban on unfair letting fees enforced by the government this summer.’

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The Guardian, 3rd September 2019

Source: www.theguardian.com

Farewell to the Assured Shorthold Tenancy – Tanfield Chambers

Posted September 4th, 2019 in consultations, landlord & tenant, news, rent by sally

‘The Government is proposing to abolish Assured Shorthold Tenancies in order to stop “no fault” evictions. In this article I summarise the proposals in the Consultation Paper on which views are sought. This article was published in the Estates Gazette on 5th August 2019.’

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Tanfield Chambers, 20th August 2019

Source: www.tanfieldchambers.co.uk

JusticeWatch: Growing ‘justice gap’ in discrimination cases – Legal Voice

‘Victims of discrimination were being denied access to justice and offenders going unchallenged as a result of a ‘failing’ legal aid system, as reported in the Justice Gap.’

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Legal Voice, 21st June 2019

Source: legalvoice.org.uk

Supreme Court quashes decision to declare mother ‘intentionally homeless’ – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted June 21st, 2019 in benefits, homelessness, housing, local government, news, rent, Supreme Court by tracey

‘Samuels v Birmingham City Council [2019] UKSC 28. In unanimously allowing an appeal against a decision to declare the appellant intentionally homeless due to her inability to pay her rent, the Supreme Court affirmed that non-housing benefits are not designed to create a surplus that can be used to account for insufficient housing benefits.’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 18th June 2019

Source: ukhumanrightsblog.com

Businessman was forced to live in a pigsty after he accused his partner of affair, court hears – Daily Telegraph

Posted June 20th, 2019 in compensation, divorce, families, financial dispute resolution, housing, news, rent by tracey

‘A businessman was forced to live in a pigsty after he accused his ex partner of having an affair, a court has heard.

The pigsty was in the grounds of the £1m home in Upminster, Essex, and he told Central London County Court that his ex partner of 37 years excluded him from the house.
The couple, who have two children, ended up in court after he launched a claim to claim money from her for the time he spent living out of the home.’

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Daily Telegraph, 19th June 2019

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Reasonable Expenses and intentional homelessness – Nearly Legal

‘Samuels v Birmingham City Council (2019) UKSC 28. The Supreme Court, finally, has delivered its judgment on the issue of the assessment of “reasonable expenses” when considering the affordability of rent in homelessness decisions.’

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Nearly Legal, 16th June 2019

Source: nearlylegal.co.uk