Victims left ‘at risk from serial rapists’ as conviction rates fall – Daily Telegraph

Posted August 29th, 2019 in news, prosecutions, rape, recidivists, statistics, victims by tracey

‘Falling convictions are putting people at risk of “serial rapists” because attackers are not being deterred, the Victims’ Commissioner has warned. Dame Vera Baird expressed concern as official figures showed that reports of rape are on the increase but the number of charges being brought against attackers has fallen.’

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Daily Telegraph, 29th August 2019


87 bird crime incidents last year and just one conviction, says RSPB – The Guardian

Posted August 29th, 2019 in birds, environmental protection, news, prosecutions, setting traps by tracey

‘Birds of prey were shot, poisoned, trapped or illegally killed in 87 confirmed incidents in 2018 that led to just one successful conviction, according to the RSPB’s annual Birdcrime report.’

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The Guardian, 29th August 2019


Care home manager to be sentenced for failure to disclose evidence at inquest – Local Government Lawyer

Posted August 22nd, 2019 in care homes, disclosure, evidence, inquests, news, prosecutions, sentencing by sally

‘A former manager at a care home where a young woman died is due to be sentenced later this month for failing to attend and disclose evidence to an inquest.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 21st August 2019


Drink drivers escaping prosecution as officers have to drive more than an hour to police station – Daily Telegraph

‘Drink drivers are getting away with breaking the law because police are having to drive them up to an hour and 45 minutes to the nearest custody cells, it has been warned.’

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Daily Telegraph, 18th August 2019


New inquest opens into 1960s killing of 14-year-old Elsie Frost – The Guardian

Posted August 16th, 2019 in inquests, murder, news, prosecutions by tracey

‘A coroner has paid tribute to the brother of a teenage girl who was fatally stabbed in the 1960s as he opened a fresh inquest into her death.’

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The Guardian, 15th August 2019


Number of people dealt with by criminal justice system falls to lowest level since records began – The Independent

‘The number of people prosecuted or handed penalties for crimes in England and Wales has fallen to a record low as offences rise. Statistics released by the Ministry of Justice showed the figure dropped by 2 per cent to 1.59 million people in the year to March.’

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The Independent, 15th August 2019


Boris Johnson: Court quashes attempt to prosecute prime minister over Brexit bus ‘lies’ – The Independent

‘An attempt to prosecute Boris Johnson over the claim that Britain gave the EU £350m a week has been thrown out by a judge.’

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The Independent, 14th August 2019


Law and order: Extra £85m for CPS to tackle violent crime – BBC News

Posted August 12th, 2019 in budgets, Crown Prosecution Service, news, prosecutions, violence by tracey

‘The Crown Prosecution Service will receive an extra £85m over the next two years, to help deal with a rise in violent crime in England and Wales. It comes as Boris Johnson launches a review of sentencing of some dangerous and prolific offenders.’

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BBC News, 12th August 2019


Legal system ‘beyond the point of collapse’ as three men avoid jail – BBC News

‘The legal system in England and Wales is “beyond the point of collapse”, according to a Crown Court judge. Judge Simon Carr gave three men suspended sentences instead of sending them to jail because of how long it had taken for the case to get to court.’

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BBC News, 31st July 2019


Justice secretary’s call for rape suspect anonymity ‘not government policy’, Downing Street says amid outrage – The Independent

Posted August 2nd, 2019 in anonymity, bills, news, police, prosecutions, rape by tracey

‘The new justice secretary has been heavily criticised after suggesting that suspected criminals of “good character” should be granted anonymity before charge.’

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The Independent, 1st August 2019


CPS successfully prosecutes second major modern slavery case this month – Crown Prosecution Service

‘A father and son have today (29 July) been convicted for their roles in long-running conspiracy to exploit Eastern European workers they trafficked into the UK.’

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Crown Prosecution Service, 29th July 2019


Only 3% of rape claims in London result in convictions, study says – The Guardian

Posted July 31st, 2019 in London, news, police, privacy, prosecutions, rape, statistics, telecommunications, victims by sally

‘Only 3% of rape allegations in London result in convictions, a study has found, prompting the capital’s victims’ commissioner to call for an end to the “excessive intrusion into personal data” demanded when a person makes an allegation.’

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The Guardian, 31st July 2019


Victims of rape have only 1.4 per cent chance of the case being solved, new figures show – Daily Telegraph

‘Theft and rape are among ten offences where the chances of cases being solved has fallen to below one in 50 or two per cent, the lowest rates on record, an analysis of new Home Office figures reveals.’

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Daily Telegraph, 27th July 2019


Prosecutions against unsafe care homes and hospitals rise by one third – Daily Telegraph

Posted July 29th, 2019 in care homes, hospitals, news, penalties, prosecutions by sally

‘Prosecutions and other criminal enforcement actions against unsafe care homes and NHS hospitals have risen a third in a year, amid warnings of a growing crisis.’

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Daily Telegraph, 26th July 2019


New Victims’ commissioner sparks row with prosecutors as she says policy of taking rape victims’ phones is being used to discredit them – Daily Telegraph

‘The new Victims’ Commissioner has sparked a row after accusing prosecutors and police of taking “irrelevant” personal information from rape victims’ phones that discredits them.’

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Daily Telegraph, 24th July 2019


‘Rape cases dropped’ over police phone search demands – BBC News

‘Rape and sexual assault complainants say police have stopped investigating their cases after they refused to reveal up to seven years of phone data.’

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BBC News, 23rd July 2019


MPs call for 10-year limit on prosecution of soldiers – The Guardian

‘A 10-year “qualified statute of limitations” should be introduced to protect veterans and serving armed forces personnel from reinvestigation for alleged crimes, MPs have said.’

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The Guardian, 22nd July 2019


Violence rockets as police solve 40,000 fewer crimes a year in deepening ‘crisis’ – The Independent

Posted July 19th, 2019 in criminal justice, news, prosecutions, statistics by tracey

‘Violence has risen by 20 per cent in a year as the number of crimes solved plummeted by 40,000, new figures show amid warnings of a deepening “crisis” in the justice system.’

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The Independent, 18th July 2019


Breast-ironing is abuse and could lead to prison term, says CPS – The Guardian

‘Relatives who “iron” a young girl’s chest with a hot stone or other objects to delay breast formation could face up to 10 years in prison, under new guidance published by the Crown Prosecution Service.’

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The Guardian, 19th July 2019


Paedophile spared jail after police and prosecutor blunders – Daily Telegraph

‘A paedophile has been spared jail after a judge claimed a series of mistakes from the police and prosecutors have allowed him to walk free.’

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Daily Telegraph, 16th July 2019
