Legal services: removing barriers to competition –
‘Consultation on proposals to make amendments to the Legal Services Act 2007.’, 7th July 2016
‘Consultation on proposals to make amendments to the Legal Services Act 2007.’, 7th July 2016
‘The government today unveiled plans for a second wave of reforms aimed at opening the legal services market to new businesses.’
Law Society’s Gazette, 7th July 2016
‘A high court judge has refused to publish a 2014 judgment on the death of Ellie Butler on the grounds that her father, who has been jailed for life for her murder, might in the future face a retrial.’
The Guardian, 22nd June 2016
‘An interesting Court of Appeal decision concerning the science of migratory salmon, and the circumstances in which compensation will be granted when an interference with Article 1 Protocol 1 is found.’
UK Human Rights Blog, 22nd June 2016
‘Derby City Council should ensure that all legal advice is commissioned through its chief legal officer or her staff, and departments should not commission legal advice direct, auditors Grant Thornton have recommended in a public interest report.’
Local Government Lawyer, 21st June 2016
‘Doctors who aborted foetuses based on their gender could finally be successfully prosecuted after British lawyers launched an appeal to the European Court of Human Rights calling for a reform of abortion law.’
Daily Telegraph, 18th June
‘Last year, the chief prisons inspector called Yarl’s Wood ‘a place of national concern’ following concerns over alleged sexual abuse and intimidation of women detained there.’
The Independent, 13th June 2016
‘A foreign drug dealer convicted of attempted murder is not entitled to avoid deportation under human rights laws because he has British children, the Court of Appeal has ruled.’
Daily Telegraph, 25th May 2016
‘Perhaps for the first time – and almost certainly for the last, since he is about to retire – Lord Toulson is the hero of the press. As the sole dissenting judge in the Supreme Court ruling on the current celebrity injunction of speculation, he would have allowed the claimant’s name to be published – at least by news organisations that were prepared to run the risk of paying damages for breaching the claimant’s privacy.’
The Guardian, 19th May 2016
‘The supreme court has extended the interim privacy injunction preventing identification of a celebrity who has been involved in a three-way sexual encounter.’
The Guardian, 19th May 2016
‘An injunction banning the naming of a celebrity involved in an alleged extra-marital relationship should stay in place, the Supreme Court has ruled.’
BBC News, 19th May 2016
‘Undercover police officers facing claims of wrongdoing will not automatically get anonymity at a forthcoming major public inquiry.’
BBC News, 3rd May 2016
‘The number and proportion of prosecutions dropped at Crown Courts in England and Wales has risen to its highest level in five years. More than 12,600 cases were discontinued from 2014 to 2015 – one in every eight Crown Court cases. At the same time, the proportion of Crown Court cases resulting in a conviction fell below the 80% mark for the first time since 2010-11.’
BBC News, 11th April 2016
‘Being appointed a judge is like going to school, one of our distinguished judges noted when he was first appointed. You have to sit in one place every day, all day. You have to listen to people addressing you, to take notes, and hand in your homework at the end.’
Daily Telegraph, 7th April 2016
‘Can the name of a local councillor who has defaulted on Council tax properly be withheld from disclosure under the exemption for personal data in s.40 FOIA? That was the issue for the Upper Tribunal (“UT”) in Haslam v (1) Information Commissioner (2) Bolton Council [2016] UKUT 0139 (AAC), 10 March 2016. Mr Haslam, a journalist on the Bolton News, had submitted a FOIA request to Bolton Council for disclosure of names of councillors who had received reminders for non-payment of Council tax since May 2011. The Council refused to name names, citing the exemption in s.40 FOIA. The Information Commissioner and First-Tier Tribunal (“FTT”) upheld the Council’s decision. The UT (Judge Markus QC) has now reversed the FTT’s decision, and held that the name of the individual councillor concerned should be released.’
Panopticon, 18th March 2016