Teenagers who share ‘sexts’ could face prosecution, police warn – The Guardian

‘A police force has warned schoolchildren who share so-called “sexts” with friends over the internet that they could face prosecution in the criminal courts.’

Full story

The Guardian, 22nd July 2014

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Female genital mutilation: a breach in the UK’s duty of care? – Halsbury’s Law Exchange

Posted July 21st, 2014 in female genital mutilation, news, prosecutions, select committees by sally

‘A report by the Home Affairs Committee (HAC) is a response to what it calls the “ongoing national scandal” of female genital mutilation (FGM). FGM is the mutilation of the genitalia of young women and girls for non-medical reasons. The history of FGM in the UK makes for sobering and shocking reading. It is estimated that 170,000 women and girls are living with the legacy of FGM in this country and 65,000 girls aged 13 or under are at this moment at risk of mutilation. Despite having been criminalised here in 1985, there has not been a single successful prosecution.’

Full story

Halsbury’s Law Exchange, 18th July 2014

Source: www.halsburyslawsexchange.co.uk

Victim right of review scheme sees 146 suspects charged with offences – The Independent

Posted July 21st, 2014 in criminal justice, Crown Prosecution Service, news, prosecutions, victims by sally

‘Almost 150 suspects have been charged for offences after alleged victims appealed against decisions not to prosecute them under the new right to review scheme, according to new figures.’

Full story

The Independent, 19th July 2014

Source: www.independent.co.uk

‘On-the-run’ scheme flawed but not unlawful, inquiry finds – The Guardian

‘The post-Troubles scheme devised to reassure Irish republican “on-the-runs” (OTRs) that they were no longer wanted by the police was lawful and did not give terrorist suspects an amnesty, an independent review has concluded.’

Full story

The Guardian, 17th July 2014

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Revenge porn – are we in need of stronger laws? – Halsbury’s Law Exchange

‘Calls have been prompted largely by the rise of revenge porn itself, which in turn is attributable to the omnipresence of smartphones that allow photographs to be taken and uploaded to the internet within seconds. No specialist knowledge is required and many “apps” allow pictures to be uploaded at the click of a button. Once an image is on the internet in digital form it can be reproduced time and time again. The call for a specific criminal sanction follows considerable lobbying by campaigners and the issue receiving national attention following the revelation that the prime minister’s nanny was the victim of revenge porn. At present there is no specific criminal offence that adequately addresses the problem. Legal action and publicity in the US have also put pressure on the government to act.’

Full story

Halsbury’s Law Exchange, 14th July 2014

Source: www.halsburyslawexchange.co.uk

Eystna Blunnie murder: ‘Chances missed’ to prevent death – BBC News

Posted July 11th, 2014 in Crown Prosecution Service, domestic violence, murder, news, prosecutions by sally

‘Opportunities were missed to protect a heavily-pregnant teenager who was beaten to death by her ex-boyfriend, a report has revealed.

Full story

BBC News, 10th July 2014

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

NSPCC wants covering up abuse to be criminal offence – BBC News

‘The man leading a review into how the Home Office handled historical allegations of child abuse has said people who cover up such crimes should be prosecuted.’

Full story

BBC News, 9th July 2014

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Hunting prosecutions at all-time high since ban – Daily Telegraph

Posted July 3rd, 2014 in hunting, news, prosecutions by sally

‘Figures show that a total of 110 hunters were charged for offences under the Hunting Act in 2013, an increase on the previous high of 92 in 2009.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 3rd July 2014

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Plea for no new social-media laws – BBC News

‘No new laws are needed to deal with social media – just a better understanding of the existing ones, a leading barrister has told peers.’

Full story

BBC News, 2nd July 2014

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Domestic violence convictions at record high – The Guardian

‘The conviction rate for domestic violence cases has reached its highest ever level, with cases now making up 10.7% of the Crown Prosecution Service’s workload, the director of public prosecutions will announce on Wednesday.’

Full story

The Guardian, 2nd July 2014

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Hacking trial: Legal battle set to cost taxpayers millions of pounds – The Independent

Posted July 2nd, 2014 in appeals, conspiracy, costs, fees, interception, media, news, privacy, prosecutions by sally

‘A legal battle between Rupert Murdoch’s News UK and England’s prosecuting authorities over the “astronomical” costs of the record-breaking phone hacking trial will involve “millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money”.’

Full story

The Independent, 1st July 2014

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Kingsley Burrell death: ‘insufficient evidence’ to prosecute – BBC News

‘Prosecutors say there is “insufficient evidence” to charge anyone after the death of a man detained under the Mental Health Act.’

Full story

BBC News, 1st July 2014

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Phone hacking: it was right to charge Rebekah Brooks, says Keir Starmer – The Guardian

‘Prosecutors were right to charge Rebekah Brooks and other News of the World executives over conspiracy to hack phones as the trials have helped determine who knew about widespread malpractice at the newspaper, Sir Keir Starmer, the former director of public prosecutions, has said.’

Full story

The Guardian, 29th June 2014

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Home Secretary announces review of undercover policing cases – Home Office

Posted June 27th, 2014 in miscarriage of justice, police, press releases, prosecutions, spying by tracey

‘Home Secretary Theresa May today announced details of a review of criminal convictions in cases involving undercover police officers.’

Full press release

Home Office, 26th June 2014

Source: www.gov.uk/home-office

Criminalising Forced Marriage – The Deterrent Effect – Family Law Week

Posted June 27th, 2014 in crime, families, forced marriages, marriage, news, prosecutions, victims by tracey

‘Danish Ameen, barrister of 18 St John Street Chambers, considers the impact of the criminalisation of forced marriage which came into effect on the 16th June 2014.’

Full story

Family Law Week, 26th June 2014

Source: www.familylawweek.co.uk

R (on the application of Nicklinson and another) (AP) (Appellants) v Ministry of Justice (Respondent); R (on the application of AM) (AP) v The Director of Public Prosecutions (Appellant) – Supreme Court

R (on the application of Nicklinson and another) (AP) (Appellants) v Ministry of Justice (Respondent); R (on the application of AM) (AP) v The Director of Public Prosecutions (Appellant) [2014] UKSC 38 (YouTube)

Supreme Court, 25th June 2014

Source: www.youtube.com/user/UKSupremeCourt

Campaigners lose ‘right to die’ case – BBC News

‘Campaigners have lost their appeal at the UK’s highest court over the right to die.’

Full story

BBC News, 25th June 2014

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Right-to-die: For and against assisted suicide – BBC News

Posted June 25th, 2014 in assisted suicide, disabled persons, human rights, news, prosecutions by sally

‘On Wednesday, the family of the late Tony Nicklinson who had locked-in syndrome and Paul Lamb who was paralysed in a road crash will find out whether or not their campaign for the right to die with the help of a doctor has been successful.’

Full story

BBC News, 25th June 2014

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Right-to-die Supreme Court judgement due – BBC News

‘The UK’s highest court will give its judgement later on the cases of two severely disabled men who want others to be able to help them die.’

Full story

BBC News, 25th June 2014

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Is it right to jail someone for being offensive on Facebook or Twitter? – The Guardian

‘Jake Newsome was jailed last week for posting offensive comments online. His is the latest in a string of cases that have led to prison terms, raising concern that free speech may be under threat from over-zealous prosecutors.’

Full story

The Guardian, 13th June 2014

Source: www.guardian.co.uk