Legal moves against canoeist wife – BBC News
“Legal moves to reclaim hundreds of thousands of pounds illegally claimed by the wife of a back-from-the-dead canoeist are due to begin.”
BBC News, 25th November 2008
“Legal moves to reclaim hundreds of thousands of pounds illegally claimed by the wife of a back-from-the-dead canoeist are due to begin.”
BBC News, 25th November 2008
Carson and Others v United Kingdom (Application No 42184/05)
European Court of Human Rights
“The exclusion of pensioners living abroad from an index-linked uprating scheme applicable to all pensioners in the United Kingdom was not in breach of the European Convention on Human Rights.”
The Times, 20th November 2008
Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.
“Pensions minister Rosie Winterton is to announce a review of laws governing company pension schemes.”
BBC News, 12th November 2008
“British pensioners resident in Commonwealth countries have had their appeal for better pensions rejected.”
The Times, 4th November 2008
“Millions of people who opted out of the state second pension will be given greater freedom to invest for their retirement under a change in the law that comes into force today.”
The Guardian, 1st October 2008
“Back from the dead canoeist John Darwin has launched a bid to appeal against his sentence, his solicitor said today.”
The Independent, 5th September 2008
Shore v Sedgwick Financial Services Ltd and Another
Court of Appeal
“If a client, on the advice of a financial expert, transferred his pension investment from one old safe pension scheme to a new risky pension scheme, in which the value of his investment went down, the client’s right to sue the adviser in negligence accrued when the transfer was made; it was not contingent upon the occurrence of loss.”
The Times, 12th August 2008
Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.
Shore v Sedgwick Financial Services Ltd and another [2008] EWCA Civ 863; [2008] WLR (D) 255
“Where a client, on the advice of a financial adviser, shifted his pension investment from a relatively safe occupational final salary pension scheme to a new more risky personal pension income withdrawal scheme, which later suffered in value owing to falling annuity rates, the client’s right to sue the adviser in negligence accrued on the date when the transfer was made and was not contingent upon the subsequent occurrence of loss in value or his even later discovery of such loss.”
WLR Daily, 25th July 2008
Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.
“John and Anne Darwin were each jailed for more than six years today for carrying out a £250,000 insurance con by faking his death in a canoeing accident.”
The Independent, 23rd July 2008
“The widow of a war hero who had been wrongfully denied a pension by Whitehall bureaucrats for years was celebrating a victory after the Ministry of Defence admitted ‘maladministration’.
Daily Telegraph, 21st July 2008
“The wife of John Darwin, the canoeist who faked his own drowning, played an ‘equal and vital role’ in the scheme to gain £250,000 in insurance and pension payouts by staging his death, a court heard today.”
The Times, 14th July 2008
“Former Gurkha soldiers today lost their High Court battle over a pensions deal with the Ministry of Defence, which they say has left them struggling to live.”
The Times, 2nd July 2008
In re Federal-Mogul Aftermarket UK Ltd and others [2008] EWHC 1099 (Ch); [2008] WLR (D) 166
“There was nothing in the rationale underlying the general application of the hindsight principle to contingent debts which should restrict its application to whether there had been an initial triggering event.”
WLR Daily, 23rd May 2008
Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.
“Firms with burgeoning pensions practices could face a threat to their client lists under conflicts of interest guidance set out by the Government’s Pensions Regulator.”
The Lawyer, 24th March 2008
“They have fought and died in the British Army over centuries and taken part in every significant conflict since 1947 including the Falklands, Afghanistan and Iraq. But today the Gurkhas are embroiled in a new battle — this time with the Ministry of Defence.”
The Times, 13th March 2008
Alitalia-Linee Aeree Italiane SpA v Rotunno and Others
Chancery Division
“There was no reason not to give the word ‘secure’ its usual meaning as a transitive verb when contained within the words ‘to secure the benefits under the scheme’ in a set of trust rules.”
The Times, 12th March 2008
Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.
Regina (Bradley and Others) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and Others
Court of Appeal
“Where the Parliament Commissioner for Administration had found maladministration in a ministerial department, the minister was not entitled to reject that finding without good reason.”
The Times, 25th February 2008
Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.
“Pension schemes’ liabilities could soar by £75 billion under proposed guidelines set out by the Pensions Regulator.”
Daily Telegraph, 19th February 2008
“Injured servicemen and military widows will lose out under Government plans to sweep away a tribunal that guarantees their pension rights, ministers have been told.”
Daily Telegraph, 18th February 2008
“The UK Pensions Regulator is to demand that UK companies use realistic life expectancy forecasts, in a move that will add billions of pounds to pensions liabilities.”
The Times, 15th February 2008