New Asbo laws could infringe freedom, think tank warns – Daily Telegraph

Posted May 20th, 2013 in anti-social behaviour, bills, news, police, proportionality by sally

“New laws to curb anti-social behaviour could be used by councils to interfere with law abiding citizens, a think tank has warned.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 19th May 2013


ICO updates guidance on dealing with vexatious FOI requests following Tribunal criticism –

Posted May 16th, 2013 in freedom of information, news, proportionality by sally

“Public bodies should consider whether freedom of information (FOI) requests are ‘likely to cause a disproportionate or unjustified level of disruption, irritation or distress’ when determining whether those requests are vexatious or not, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has said.”

Full story, 16th May 2013


Costs Management Pilot Report – Judiciary of England and Wales

“The Costs Management Pilot Scheme (the ‘Pilot’) was launched in all Technology and Construction Courts (‘TCC’) and Mercantile Courts on 1 October 2011. The Pilot applies to any case which has its first case management conference on or after 1 October 2011.”

Full report

Judiciary of England & Wales, 10th May 2013


Costs budgeting: Proportionality is trumps – New Law Journal

Posted May 7th, 2013 in budgets, civil procedure rules, costs, judiciary, news, proportionality by sally

“‘The budgeting of multi-track litigation is the most important of costs reforms that lawyers should prepare for’ advises Professor Dominic Regan, the leading expert in civil litigation (‘Not the end of the story?’). So, how should we—judges and professional civil litigators— ‘prepare’ now that the Jackson reforms are a reality? The short answer is CPD Training: Chapter 40 and Recommendations 89 and 90 of the Jackson Report (Review of Civil Litigation Costs: Final Report, December 2009).”

Full story

New Law Journal, 2nd May 2013


Jackson Masterclass: The new regime – New Law Journal

Posted May 7th, 2013 in civil procedure rules, disclosure, news, proportionality by sally

“It is understandable that so much attention has been directed at the recent costs and funding changes. However, the reach of Jackson is far greater. Any step or process has an inevitable cost attached to it and now is the time to look at how the disclosure process will change under the new regime.”

Full story

New Law Journal, 2nd May 2013


Mediation and alternative dispute resolution – OUP Blog

“Why compromise? Increasingly in civil litigation there are no winners — not even the lawyers, following the review and implementation of Sir Rupert Jackson’s report into costs. The question is rapidly being re-phrased as ‘Why litigate?'”

Full story

OUP Blog, 27th April 2013


Greater protection for homeowners – Ministry of Justice

Posted April 26th, 2013 in burglary, press releases, proportionality, self-defence by tracey

“Householders now have even greater protection from burglars as changes to the law on self defence have come into effect.”

Full press release

Ministry of Justice, 25th April 2013


Jeff King: Deference, Dialogue and Animal Defenders International – UK Constitutional Law Group

“In Animal Defenders International, the European Court of Human Rights upheld the British ban on political advertising in the broadcast media (s.321 Communications Act 2003), consistently with the judgments of the UK House of Lords and High Court, but in an apparent departure from its previous caselaw in the VgT (Verein gegen Tierfabrik v. Switzerland, no. 24699/94 ECHR 2001‑VI) case. The key issue in the case was whether a blanket ban (or ‘general measure’) was a proportionate restriction of the freedom of expression, or whether some class of exception (a ‘case-by-case’ approach) for groups such as the NGO in this case ought to be recognized.”

Full story

UK Constitutional Law Group, 25th April 2013



Boardman v Governing Body of Clarence High School and another – WLR Daily

Boardman v Governing Body of Clarence High School and another [2013] EWCA Civ 198; [2013] WLR (D) 145

“It was axiomatic that the Employment Appeal Tribunal could only interfere with the decision of an employment tribunal if it identified an error of law. In relation to unfair dismissal the appeal tribunal had to address the issue of whether the employment tribunal had found that the employer had satisfied the reasonable responses test and any criticisms of the employment tribunal were to be directed at that issue.”

WLR Daily, 15th March 2013


Jacob Rowbottom: A surprise ruling? Strasbourg upholds the ban on paid political ads on TV and Radio – UK Constitutional Law Group

“The European Court of Human Rights has given its decision in Animal Defenders International , holding that the ban on political advertising on the broadcast media does not violate Article 10. I had been convinced that the Strasbourg Court, following earlier decisions in Switzerland and Norway, would come to the opposite conclusion – but I am relieved that they did not. The ban on political ads has been a crucial measure that has helped to keep the cost of politics down in the UK. That said, it was a close shave. The ban was upheld by a majority of 9, with 8 dissenting. The decision was published earlier this morning, so what follows are my initial thoughts.”

Full story

UK Constitutional Law Group, 22nd April 2013


Proposed reforms undermine the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 – Halsbury’s Law Exchange

Posted April 18th, 2013 in appeals, criminal records, disclosure, news, proportionality, time limits by sally

“Imagine you are a middle-aged man with a young family looking to change career to work as a primary school teacher. When you were 12 you took a chocolate bar from a shop. You learnt a salutary lesson and never repeated this isolated error of judgment. Is it right that your prospective employer should be told this? Well, whilst the Government thought your prospective employer should be forewarned, the Court of Appeal disagreed. The Court of Appeal, in R(T) & Others v Greater Manchester was critical of the ‘blanket nature’ of the current regime deeming it disproportionate in pursuance of the legitimate aim of safeguarding children and young adults. As a result of this important case, the Government has been forced to modify the disclosure regime to avoid offending Art 8; the right to private and family life.”

Full story

Halsbury’s Law Exchange, 18th April 2013


Exclusion of Iranian dissident lawful, says Court of Appeal – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted March 26th, 2013 in appeals, consultations, human rights, news, proportionality, rule of law, visas by sally

“Last year the Divisional Court upheld the Home Secretary’s decision to prevent a dissident Iranian politician coming to the United Kingdom to address the Palace of Westminster: see that decision here and my post discussing the ‘Politics of Fear’.”

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 22nd March 2013


Regina v Hampshire County Council – WLR Daily

Regina v Hampshire County Council [2013] WLR (D) 117

“There was no reason to stay confiscation proceedings where a trademark offence had been committed, because trademark offences were lifestyle, repeat offences, which did real damage to those entitled to the profits of a trademark and deprived the manufacturers of the legitimate fruits of the research and development of their product and it was proceeds which mattered rather than blame.”

WLR Daily, 20th March 2013


Disclosure of ill-treatment allegations would breach nurse’s human rights, rules High Court – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted March 12th, 2013 in disclosure, human rights, judicial review, news, nurses, proportionality, vetting by sally

“This was an application for judicial review, and a claim under the Human Rights Act 1998, in respect of the defendant’s decision to disclose allegations of neglect and ill-treatment of care home residents in an Enhanced Criminal Records Certificate dated 12th October 2012.”

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 12th March 2013


Kenny v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform – WLR Daily

Posted March 4th, 2013 in EC law, equal pay, law reports, news, proportionality, sex discrimination by sally

Kenny v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform (Case C-427/11); [2013] WLR (D) 87

“In the light of article 141 EC and Council Directive 75/117/EEC (relating to the application of the principle of equal pay for men and women meant, in relation to indirect pay discrimination), it was for the employer to establish objective justification for the difference in pay between workers who considered that they had been indirectly discriminated against and the comparators. The employer’s justification for the difference in pay had to relate to the comparators. The interests of good industrial relations might be taken into consideration by the national court as one factor among others in its assessment of whether differences between the pay of two groups of workers were due to objective factors unrelated to any discrimination on grounds of sex and are compatible with the principle of proportionality.”

WLR Daily, 28th February 2013


Regina (Purnell) v South Western Magistrates’ Court – WLR Daily

Posted February 21st, 2013 in enforcement, fines, law reports, news, proportionality by sally

Regina (Purnell) v South Western Magistrates’ Court [2013] EWHC 64 (Admin); [2013] WLR (D) 61

Courts had to inquire closely before making an order for the payment of a fine at any enforcement hearing as to whether there were any outstanding fines and make clear the serious consequences to the offender or defaulter in not providing accurate information.

WLR Daily, 23rd February 2013


New CPR to be amended next month, rule committee chief reveals – Litigation Futures

Posted February 18th, 2013 in civil procedure rules, fees, news, proportionality, solicitors by sally

“There will be another statutory instrument (SI) next month to tidy up the one published last week with changes to the Civil Procedure Rules, after a warning that the new rule on proportionality could affect millions of pounds worth of work already done by solicitors.”

Full story

Litigation Futures, 18th February 2013


Court of Appeal Declares Criminal Records Regime Incompatible with Article 8 – Panopticon

Posted January 30th, 2013 in cautions, criminal records, disclosure, human rights, news, privacy, proportionality by sally

“The Court of Appeal has today [29 January] handed down an important judgment in R (T & others) v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester & others [2013] EWCA Civ 25. The case concerned the blanket requirement in the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, section 113B of the Police Act 1997 and articles 3 and 4 of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975 that criminal convictions and cautions must be disclosed in an enhanced criminal record check (‘ECRC’) in the context of particular types of employment (such as with children or vulnerable adults), even if those convictions or cautions would otherwise be deemed spent by the 1974 Act.”

Full story

Panopticon, 29th January 2013


Henry ruling leaves lawyers rueing lack of clarity and warning of satellite litigation – Litigation Futures

Posted January 29th, 2013 in appeals, budgets, costs, news, proportionality by sally

“The Court of Appeal ruling in Henry yesterday has been met with disappointment and criticism from lawyers for failing to send out a clear message about the importance of costs management, and for risking an onslaught of satellite litigation.”

Full story

Litigation Futures, 29th January 2013


Article 8 success in the County Court – NearlyLegal

Posted January 18th, 2013 in housing, human rights, news, proportionality, succession, time limits by tracey

“This was a failed succession case where an article 8 proportionality defence was, at least in part successful.”

Full story

NearlyLegal, 17th January 2013
