UK family reunion visa system puts lives at risk, says Red Cross – The Guardian

Posted November 12th, 2020 in families, news, refugees, reports, visas by tracey

‘A report from the British Red Cross finds the system that gives refugees in the UK the right to bring their family to join them – one of the few existing “safe” and legal routes to Britain – is putting people in danger because of the journeys they have to take to submit their applications.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 12th November 2020


Immigration Law Update May 2020 – 4 King’s Bench Walk

‘Immigration Law Update with articles from Kate Jones, Tori Adams, Daniel Wand, Ben Haseldine and Jyoti Wood.’

Full Story

4 King's Bench Walk, 5th May 2020


Home Secretary may not detain on basis of invalid deportation decision – UK Human Rights Blog

‘In R (DN – Rwanda) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2020] UKSC 7, the Supreme Court held that the Claimant was entitled to purse a claim for unlawful detention on the basis that the decision to detain for the purposes of deportation could not be separated from the decision to deport. Accordingly, if the decision to deport was unlawful, then so inevitably was the decision to detain.

Full Story

UK Human Rights Blog, 3rd April 2020


New Judgment: R (DN (Rwanda)) (AP) v Secretary of State for the Home Department – UKSC Blog

‘The appellant, DN, is a Rwandan national who was granted refugee status in the UK pursuant to the 1951 Refugee Convention. DN was subsequently convicted of a number of offences, the most serious of which occurred when he pleaded guilty to assisting unlawful entry of a non-EEA national in the UK. The Secretary of State for the Home Department used the powers under the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 to order the deportation of DN. DN’s attempt to assist unlawful immigration to a member state country was a serious offence by way of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 (Specification of Particularly Serious Crimes) Order 2004. The Secretary of State ordered DN’s deportation and detention pending deportation.’

Full Story

UKSC Blog, 26th February 2020


What is “persecution” under the Refugee Convention? – Richmond Chambers

Posted February 6th, 2020 in asylum, chambers articles, news, refugees by sally

‘In order to fall within the definition of a refugee for the purposes of the Convention, a person must show a well founded fear of ‘persecution’ for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership of a particular social group. The UNHCR Handbook notes at paragraph 51 that there is ‘no universally accepted definition of “persecution” and various attempts to formulate such a definition have met with little success’. Persecution has been defined in general terms in R v Immigration Appeal Tribunal, ex p Jonah [1985] Imm AR 7, where Nolan J adopted the two dictionary definitions of the word: ‘to pursue, hunt, drive’ and ‘to pursue with malignancy or injurious action; especially to oppress for holding a heretical opinion or belief’. This post will examine the legal parameters of persecution.’

Full Story

Richmond Chambers, 31st January 2020


Government loses child refugee vote in string of Lords defeats – The Guardian

‘The government has suffered five defeats on its Brexit deal in the space of 24 hours in the House of Lords, with the heaviest defeat in a vote to restore the right of unaccompanied child refugees to be reunited with their families in the UK after Brexit.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 21st January 2020


Brexit: What You Need To Know On Unaccompanied Child Refugee Rights – Each Other

Posted January 15th, 2020 in asylum, bills, brexit, children, EC law, families, news, refugees by sally

‘The latest version of Withdrawal Agreement Bill (WAB) – which will write prime minister Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal into law – is being debated in the House of Lords this week.’

Full Story

Each Other, 14th January 2020


Dishonourable discharge – Nearly Legal

‘SH, R (on the application of) v The London Borough of Waltham Forest (2019) EWHC 2618 (Admin). This was a judicial review of Waltham Forest’s decision that it had discharged its s.193 Housing Act 1996 duty (the full homeless duty) to Ms SH by an offer of private sector accommodation under s.193(7AA). In fact, WF maintained it had done so twice, and both purported discharges were challenged, by way of WF’s decision that Ms SH had made a fresh application, rather than it having a continuing duty. There is also a brief excursus into the relation of s.193 and s.189B duties.’

Full Story

Nearly Legal, 13th October 2019


Asylum-Seeking Children Might Not Be Able To Reunite With Their Families After Brexit, Campaigners Warn – Rights Info

‘The Home Office is looking to end the current system which reunites asylum-seeking children with their families if a no-deal Brexit goes through.’

Full Story

Rights Info, 2nd September 2019


New global resettlement scheme for the most vulnerable refugees announced – Home Office

Posted June 19th, 2019 in children, press releases, refugees by tracey

‘The UK will continue to resettle thousands of refugees under a new scheme set to start in 2020, the Home Secretary announced today.’

Full press release

Home Office, 17th June 2019


Tommy Robinson sued by Syrian schoolboy he accused of assault – The Guardian

‘The Syrian schoolboy who was filmed being attacked in a playground in Huddersfield is suing the far-right campaigner Tommy Robinson for accusing him of assaulting white schoolgirls.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 15th May 2019


Allocation Policy – Local Government Law

Posted April 25th, 2019 in equality, housing, local government, news, race discrimination, refugees, travellers by tracey

‘In conjoined appeals, (2019) EWCA Civ 692, R (Gullu) v Hillingdon LBC and R (Ward) v Hillingdon LBC, the Court of Appeal considered the lawfulness of Hillingdon’s housing allocation policy. The policy prioritised people who had been resident in the local area for 10 years. That was found to discriminate indirectly against protected groups.’

Full Story

Local Government Law, 23rd April 2019


15 LGBT refugees say UK Home Office has ‘abandoned’ them to danger in Turkey – The Guardian

Posted April 15th, 2019 in homosexuality, news, refugees by michael

‘Fifteen LGBT Syrian refugees are launching a legal challenge on Monday against the Home Office claiming they have been abandoned to a life of danger in Turkey, despite promises to bring them speedily to safety in the UK.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 15th April 2019


Syrian refugee ‘attack’: 16-year-old boy given police caution over incident at Huddersfield school – The Independent

‘A boy accused of attacking a Syrian refugee at their school in Huddersfield has been given a police caution.’

Full Story

The Independent, 29th March 2019


Refugee families allowed to settle in UK after 20 years stranded at British military base in Cyprus – The Independent

Posted December 4th, 2018 in immigration, news, refugees by tracey

‘Six refugee families who have been stranded at a British military base in Cyprus for more than 20 years are to be allowed to settle in the UK following a legal battle.
The government has granted the group indefinite leave to enter the UK for permanent residence, in a U-turn that comes shortly before a Supreme Court hearing on the case.’

Full Story

The Independent, 4th December 2018


Court upholds UK cap on number of child refugees – The Guardian

Posted October 4th, 2018 in appeals, children, consultations, immigration, news, refugees by tracey

‘The government’s decision to cap the number of unaccompanied child refugees who can be brought into the UK has been upheld by the court of appeal. But three senior judges said there had been a breach of the “duty of fairness” in the process because those refused entry were not given any reasons for being denied permission.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 3rd October 2018


UK asylum seekers refused housing over ‘social cohesion issues’ – The Guardian

Posted September 27th, 2018 in asylum, detention, housing, immigration, news, race discrimination, refugees by tracey

‘Details of the ban emerged in a note from the Home Office to an asylum seeker’s solicitor, in which the department said that it had an agreement with local authorities in that region not to house any “foreign nationals with known criminality”.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 27th September 2018


Home Office loses 75% of its appeals against immigration rulings – The Guardian

Posted September 5th, 2018 in appeals, government departments, immigration, news, refugees by sally

‘Nearly three-quarters of final immigration court appeals brought by the Home Office against rulings allowing asylum seekers and other migrants to stay in the UK are dismissed, according to figures seen by the Guardian.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 3rd September 2018


Case Comment: R (Bashir & Ors) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2018] UKSC 45 Part Two – UKSC Blog

‘The Supreme Court held that the terms of the Convention do not entitle the respondents to be resettled in the UK metropolitan territory. Overall, a state’s duties to a refugee reaching a particular territory – whose international relations the state controls – are in principle and in normal circumstances limited to providing and securing the refugee’s Convention rights in that context.’

Full Story

UKSC Blog, 24th August 2018


Case Comment: R (Bashir & Ors) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2018] UKSC 45 Part One – UKSC Blog

‘In a complex interim judgment dealing with threshold issues, the Supreme Court has asad-khanheld that both the Refugee Convention 1951 and the 1967 Protocol extend to the UK’s Sovereign Base Areas (SBAs) of Akrotiri and Dhekelia. Britain occupied Cyprus between 1878 and 1960. Secretive deal making with the Ottoman Empire led the British Empire to forge an alliance with the Turks to protect them from Russia. The British initially occupied and administered Cyprus and ultimately annexed it upon the outbreak of the First World War when the British and the Turks found themselves fighting on opposite sides. Turkey recognised the annexation in the Treaty of Lausanne 1923 and that status continued until the settlement between the UK, Greece and Turkey in 1960 when Cyprus became a republic. Like Britain’s other Mediterranean possessions the island was of military and strategic importance rather than economic value. Upon independence in 1960, the UK retained sovereignty over the SBAs to accommodate military bases which are now the only notable British strategic assets in the eastern Mediterranean. These proceedings threw up a number of issues including the respondents’ entitlement to resettlement in the UK under the Convention, the validity of the UK-Cyprus Memorandum of Understanding of 2003 on illegal migrants and asylum seekers, and whether the UK is in principle entitled to discharge its obligations under the Convention by arranging for support to be provided by Cyprus?’

Full Story

UKSC Blog, 24th August 2018
