MPs’ spouses ‘to fight job ban’ – BBC News
“Spouses who are employed by MPs are preparing to look into legal action if they are barred from their jobs.”
BBC News, 27th October 2009
“Spouses who are employed by MPs are preparing to look into legal action if they are barred from their jobs.”
BBC News, 27th October 2009
“This is an edited extract from the Jan Grodecki annual lecture, delivered last night at Leicester University.”
The Guardian, 23rd October 2009
“Government proposals to end the hereditary principle in the House of Lords will be debated today as the Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill has its second reading.”
Ministry of Justice, 20th October 2009
“Britain’s most senior judge has warned his fellow judges that he cannot envisage any circumstances in which it would be “constitutionally possible or proper” for a court to make an order that gagged debate in parliament. His warning follows the Guardian’s free speech victory last week when lawyers for the oil trading company Trafigura gave up their attempt to gag parliament over its dumping of toxic waste in Ivory Coast.”
The Guardian, 20th October 2009
“The law firm Carter-Ruck has made a fresh move that could stop an MPs’ debate next week by claiming a controversial injunction it has obtained is ‘sub judice’.”
The Guardan, 16th October 2009
“Gordon Brown today stepped into the row over the use of super-injunctions that ban reporting of a story and also the existence of the ban, telling MPs the legal tactic was ‘an unfortunate area of the law’.”
The Guardian, 15th October 2009
“The law firm at the centre of the an unprecedented attempt by a British oil trading firm to prevent the Guardian reporting parliamentary proceedings is to be reported to the Law Society, it emerged today.”
The Guardian, 14th October 2009
“Today I am talking to Carl Gardner, ex government lawyer, a barrister and author of The Head of Legal blog. We look at whether the Bill of Rights has, in fact, been infringed by the gag, the use of injunctions generally and specifically in this instance, the use of parliamentary privilege and whether the judges are going too far in granting injunctions which can, effectively, be destroyed in their effect by many thousands of angry people on twitter and in the blogosphere.”
Charon QC, 13th October 2009
“Charon QC” is the blogging pseudonym of Mike Semple Piggot, editor of insitelaw newswire.
“The existence of a previously secret injunction against the media by oil traders Trafigura can now be revealed.”
The Guardian, 13th October 2009
“The Guardian has been prevented from reporting parliamentary proceedings on legal grounds which appear to call into question privileges guaranteeing free speech established under the 1688 Bill of Rights.”
The Guardian, 12th October 2009
“MPs with questionable expenses claims will be barred from taking a seat in the House of Lords if they choose to stand down before the election.”
Daily Telegraph, 1st September 2009
“Jack Straw is to amend plans allowing life peers to resign from the House of Lords, to stop them standing as an MP for up to five years, it is reported.”
BBC News, 27th August 2009
“Reform of the House of Lords is ‘unfinished business’ and a fundamental part of restoring trust in politics, Jack Straw said today.”
Ministry of Justice, 26th August 2009
“Reformers will have to wait more than a decade before the House of Lords is replaced by a predominantly elected chamber, Jack Straw, the justice secretary, will announce today. In a seminar on the future of the Lords, hosted by the Guardian, he will outline plans to ensure that 80% of the second chamber is elected within 12 to 15 years.”
The Guardian, 26th August 2009
“The government is to consider giving time for a bill to allow assisted dying if the director of public prosecutions fails to come up with clearer advice on when it is legal or illegal to help someone to die.”
The Guardian, 3rd August 2009
“The government’s attempts to reform the UK constitution risk failure if they are carried out in too ‘ad hoc and piecemeal’ a way, an MPs’ report said.”
BBC News, 29th July 2009
“A bill aimed at cleaning up Parliament after the MPs’ expenses scandal has become law after getting Royal Assent.”
BBC News, 22nd July 2009
“Reforms unveiled today by Jack Straw as part of the Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill will remove the hereditary principle from the House of Lords and allow for the disqualification of peers found guilty of serious criminal offences.”
Ministry of Justice, 20th July 2009
“Plans to turn the House of Lords into an elected chamber could be blocked by overwhelming opposition among peers, research for The Independent has revealed.”
The Independent, 20th July 2009