Reading widowed mother school truancy case dropped – BBC News

Posted October 2nd, 2015 in bereavement, news, prosecutions, truancy by tracey

‘The partner of a cyclist killed by a drink-driver has been told she will not face legal charges over her son missing school following the death.’

Full story

BBC News, 1st Ocotber 2015


Reading fiancee of dead cyclist accused of keeping grieving son out of school – BBC News

Posted September 29th, 2015 in education, fines, local government, news, prosecutions, school children by sally

‘The partner of a cyclist killed by a drink-driver is being prosecuted after her son missed a number of days at school following the death.’

Full story

BBC News, 28th September 2015


Sexual consent is simple. We should all be clear what constitutes rape – The Guardian

Posted September 28th, 2015 in consent, Crown Prosecution Service, news, prosecutions, rape, sexual offences, victims by sally

‘A new CPS campaign focuses on cases where two adults know each other, and attempts to debunk some of the myths around sex offences.’

Full story

The Guardian, 23rd September 2015


Women who can’t remember night before should speak to rape counsellor, says DPP – Daily Telegraph

Posted September 23rd, 2015 in consent, news, prosecutions, rape by sally

‘Alison Saunders, the head of the Crown Prosecution Service, urges women who wake up in a man’s bed with no recollection of what happened to them to seek professional advice.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 22nd September 2015


Criminalising forced marriage fails to protect girls – The Guardian

Posted September 23rd, 2015 in domestic violence, forced marriages, news, prosecutions by sally

‘The law makes forced marriage a criminal offence, but who protects the young victims who bring dishonour on their family by going to the police when they return home?’

Full story

The Guardian, 22nd September 2015


RSPCA prosecution powers ‘to be examined by MPs’ – BBC News

Posted September 22nd, 2015 in animal cruelty, inquiries, news, private prosecutions, prosecutions by sally

‘A group of MPs is planning to launch a formal inquiry into the powers of the RSPCA and other animal charities, the BBC has learned.’

Full story

BBC News, 22nd September 2015


Police given advice on spotting domestic abuse patterns – BBC News

Posted September 21st, 2015 in domestic violence, news, police, prosecutions, victims by sally

‘Police officers will receive specialist advice on how to spot patterns of domestic abuse under new guidance.’
Full story

BBC News, 21st September 2015


CPS under pressure but not near collapse, says attorney general – Law Society’s Gazette

‘The Crown Prosecution Service is under pressure but not on the “brink of collapse”, the attorney general told a House of Commons committee last night.’

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 16th September 2015


Bishop Ball sex charges caution ‘wrong’ admits CPS – BBC News

‘A retired bishop who has admitted sex offences against young men, should have faced charges 22 years ago, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has admitted. The CPS said a caution given to Peter Ball in 1993 was wrong as there was sufficient evidence to prosecute.’

Full story

BBC News, 13th September 2015


Indecent images: is the law out of control? – Halsbury’s Law Exchange

‘On 3rd September 2015 the news reported the case of a 14 year old boy who took a naked photo of himself before sending it to a female classmate via Snapchat (a smartphone application that deletes a message or a photograph 10 seconds after it has been read). She took a screenshot of the photo and decided to send it to other people at school. A police officer based at the school became aware of the photo however. It was decided (obviously correctly) that it was not in the public interest to prosecute. However, he did have “the crime of making and distributing indecent images recorded against him”. It seems that this was a mandatory consequence of it coming to the notice of officialdom.’

Full story

Halsbury’s Law Exchange, 6th September 2015


The Limits of the Law – The role of compliance in the 21st Century – Attorney General’s Office

Posted September 11th, 2015 in corruption, financial regulation, fraud, prosecutions, speeches by tracey

‘Solicitor General’s keynote address to the 33rd Cambridge Symposium on Economic Crime.’

Full speech

Attorney General’s Office, 11th September 2015


Hacking investigation took four years and cost £2.5m – but ended without any prosecutions – The Independent

Posted September 10th, 2015 in computer crime, costs, inquiries, news, prosecutions by tracey

‘A £2.5m Scotland Yard investigation into computer hacking has ended after four years without anybody facing court because the alleged offences happened too long ago, prosecutors have confirmed.’

Full story

The Independent, 9th September 2015


Indecent images: is the law out of control? – Halsbury’s Law Exchange

‘On 3rd September 2015 the news reported the case of a 14 year old boy who took a naked photo of himself before sending it to a female classmate via Snapchat (a smartphone application that deletes a message or a photograph 10 seconds after it has been read). She took a screenshot of the photo and decided to send it to other people at school.’

Full story

Halsbury’s Law Exchange, 6th September 2015


“New law” is neither new nor law… – Park Square Barristers

Posted September 4th, 2015 in magistrates, news, prosecutions, road traffic offences by sally

‘In recent weeks Leeds Magistrates Court has found itself in the grip of a media frenzy for the dubious honour of hearing the “first ever prosecution” under the “new Law”’ for so called “middle-lane hogging”.’

Full story

Park Square Barristers, 19th August 2015


Phone-hacking case: CPS considers corporate prosecution – BBC News

‘Prosecutors are considering a file for a possible corporate prosecution over phone hacking at the News of the World.’

Full story

BBC News, 28th August 2015


Revenge porn: Are the police and courts taking the crime seriously? – The Independent

Posted August 26th, 2015 in internet, news, police, pornography, prosecutions, victims by sally

‘Since April this year, sharing explicit images or videos without consent – known as revenge porn – has been illegal. Now, the first perpetrators are being sentenced. But does the new law go far enough? Emily Dugan speaks to victims, legal experts and campaigners to find out.’

Full story

The Independent, 25th August 2015


Licence fee prosecutions overburden courts, argues Michael Gove – The Guardian

Posted August 17th, 2015 in BBC, licensing, news, prosecutions by sally

‘Michael Gove, the justice secretary, has raised concern that prosecutions for non-payment of the BBC licence are overburdening the courts.’

Full story

The Guardian, 16th August 2015


Prosecutors continue to tackle revenge porn across the country – Crown Prosecution Service

‘A 25-year-old man from Kidderminster has today, 13th August, been sentenced to a 12 month community order, handed a fine and ordered to pay costs, as prosecutors continue to tackle revenge porn across England and Wales using the new legislation.’

Full press release

Crown Prosecution Service, 13th August 2015


More parents in England prosecuted for taking children out of school – The Guardian

Posted August 12th, 2015 in children, education, fines, news, prosecutions, school children, statistics, truancy by sally

‘Increasing numbers of parents are being taken to court because their children have skipped school, with thousands facing action last year.’

Full story

The Guardian, 12th August 2015


In sexual assault cases, the idea of the ‘perfect victim’ is pernicious – The Guardian

‘Compensation has been reduced for sexual assault victims who have criminal convictions. But we need to stop insisting that traumatised people should be model citizens.’

Full story

The Guardian, 7th August 2015
