John Worboys’ victims hope for reversal of decision to release him – The Guardian

Posted January 15th, 2018 in criminal justice, news, parole, probation, release on licence, victims by sally

‘Victims of the serial sex attacker John Worboys have welcomed a possible reversal of the Parole Board’s decision to release him this month amid growing calls at Westminster for a urgent review of the case.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 14th January 2018


Victims of John Worboys not consulted over terms of his release – The Guardian

Posted January 11th, 2018 in consultations, news, probation, release on licence, sexual offences, victims by tracey

‘Lawyers for victims of the serial sex attacker John Worboys reacted with anger after it emerged they have not been consulted on the terms of his release licence, which are due to be discussed on Thursday.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 10th January 2018


Private probation firms criticised for supervising offenders by phone – The Guardian

Posted December 14th, 2017 in contracting out, news, probation, telecommunications by sally

‘The part-privatisation of the probation service has led to tens of thousands of offenders – up to 40% of the total – being supervised by telephone calls every six weeks instead of face-to-face meetings, the chief inspector of probation has revealed.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 14th December 2017


Dartmoor prisoners ‘being released without proper preparation’ – The Guardian

Posted December 12th, 2017 in news, prisons, probation, rehabilitation, release on licence by sally

‘Hundreds of high-risk prisoners, many of them sex offenders, are being released each year from Dartmoor prison without proper preparation, in a “shocking and unacceptable” public protection failing identified by the chief inspector of prisons.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 12th December 2017


James Bulger’s killer returned to prison after probation officers ‘find child abuse images’ – Daily Telegraph

‘The killer of toddler James Bulger has reportedly been returned to prison after he was caught with child abuse images on his computer for the second time.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 23rd November 2017


Why are privatised probation services using public libraries to see clients? – The Guardian

Posted November 1st, 2017 in libraries, news, probation by sally

‘A lack of adequate meeting rooms means ex-offenders in Weston-super-Mare have to meet their probation officers while sharing a table with library users.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 1st November 2017


Young offenders ‘should have social media monitored’ – BBC News

Posted October 26th, 2017 in crime prevention, internet, news, probation, young persons by sally

‘Young people at risk of being involved in crime should have their social media profiles monitored by youth workers, a probation watchdog report has said.’

Full Story

BBC News, 26th October 2017


Ex-prisoners lack support, says probation head – BBC News

Posted October 13th, 2017 in news, probation, rehabilitation by tracey

‘Too many prisoners leaving jail are merely being “signposted” towards rehabilitation services, the head of the Probation Service has admitted.’

Full Story

BBC News, 13th October 2017


Criminals could be banned from drinking after they are released from prison – The Independent

Posted October 13th, 2017 in alcohol abuse, news, probation by tracey

‘Former prisoners could be barred from drinking alcohol after their release from custody under new measures aimed at reducing reoffending rates. The proposals would give probation officers across the country, the power to enforce tailored restrictions on criminals when they are released.’

Full Story

The Independent, 12th October 2017


Ofsted reports on the inspection of services for children living with domestic abuse – Family Law

‘Ofsted, the Care Quality Commission, HM Inspectorate of Constabulary, and HM Inspectorate of Probation have published a report examining the multi-agency response to children living with domestic abuse, along with inspections of local area services.’

Full Story

Family Law, 20th September 2017


Prison ‘reboot’ may free up 7,000 prison places, says thinktank – The Guardian

Posted September 14th, 2017 in criminal justice, news, prisons, probation, rehabilitation, reports by tracey

‘A “reboot” of the government’s “rehabilitation revolution”, including the early release of well-behaved prisoners, could free up more than 7,000 prison places, according to the latest report from a centre-right thinktank.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 14th September 2017


Increase in serious crimes by offenders on probation, figures show – The Guardian

‘There has been an increase in serious crimes committed by offenders under supervision in the community since the controversial privatisation of the probation service, figures suggest. The number of offenders on probation charged with murder, manslaughter, rape and other serious violent or sexual crimes has risen by more than 25% since changes to the service in England and Wales.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 2nd August 2017


Probation reform: open letter from the Secretary of State for Justice – Ministry of Justice

Posted July 20th, 2017 in Ministry of Justice, news, press releases, probation, recidivists by tracey

‘Justice Secretary David Lidington provides an update on the probation system.’

Full Story

Ministry of Justice, 19th July 2017


Privatised probation programme ‘could be dropped with negligible impact’ – The Guardian

‘A key part of the government’s probation privatisation reforms could be dropped tomorrow without any impact on the resettlement of prisoners, a joint report by the chief inspectors of probation and prisons has warned.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 21st June 2017


Regina (ZX) v Secretary of State for Justice – WLR Daily

Posted June 7th, 2017 in children, families, law reports, probation, release on licence by sally

Regina (ZX) v Secretary of State for Justice [2017] EWCA Civ 155

‘The claimant, a married British citizen of Bangladeshi origin with three children, was convicted on his guilty plea of two terrorism related offences and sentenced in the Crown Court to a term of three years’ imprisonment. Following his release on licence, conditions were imposed on his licence precluding him, inter alia, from having contact with his children save as directed by the National Probation Service (“the NPS”) and local children’s services. He sought to challenge the imposition of those conditions on the basis that the NPS had no lawful entitlement to give a direction separating him from his children, that there was no properly identified risk and that no separation could properly be directed without due compliance with the provisions of the Children Act 1989 and the Children Act 2004 and, if need be, without an order of the Family Court. Permission to proceed with the claim for judicial review was refused on the basis that the grounds raised were not arguable. The claimant appealed on the grounds, inter alia, that the judge had misdirected himself as to the scope and effect of the NPS’s duties under section 11 of the 2004 Act (to make arrangements for ensuring that its functions were discharged having regard to the need to safeguard and promote the welfare of children).’

WLR Daily, 17th March 2017


Willpower & determination – New Law Journal

‘Paola Fudakowska & Henrietta Mason provide a wills & probate update.’

Full Story

New Law Journal, 19th May 2017


£40,000 worth of drugs discovered at ‘unsafe’ Lancashire prison – The Guardian

‘More than 80 prisoners in fear of their safety have sought sanctuary in a special unit in a Lancashire jail inspectors say is the most violent they have visited in recent times.’

Full story

The Guardian, 19th April 2017


Private companies could pull out of probation contracts over costs – The Guardian

‘Two of the private companies that provide 50% of probation services in England and Wales have confirmed to MPs they will have to consider quitting if a Ministry of Justice review fails to deliver improvements.’

Full story

The Guardian, 21st March 2017


Justice Secretary launches new prison and probation service to reform offenders – Home Office

Posted February 10th, 2017 in press releases, prisons, probation, rehabilitation by tracey

‘A new frontline service focused on reforming offenders and cutting crime will launch in April 2017, Justice Secretary Elizabeth Truss announced today.’

Full press release

Home Office, 8th February 2017


Privatisation of probation service has left public at greater risk – report – The Guardian

Posted December 15th, 2016 in contracting out, criminal justice, news, probation, reports by tracey

‘The public have been left more at risk by the privatisation of the probation service with some offenders not seen for weeks or months and others lost in the system altogether, according to an official watchdog.’

Full story

The Guardian, 15th December 2016
