RSPCA accused of using criminal prosecutions to increase revenue – Daily Telegraph

Posted August 8th, 2013 in animal cruelty, charities, news, prosecutions by sally

“The RSPCA is facing calls to give up its role as a criminal prosecutor following claims that it is using court cases as a means of increasing its revenue.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 7th August 2013


Leah Grolman and Greg Weeks: Guidelines and Assisted Suicide: an Australian Perspective – UK Constitutional Law Group

“The morally and politically charged area of assisted suicide has many of the hallmarks of an insoluble problem. This has not prevented courts in some jurisdictions considering how they might ‘legalise’ assisted suicide without really legalising it. In doing so, they have raised manifold challenges in the minds of administrative and constitutional lawyers, including, in some jurisdictions, whether the prohibition on assisted suicide is itself constitutional, such as Rodriguez in Canada, Fleming in Ireland and Pretty in the ECtHR.”

Full story

UK Constitutional Law Group, 7th August 2013


GP surgeries must inform patients about data plan – or face legal action – The Independent

Posted August 7th, 2013 in data protection, doctors, medical records, news, prosecutions by sally

“GP practices could face prosecution under the Data Protection Act if they do not take steps to inform patients that data will be taken from their records and used by the NHS and private companies from this autumn.”

Full story

The Independent, 6th August 2013


Spike in criminal prosecutions for tax evasion signal middle class professionals now in HMRC firing line, says expert –

Posted August 6th, 2013 in crime, HM Revenue & Customs, news, prosecutions, tax evasion by sally

“A steep rise in the number of criminal prosecutions for tax evasion indicates that the financial affairs of middle class professionals are now subject to increasing scrutiny by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), an expert has said.”

Full story, 5th August 2013


Information sharing with new IP crime police unit can help rights holders obtain redress for infringements, says expert –

“The establishment of a dedicated police unit for investigating and prosecuting against individuals involved in intellectual property (IP) crime can help rights holders obtain redress for the infringement of their rights, an expert has said.”

Full story, 2nd August 2013


Prosecutions for tax evasion double – Daily Telegraph

Posted August 5th, 2013 in HM Revenue & Customs, news, prosecutions, statistics, tax evasion by sally

“The number of criminal prosecutions for tax evasion has more than doubled in the last year as middle class professionals are increasingly targeted over tax avoidance.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 5th August 2013


Undercover spy allegations cast campaigner verdict in doubt – The Guardian

“An official body has called into question the criminal conviction of a political campaigner after allegations that an undercover spy gave false evidence under oath during his prosecution.”

Full story

The Guardian, 1st August 2013


Thousands of abusive electronic message cases reach court – BBC News

“More than 1,700 cases involving abusive messages sent online or via text message reached English and Welsh courts in 2012, the BBC has learned after a Freedom of Information request.”

Full story

BBC News, 30th July 2013


Rape victims let down by CPS, says watchdog – Daily Telegraph

Posted July 31st, 2013 in disclosure, human rights, medical records, news, prosecutions, rape, victims by sally

“Rape victims’ human rights are being infringed by the Crown Prosecution Service handing defence lawyers too much information about their injuries and treatment, a watchdog has said.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 31st July 2013


Four police officers face charges over mentally ill man Thomas Orchard’s death in custody – The Independent

Posted July 30th, 2013 in death in custody, mental health, news, police, prosecutions by sally

“Four police officers could face criminal charges over the death of a mentally ill church caretaker who was restrained when he was arrested following a disturbance in the street, The Independent has learned.”

Full story

The Independent, 29th July 2013


Myths about rape myths – OUP Blog

Posted July 22nd, 2013 in news, prosecutions, rape, statistics, victims by sally

“In recent decades, England and Wales have experienced extensive rape law reform and a substantial rise in rape reporting, but the number of rape convictions has not kept pace, leading to a galloping attrition rate: the current proportion of recorded rapes that result in a rape conviction is about 7%. To the extent that rape law reform aimed at convicting more men of rape, it has not been an unqualified success.”

Full story

OUP Blog, 22nd July 2013


DPP to meet judge following prosecution ‘farce’ in murder trial – Law Society’s Gazette

“Keir Starmer, the director of public prosecutions (DPP), is to meet Richard Griffith-Jones, the judge who made a scathing attack on the Crown Prosecution Service after a murder trial descended into farce last month.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 19th July 2013


Man facing prosecution for ‘tombstoning’ – Daily Telegraph

Posted July 19th, 2013 in byelaws, fines, health & safety, news, prosecutions by sally

“The first prosecution for ‘tombstoning’ could be brought against a man accused of jumping from a 30ft bridge.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 18th July 2013


Reform of disclosure management following R v Mouncher (Lynette White) – Crown Prosecution Service

Posted July 18th, 2013 in case management, disclosure, prosecutions, reports by tracey

“The Director of Public Prosecutions, Keir Starmer QC, has today published the full report by Her Majesty’s Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI), undertaken at his request, into disclosure issues that arose in the case of R v Mouncher and others.”

Full report

Crown Prosecution Service, 16th July 2013


New DPP guidance on concurrent jurisdiction published – Crown Prosecution Service

“The CPS has today published the final guidelines for Crown Prosecutors handling cases where more than one country or jurisdiction is investigating criminal conduct.”

Full guidelines

Crown Prosecution Service, 17th July 2013


Newport scrap metal dealer ‘first in UK’ to be fined under new law – BBC News

Posted July 17th, 2013 in fines, handling stolen goods, news, prosecutions by sally

“A scrap metal dealer from Newport is believed to be the first in the UK to be prosecuted for not checking sellers’ ID under new laws introduced in March.”

Full story

BBC News, 16th July 2013


FGM – Let’s Talk About Vaginas – Criminal Law and Justice Weekly

“Talking about female genital mutilation is the first step to tackling it, writes Felicity Gerry.”

Full story

Criminal Law and Justice Weekly, 11th July 2013


CPS severely hampered by lack of resources, says report – The Guardian

Posted July 11th, 2013 in case management, Crown Prosecution Service, news, prosecutions, reports by sally

“A lack of resources is severely damaging the Crown Prosecution Service’s preparation of cases for court, according to a critical report by the organisation’s statutory watchdog.”

Full story

The Guardian, 10th July 2013


Legal professional privilege will apply under new criminal cartel ‘whistleblowing’ regime –

“Businesses that wish to report their involvement in cartel operations in order to benefit from the leniency of the UK’s competition regulator will not be obliged to waive their rights to legal professional privilege (LPP).”

Full story, 9th July 2013


CPS may bring first case against Metropolitan police spy – The Guardian

“Prosecutors are considering launching the first case against an undercover police officer deployed to infiltrate political campaigns. The Crown Prosecution Service is examining allegations of wrongdoing by Jim Boyling, a former member of a covert Metropolitan police unit which planted undercover officers in political groups for four decades.”

Full story

The Guardian, 5th July 2013
