Expert says ‘right to be forgotten’ could cause problems for publishers –

Posted November 11th, 2011 in archives, data protection, EC law, internet, media, news, public interest by tracey

“A system where newspaper stories can be ‘locked away’ but not entirely deleted from archives under new data protection law proposals could be used to ensure a balance is struck between privacy and free speech rights, a media law expert has said.”

Full story, 10th November 2011


Ombudsman will name lawyers and firms ‘in public interest’ – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted November 7th, 2011 in complaints, disclosure, legal ombudsman, legal services, news, public interest by sally

“The Legal Ombudsman has taken the highly controversial decision to name lawyers and law firms in circumstances where there is a ‘pattern of complaints’ against them or when it is in the ‘public interest’ to do so.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 7th November 2011


Freedom of information scope increased – Ministry of Justice

“The public can now request information from three new bodies under the Freedom of Information Act.”

Full press release

Ministry of Justice, 1st November 2011


Carter-Ruck’s take on the Trafigura story: who guards the Guardian? – Legal Week

“In the last three years The Guardian has published over 200 articles relating to Trafigura, the vast majority of which have referred to the ‘super-injunction’ which the company obtained against the newspaper and to Carter-Ruck’s apparent attempts to gag the reporting of Parliament. Despite this saturation coverage, some questions remain unanswered.”

Full story

Legal Week, 17th October 2011


Reynolds defence is just the start – The Guardian

Posted October 17th, 2011 in defamation, freedom of expression, media, news, privilege, public interest by sally

“In Flood v the Times, the supreme court has to consider questions of balance and the limits of editorial discretion.”

Full story

The Guardian, 17th October 2011


Rio Ferdinand’s court defeat was a big win for tabloids – The Guardian

Posted October 4th, 2011 in freedom of expression, media, news, privacy, public interest by tracey

“In fact, it was one of the best days for tabloid newspapers since the phone-hacking scandal began.”

Full story

The Guardian, 3rd October 2011


Ferdinand v MGN – a “Kiss n’ Tell” public interest defence succeeds – Lorna Skinner – UK Human Rights Blog

“In the first ‘misuse of private information’ trial against a newspaper since Max Mosley in 2008, Mr Justice Nicol dismissed a claim brought by England and Manchester United footballer Rio Ferdinand against the Sunday Mirror.”

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 2nd October 2011


Internet policing is ‘inevitable’ – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted September 29th, 2011 in freedom of expression, internet, media, news, privacy, public interest by sally

“State-imposed control of the internet is ‘inevitable’ if the conflict between the right to privacy and a free press is ever to be resolved, lawyers and journalists suggested last week at a Law Society public debate.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 29th September 2011


Phone-hacking inquiry judge is right to investigate behaviour of the media’s ‘good guys’ – The Guardian

“What is Lord Justice Leveson up to? The judge heading the phone-hacking inquiry is currently planning a series of public seminars on the relationship between the press and the public. Is he right to seek evidence about internal rules in such august institutions as the Guardian and the BBC? Or should he confine himself, as some critics are saying, to investigating the misbehaviour of the tabloid press and the police?”

Full story

The Guardian, 21st September 2011


Car insurer’s repair costs “cannot be in the public interest”, judge says –

Posted September 21st, 2011 in insurance, news, public interest, repairs by michael

“A major motor insurer has been ‘boosting profits’ beyond the actual costs it incurs carrying out repairs, a County Court judge has said.”

Full story, 20th September 2011


UK Uncut members adopt ‘Spartacus defence’ in Fortnum & Mason case – The Guardian

Posted September 8th, 2011 in demonstrations, news, prosecutions, public interest, trespass by sally

“Two dozen anti-cuts activists have asked the courts to be put back on trial for alleged aggravated trespass despite already having their charges dropped by the Crown Prosecution Service.”

Full story

The Guardian, 7th September 2011


Hillsborough disaster cabinet papers to be released – The Guardian

Posted August 25th, 2011 in documents, families, freedom of information, news, public interest, sport by sally

“The government has promised to release all cabinet papers relating to the 1989 Hillsborough disaster to the public once they have been shared with families of the deceased, after being forced to clarify its position by an e-petition that has reached more than 125,000 signatures.”

Full story

The Guardian, 24th August 2011


UK riots: 16-year-old accused of inciting riot on Facebook loses anonymity – Daily Telegraph

Posted August 24th, 2011 in anonymity, incitement, internet, news, public interest, violent disorder by sally

“A 16-year-old boy accused of trying to incite a riot via Facebook is believed to be the first youth allegedly involved in the violence to be named after a court lifted reporting restrictions protecting his anonymity.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 24th August 2011


Home Office stripping more dual-nationality Britons of citizenship – The Guardian

Posted August 16th, 2011 in citizenship, news, public interest by sally

“Increasing numbers of British nationals are being stripped of their citizenship under Home Office powers introduced in the wake of the 2005 London bombings.”

Full story

The Guardian, 15th August 2011


Court of Protection case to be reported in real time after landmark legal ruling – The Guardian

“A son’s battle to care for his elderly father made legal history on Monday when a judge ruled that his case against the local authority could be reported in ‘real time’.”

Full story

The Guardian, 8th August 2011


Superinjunctions, gagging orders and injunctions: the full list – The Guardian

Posted August 5th, 2011 in injunctions, news, privacy, public interest by sally

“Guardian research shows newspapers are quick to drop public interest arguments for stories about celebrities. Get the full list of gagging orders, superinjunctions and injunctions here – and download it for yourself.”

Full story

The Guardian, 5th August 2011


Media ‘must be forewarned’ of celebrity injunctions – The Guardian

Posted August 3rd, 2011 in injunctions, media, news, privacy, public interest by sally

“Newspapers and broadcasters must be forewarned of the existence of all relevant high court gagging orders obtained by celebrities and other public figures, under new guidance issued by Lord Neuberger, the Master of the Rolls, on Monday.”

Full story

The Guardian, 2nd August 2011


Lord Leveson sets out plans for phone hacking inquiry – Daily Telegraph

Posted July 28th, 2011 in inquiries, interception, media, news, public interest, telecommunications by tracey

“Opening his inquiry into the phone-hacking scandal, Lord Justice of Appeal Leveson said he will focus on the practices and ethics of the press, in relation to the public, police and politicians.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 28th July 2011


Hillsborough documents on Margaret Thatcher to be released – Daily Telegraph

Posted July 27th, 2011 in documents, families, freedom of information, news, police, public interest, sport by tracey

“The Information Commissioner ruled that they were in the public interest, amid claims by some victims’ families that the former Conservative prime minister tried to protect the police’s reputation.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 27th July 2011


Phone hacking: the case for the defence – The Guardian

Posted July 26th, 2011 in interception, media, news, public interest, telecommunications by tracey

“Celebrities encourage intrusion, and we have a right to know about anything that affects politicians’ ability to do their jobs.”

Full story

The Guardian, 26th July 2011
