Intelligence chiefs to give evidence in public for first time – Daily Telegraph

Posted February 13th, 2012 in disclosure, intelligence services, news, parliament by sally

“Intelligence chiefs will be questioned in public for the first time to ensure that the secret services cannot escape the scrutiny of ‘open democracy’, a leading MP said yesterday.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 12th February 2012


Jane Clough campaign: Bail law changes backed by House of Lords – BBC News

Posted February 9th, 2012 in appeals, bail, bills, news, parliament by sally

“The House of Lords has backed changes to the bail laws following a campaign by the parents of the murdered Lancashire nurse Jane Clough.”

Full story

BBC News, 9th February 2012


The legislation gap: does slow and steady really win the race? – Halsbury’s Law Exchange

Posted February 3rd, 2012 in bills, news, parliament, statutory interpretation by sally

“An analysis by the Times (‘Legislation gap makes light work for MPs’, 27 January) has revealed that MPs have spent a mere 24% of their time in the last four months considering government legislation. During the same period in the previous year, the figure was 62%.”

Full story

Halsbury’s Law Exchange, 2nd February 2012


Coalition overturns Lords amendments on welfare and bans further dissent – The Guardian

Posted February 2nd, 2012 in bills, news, parliament by sally

“Government uses rare parliamentary procedure to annul seven adjustments to reform and prevent further challenges from peers.”

Full story

The Guardian, 1st February 2012


Assessment of FOI regime should be based on evidence not emotion, watchdog says –

Posted February 1st, 2012 in consultations, freedom of information, news, parliament by sally

“MPs reviewing the UK’s freedom of information (FOI) regime should assess its success based on evidence and facts, the Information Commissioner has said.”

Full story, 1st February 2012


Lords inflict triple welfare bill defeat on government – The Guardian

Posted January 12th, 2012 in benefits, bills, news, parliament by sally

“The government’s plans to reform welfare were badly hit on Wednesday when it suffered three defeats in the House of Lords on proposed benefit cuts.”

Full story

The Guardian, 11th January 2012


Parliament’s moral duty on assisted dying – The Guardian

Posted January 3rd, 2012 in assisted suicide, euthanasia, news, parliament, reports by tracey

“There has been a lull in the media recently about the rights and wrongs of assisted dying, but the conflict is sure to break out again with the imminent publication of the report from Lord Falconer’s commission, established to consider changes to the law.”

Full story

The Guardian, 1st January 2012


MPs’ expenses: Margaret Moran ‘not fit to stand trial’, court told – The Guardian

Posted December 16th, 2011 in expenses, false accounting, fitness to plead, mental health, news, parliament by tracey

“Judge to decide on whether former Labour MP accused of falsely claiming £80,000 expenses should face trial.”

Full story

The Guardian, 15th December 2011


MPs’ expenses: jailed trio ordered to pay back legal costs – Daily Telegraph

Posted December 16th, 2011 in costs, expenses, false accounting, news, parliament, repayment by tracey

“Three former Labour MPs who were jailed for fiddling their expenses have been ordered to pay back a total of £125,000 – less than half of the money spent on their court cases.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 15th December 2011


Peers who fail to repay wrongly claimed expenses to be banned from Lords – The Guardian

Posted December 14th, 2011 in debts, expenses, news, parliament, repayment by sally

“Disgraced peers who fail to repay wrongly claimed expenses are to be barred from returning to parliament.”

Full story

The Guardian, 14th December 2011


Peers ‘should end Downton Abbey-style succession rules’ – BBC News

Posted December 7th, 2011 in news, parliament, peerages & dignities, succession by sally

“The House of Lords is being urged to end rules which deny most hereditary peerages to women.”

Full story

BBC News, 7th December 2011


Gary McKinnon gets MPs’ backing in extradition debate – The Guardian

Posted December 6th, 2011 in computer crime, extradition, news, parliament, treaties by sally

“MPs have urged the government to improve safeguards for British citizens wanted by authorities overseas by reforming extradition laws, indicating the strength of political feeling in support of Gary McKinnon, who has been battling for six years against a US extradition bid to face hacking charges.”

Full story

The Guardian, 6th December 2011


MPs may be breaking law in offering work to unpaid interns – The Guardian

Posted November 28th, 2011 in minimum wage, news, parliament by sally

“Scores of MPs, from millionaire Tory cabinet members to Labour backbenchers, may have broken minimum wage law by taking on unpaid interns, according to legal advice to ministers.”

Full story

The Guardian, 27th November 2011


European judge slams UK ‘xenophobia’ – The Guardian

Posted November 24th, 2011 in human rights, judges, news, parliament by sally

“Europe’s most powerful judge has publicly complained about ‘senior members’ of the UK government fostering hostility towards the European Convention on Human Rights.”

Full story

The Guardian, 23rd November 2011


Lords give legal aid bill ‘a good bashing’ – The Guardian

Posted November 24th, 2011 in bills, legal aid, news, parliament by sally

“In a marathon debate, the Lords focused on government plans to surgically remove the area of the legal aid scheme that relates most directly to the poor and vulnerable.”

Full story

The Guardian, 23rd November 2011


“Is this possible?” – The Guardian

Posted November 23rd, 2011 in bills, legal aid, news, parliament, sentencing by sally

“Highlights from the Lords debate on the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders bill, in which 54 peers spoke.”

Full story

The Guardian, 22nd November 2011


Lords tear into legal aid bill – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted November 22nd, 2011 in bills, domestic violence, legal aid, negligence, news, parliament by sally

“The Legal Aid Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders passed its second reading in the House of Lords last night after an eight-hour battering from peers. Following a debate in which 51 of the 54 members who rose to speak criticised the bill, justice minister Lord McNally, responding for the government, promised ‘to listen’ to the ‘strong concerns’ raised particularly in relation to domestic violence and clinical negligence.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 22nd November 2011


One of the “great unspoken problems” about human rights law – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted November 15th, 2011 in human rights, judicial review, judiciary, news, parliament by sally

“… is at the core of Jonathan Sumption QC’s FA Mann lecture. His central point is not human rights as such, but our misconception of Parliament and the perceived need for judicial constraints on the action of the state.”

Full story

Uk Human Rights Blog, 15th November 2011


Jonathan Sumption shows a certain naivety – The Guardian

“The supreme court’s newest recruit worries that judges are making policy. But parliament always has the last word.”

Full story

The Guardian, 9th November 2011


New House of Commons code of conduct could be extended to MPs’ private lives – Daily Telegraph

Posted November 9th, 2011 in news, parliament, professional conduct by tracey

“MPs could be punished for indiscretions in their private lives if their actions embarrass Parliament, under a new code of conduct.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 8th November 2011
