Gay man loses fight to secure equal pension rights for husband – The Guardian

‘A gay man has lost his appeal court bid to win his husband the same pension rights a wife would enjoy if he was in a heterosexual relationship.’

Full story

The Guardian, 6th October 2015


Court of Appeal set to rule in landmark case on pension benefits affecting surviving civil partners –

‘The Court of Appeal in London is set to determine what pension benefits surviving civil partners are entitled to receive when their spouse dies in a landmark judgment due out on Tuesday.’

Full story, 5th October 2015


Government to introduce rules to stop ‘political’ boycotts – BBC News

‘The government is to introduce new rules to stop “politically-motivated” boycotts by local councils.’

Full story

BBC News, 3rd October 2015


‘Militant leftwing’ councils to be blocked from boycotting products – The Guardian

Posted October 5th, 2015 in Israel, local government, news, pensions, public procurement, sanctions, weapons by sally

‘Councils and local authorities are to be blocked from boycotting Israeli products or pursuing other foreign policy goals that conflict with the government.’

Full story

The Guardian, 3rd October 2015


Pensions reform 2015: it’s not just about retirement saving –

Posted September 23rd, 2015 in news, pensions, retirement, taxation by sally

‘FOCUS: Very few of us are ever going to have enough money in retirement to do everything we might want to do, so we need to think outside the current pensions ‘box’ if we are going to have anywhere near enough.’
Full story, 22nd September 2015


John Mander Pension Scheme Trustees Ltd v Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs – Supreme Court

John Mander Pension Scheme Trustees Ltd v Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs [2015] UKSC 56

Supreme Court, 29th July 2015


Family Law Week’s Budget Briefing, July 2015 – Family Law Week

‘Richard Holme, Chartered Accountant of Creaseys, a firm which specialises in advising family lawyers on tax related family law issues, explains the Budget changes of most relevance to family lawyers.’

Full story

Family Law Week, 8th July 2015


Gay couple in fight for equal pension rights – BBC News

‘A gay man has launched a legal bid for his husband to have the same pension rights a wife would have if he was in a heterosexual relationship.’

Full story

BBC News, 29th June 2015


Double divorces on the rise as ex-spouses bring new claims against their former partners – The Independent

Posted June 16th, 2015 in divorce, financial provision, news, pensions by sally

‘The number of disgruntled spouses returning to court to try and win more money from former partners after a divorce has already gone through has more than doubled in a year.’

Full story

The Independent, 15th June 2015


BESTrustees plc v Corbett – WLR Daily

Posted June 9th, 2015 in assignment, debts, law reports, pensions, trusts by tracey

BESTrustees plc v Corbett: [2014] EWHC 3038 (Ch); [2015] WLR (D) 242

‘The trustee or manager of a qualifying occupational pension scheme was entitled to assign a debt arising pursuant to section 75 of the Pensions Act 1995.’

WLR DAily, 16th October 2014


Granada Group Ltd v The Law Debenture Pension Trust Corpn plc – WLR Daily

Posted June 3rd, 2015 in company law, interpretation, law reports, pensions, trusts by sally

Granada Group Ltd v The Law Debenture Pension Trust Corpn plc [2015] EWHC 1499 (Ch); [2015] WLR (D) 231

‘Personal rights against a trustee, which were rights that any beneficiary, under any trust, would have to compel the trustee to administer that trust properly, did not fall within the definition of a “non-cash asset” under section 739 of the Companies Act 1985. Section 320(1)(a) of the 1985 Act was not intended by Parliament to apply to the rights or interests of the director himself, whatever they might be, when the non-cash asset was held in trust for him by someone other than the company itself.’

WLR Daily, 22nd May 2015


Pension reforms loophole: Ex-wives may lose out in rule change over shared pot – Daily Telegraph

Posted May 20th, 2015 in divorce, news, pensions by sally

‘New rules allowing people to withdraw entire pension funds create loophole that can override agreements to share benefits built up by breadwinner.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 20th May 2015


The Trustees of the Olympic Airlines SA Pension and Life Assurance Scheme (Appellant) v Olympic Airlines SA (Respondent) – Supreme Court

Posted April 30th, 2015 in airlines, appeals, compensation, insolvency, law reports, pensions, Supreme Court by sally

The Trustees of the Olympic Airlines SA Pension and Life Assurance Scheme (Appellant) v Olympic Airlines SA (Respondent) [2015] UKSC 27 (YouTube)

Supreme Court, 29th April 2015


Trust deeds versus trustees – 11 Stone Buildings

Posted April 20th, 2015 in bankruptcy, debts, EC law, news, pensions, trustees in bankruptcy by sally

‘Thomas Robinson details changes in bankruptcy and pension rights under UK and EU pension schemes.’

Full story (PDF)

11 Stone Buildings, 15th April 2015


The 2015-16 pension changes explained in 10 questions – BBC News

Posted April 2nd, 2015 in news, pensions by sally

‘What the government calls “pension freedoms” will be in place from Easter Monday. But anyone nearing retirement would do well to note the drawbacks, as well as the advantages.’

Full story

BBC News, 2nd April 2015


Pensions, pensions, and yet more pensions in the FCA’s business plan – RPC Financial Services Blog

Posted April 1st, 2015 in budgets, consumer protection, elderly, news, pensions, retirement by sally

‘The FCA has published its Business Plan for 2015/2016. One of the key themes for both regulation and risk is the pensions market given the pension reforms taking place on 6 April. The Business Plan highlights the fact that the pensions market is a key area of concern for the FCA and an area which it will be monitoring closely in the next year and beyond.’

Full story

RPC Financial Services Blog, 27th March 2015


ITV plc and others v Pensions Regulator and another – WLR Daily

Posted March 30th, 2015 in appeals, law reports, pensions, regulations, tribunals by sally

ITV plc and others v Pensions Regulator and another [2015] EWCA Civ 228; [2015] WLR (D) 139

‘The Upper Tribunal had a discretion to allow the Pensions Regulator to raise new allegations on a reference which were not contained in a warning notice issued pursuant to section 96 of the Pensions Act 2004. The discretion should be exercised based on a consideration of all the relevant factors in the case, weighing up all the facts and circumstances, and not just the narrow question whether the Pensions Regulator had good reason for seeking to enlarge its case.’

WLR Daily, 24th March 2015


Do not-so smart pension reforms mean FCA wants pensioners to be ScamSmart? – RPC Financial Services Blog

Posted March 26th, 2015 in consumer protection, financial regulation, news, pensions by sally

‘Less than two weeks after Martin Wheatley’s speech identifying April’s ‘big bang’ pension reforms as “[t]he defining challenge of our time”, the FCA has launched a website called ‘ScamSmart’ dedicated to helping retail investors identify fraudulent investment scams. Martin Wheatley’s keynote speech and the launch of the ScamSmart website indicate the level of concern in the FCA about the impact of the reforms on UK pensioners. The strength of these concerns is confirmed in today’s Business Plan which includes plans for the FCA to carry out a thematic review (with, presumably, intense supervisory and enforcement work to follow) into the suitability of pensions and retail investment advice.’

Full story

RPC Financial Services Blog, 24th March 2015


What were this decade’s most significant advances in law? – OUP Blog

‘The past decade has seen a number of advances in the field of law. As part of our exclusive Oxford law event, Unlock Oxford Law, we have asked some of our expert authors to identify what developments they thought were most significant. With constant changes and developments occurring across all the different areas of law, this is a subject that is very much up for debate. Read on to see what our authors said, and to see if you agree.’

Full story

OUP Blog, 18th March 2015


Income payment orders and pensions revisited: The decision in Horton v Henry – 11 Stone Buildings

Posted March 17th, 2015 in bankruptcy, insolvency, news, pensions by sally

‘The recent High Court decision in Horton v Henry has now thrown the debate over the extent to which the pension pot of a bankrupt can be made available to his creditors wide open.’

Full story (PDF)

11 Stone Buildings, January 2015
