Supreme Court upholds estate agent contract formed over telephone –

Posted February 20th, 2019 in agency, contracts, estate agents, fees, news, remuneration, telecommunications by sally

‘The UK Supreme Court has upheld a contract concluded between a property developer and an estate agent over the telephone, including a disputed element of commission for the agent.’

Full Story, 20th February 2019


Teachers (and other public servants) pay – Employment Law Blog

‘Significant budgetary restraints. A significant deficit in the public finances. Does that all sound familiar? It is a feature not only in the United Kingdom but also in the Republic of Ireland. It is the context of Case C-154/18, Horgan and Keegan v Minister for Education and Skills, in which the Second Chamber of the ECJ gave Judgment on 14 February 2019, on a reference from the Irish Labour Court.’

Full Story

Employment Law Blog, 18th February 2019


Recent ruling on Universal Credit – UK Human Rights Blog

‘R (Johnson, Woods, Barrett and Stewart) v SSWP CO/1552/2018 (11 January 2019) – this case was brought by four social security claimants contesting the proper method of calculating the amount of universal credit payable to each claimant under the Universal Credit Regulations 2013. Singh LJ and Lewis J concluded that treating claimants as having “earned” twice as much as they do if they happen to be paid twice within one monthly assessment period is “odd in the extreme” [para 54] and “…. could be said to lead to nonsensical situations” [para 55].’

Full Story

UK Human Rights Blog, 15th January 2019


UK executive pay disclosure rules come into force –

Posted January 7th, 2019 in company law, disclosure, news, remuneration by sally

‘New laws requiring large quoted UK public companies to be more open about their remuneration of boardroom executives have come into force.’

Full Story, 4th January 2019


Immigration: White Paper sets out post-Brexit rules for migrants – BBC News

Posted December 19th, 2018 in brexit, freedom of movement, immigration, news, remuneration, visas by sally

‘Low-skilled workers from EU countries will no longer have the automatic right to work in the UK after Brexit, under proposed new immigration rules.’

Full Story

BBC News, 19th December 2018


Gender pay gap targets must be set by all companies, Equality and Human Rights Commission says – Daily Telegraph

‘Targets to eliminate the gender pay gap must be set by all companies, Britain’s equality watchdog has suggested.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 14th December 2018


Workers get new rights in overhaul but zero-hours contracts remain – The Guardian

‘The government has introduced what it claims to be the biggest package of workplace reforms for 20 years after concerns that ministers have failed to appeal to voters who are “just about managing”.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 17th December 2018


“Do you get all of the service charge?” – Hardwicke Chambers

Posted December 12th, 2018 in employment, news, remuneration by sally

‘Look no further than this press release from BEIS on 1 October 2018 to gauge the government’s enthusiasm for highlighting that it has been thinking about policy and issues other than Brexit over the last couple of years:

“The government has announced plans to ensure that tips left for workers will go to them in full. While most employers act in good faith, in some sectors evidence points towards poor tipping practices, including excessive deductions being made from tips left by customers. New legislation, to be introduced at the earliest opportunity, will set out that tips must go to the workers providing the service.”’

Full Story

Hardwicke Chambers, 1st November 2018


Tribunal refuses to hear preliminary issue in bank payroll tax case –

‘A procedural point on whether HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) had validly given notices of enquiry within the requisite time limits should not be heard separately as a preliminary issue, the First-tier Tax Tribunal (FTT) has decided in a case concerning bank payroll tax (BPT).’

Full Story, 7th December 2018


Gender pay gap reporting: the international perspective –

Posted December 5th, 2018 in conflict of laws, equality, gender, jurisdiction, news, remuneration, statistics, women by sally

‘The gender pay gap (GPG) is not just a UK-centric issue, and understanding the international picture is becoming essential for multinational employers.’

Full Story, 5th December 2018


Lift ban on payments for surrogates, says Sir James Munby – Daily Telegraph

Posted December 3rd, 2018 in expenses, family courts, judges, news, remuneration, surrogacy by tracey

‘A ban on paying surrogate mothers should be lifted, the former head of the family court, has said.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 2nd December 2018


Some 125 barristers earned more than £1m last year – Legal Futures

Posted November 27th, 2018 in barristers, budgets, consultations, fees, licensing, news, remuneration, statistics by tracey

‘There were around 125 barristers reporting fees of more than £1m last year, and another 200 who brought in more than £500,000, new figures from the Bar Council have suggested.
The Bar Council, including the Bar Standards Board, is set to raise an extra £900,000 by imposing higher practising certificate fees (PCFs) on barristers earning more than £500,000 for the first time.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 27th November 2018


‘Dilapidated’ courts need millions for repairs, says top judge – The Guardian

‘Courts in England and Wales are suffering from decades of neglect and need an injection of hundreds of millions of pounds for repairs, the lord chief justice has told MPs.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 20th November 2018


Criminals may escape conviction due to lack of resources for forensics, says Lord Chief Justice – Daily Telegraph

‘Criminals may be escaping conviction because of a lack of resources for forensic investigations, the Lord Chief Justice warned yesterday.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 20th November 2018


Uber appeals against drivers’ rights to pay and holiday – BBC News

‘A long-running case over the status of Uber drivers will be heard in the Court of Appeal on Tuesday and Wednesday.’

Full Story

BBC News, 30th October 2018


Police Federation launches legal action against government for ‘cheating officers out of pay rise they deserve’ – The Independent

‘An association representing 120,000 police officers has launched legal action accusing the government of “cheating officers out of the pay increase they should receive”. The Police Federation said it had lodged an application for a judicial review of the decision to ignore an independent body’s recommended 3 per cent increase amid a rise in crime, demand and the terror threat.’

Full Story

The Independent, 23rd October 2018


New law could force employers to reveal race pay gap figures – The Guardian

Posted October 12th, 2018 in employment, minorities, news, remuneration by sally

‘Employers could be obliged to release their race pay gap statistics under new plans to be unveiled by Theresa May to increase ethnic minority representation in the workplace.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 11th October 2018


Senior judges could get pay rise of up to £60,000 – BBC News

Posted October 12th, 2018 in judiciary, news, remuneration by sally

‘Senior judges in England and Wales could be set for pay rises of up to 32% if recommendations made by the Senior Salaries Review Body are accepted.’

Restaurants face ban on taking share of tips – BBC News

Posted October 1st, 2018 in employment, food, news, remuneration by sally

‘Restaurants will be legally barred from keeping tips from staff under plans to be announced by Theresa May on Monday.’

Full Story

BBC News, 1 October 2018


NHS accused of racial discrimination on pay for senior doctors – The Guardian

Posted September 6th, 2018 in doctors, news, race discrimination, remuneration by tracey

‘The NHS has been accused of racial discrimination in pay after evidence showed that white senior doctors earned almost £5,000 more than colleagues from minority ethnic backgrounds.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 6th September 2018
