Anthony Bradley: A Review of Jack Straw’s Hamlyn Lectures: Aspects of Law Reform: An Insider’s Perspective – UK Constitutional Law Group

“As the lecturer disarmingly tells us at the outset of the Hamlyn Lectures for 2012, the illustrious procession of Hamlyn lecturers since 1949 (Lord Denning) through to 2011 (Jeremy Waldron) has ‘without exception’ comprised ‘lawyers distinguished by their practice, their academic study or both’. Jack Straw is an exception. Since an LLB at Leeds and two years at the criminal bar, he has made his career in politics – holding glittering ministerial office, throughout the Blair-Brown years, as Home Secretary, Foreign Secretary, leader of the Commons, and Lord Chancellor.”

Full story

UK Constitutional Law Group, 7th October 2013


Roger Masterman: A Tale of Competing Supremacies – UK Constitutional Law Group

“In a recent interview in The Spectator, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, Chris Grayling MP, was given another opportunity to recite the now characteristic Tory Siren call relating to the European Convention on Human Rights and the Strasbourg court.”

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UK Constitutional Law Group, 30th September 2013


Energy price cap – is it legal? – Halsbury’s Law Exchange

Posted September 30th, 2013 in competition, EC law, energy, news, parliament, price fixing by sally

“You would have to be living under a rock to avoid Mr Milliband’s recent announcement that energy costs would, if he were elected in 2015, be capped for 20 months. Unsurprisingly, this has caused uproar on a political level between energy companies warning of blackouts and company failures and the Labour party who maintain it is a viable option. The question which really needs to be asked here is whether or not the government is legally entitled to do this?”

Full story

Halsbury’s Law Exchange, 27th September 2013


Energy price cap – is it legal? – Halsbury’s Law Exchange

Posted September 27th, 2013 in energy, legislation, news, parliament, price fixing by tracey

“You would have to be living under a rock to avoid Mr Milliband’s recent announcement that energy costs would, if he were elected in 2015, be capped for 20 months. Unsurprisingly, this has caused uproar on a political level between energy companies warning of blackouts and company failures and the Labour party who maintain it is a viable option. The question which really needs to be asked here is whether or not the government is legally entitled to do this?”

Full story

Halsbury’s Law Exchange, 27th September 2013


Inheriting aristocratic titles: what’s in a name? – Halsbury’s Law Exchange

Posted September 23rd, 2013 in equality, news, parliament, peerages & dignities, sex discrimination, women by sally

“Reforming the law on the inheritance of an aristocratic title was never really going to be a popular rallying cry, but it’s in the news again. The Earldom of Northesk is one of the great titles (albeit with no huge estate or wealth) that by a curious twist of fate has passed to a male descendent of the cadet branching of the family from 1654 rather than the 14th Earl’s daughter, Lady Carnegie. What is now more interesting about this is we now have a contrasting legal position to compare it with, s 1 of the Succession to the Crown Act 2013 which removes gender from the question of who inherits the Throne. Primogeniture, the benefit of the eldest male child for centuries, has been changed and so – ask a number of Lords and Ladies – should this not be changed for them as well?”

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Halsbury’s Law Exchange, 20th September 2013


Gavin Phillipson: ‘Historic’ Commons’ Syria vote: the constitutional significance (Part I) – UK Constitutional Law Group

Posted September 20th, 2013 in chemical weapons, constitutional law, Iraq, news, parliament, war by sally

“Does the recent vote in the House of Commons on military action against Syria have real constitutional significance? Is it the final piece of evidence that there is a constitutional convention that the consent of the House of Commons must be sought before armed force is used? If so, should anything be done to concretise and clarify this Convention? And what is the broader constitutional significance of this episode in terms of the evolution of controls over the prerogative power and its significance for the evolving separation of powers in the UK?”

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UK Constitutional Law Group, 19th September 2013


Mark Elliott: Justification, Calibration and Substantive Judicial Review: Putting Doctrine in its Place – UK Constitutional Law Group

Posted September 18th, 2013 in human rights, judicial review, news, parliament, proportionality, rule of law by sally

“To observe that substantive judicial review—and the notions of proportionality and deference in particular—constitute well-trodden ground would be to engage in reckless understatement. And that, in turn, might suggest that there is nothing more that can usefully be said about these matters. Yet the debate in this area of public law remains vibrant—and for good reason. Like the controversy about the foundations of judicial review in which many public lawyers engaged energetically over a decade ago, the controversy about substantive review is ultimately a manifestation of underlying disagreements concerning the nature, status and interaction of fundamental constitutional principles, including the rule of law, the separation of powers and the sovereignty of Parliament. It is hardly surprising, then, that questions about the intensity of review and (what amounts to the reverse side of the same coin) deference remain under active discussion long after the debate was ignited by the entry into force of the Human Rights Act 1998.”

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UK Constitutional Law Group, 17th September 2013


How far should our courts venture onto the battlefield? – The Guardian

Posted July 25th, 2013 in armed forces, constitutional reform, news, parliament, select committees, war by tracey

“If you think there are clear rules governing the UK’s use of armed force, you would be wrong.”

Full story

The Guardian, 24th July 2013


Nadine Dorries repays £3,000 travel expenses – The Guardian

Posted July 25th, 2013 in expenses, news, parliament, repayment by tracey

“Parliamentary standards watchdog finds Tory MP’s claims for trips between London and her constituency ‘wrongfully made.’ ”

Full story

The Guardian, 24th July 2013


Enigma codebreaker Alan Turing to receive posthumous pardon for homosexuality conviction – The Independent

Posted July 22nd, 2013 in bills, homosexuality, news, pardons, parliament, retrospectivity, sexual offences by sally

“The Government says it will not oppose a parliamentary bill that would quash the 1952 ‘gross indecency’ conviction.”

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The Independent, 20th July 2013


Lobbyist register plan outlined by ministers – BBC News

Posted July 18th, 2013 in bills, lobbying, news, parliament, trade unions by tracey

“Ministers have outlined plans for a statutory register of lobbyists, saying it would boost public confidence about outside influence on decision-making.”

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BBC News, 17th July 2013


Bar Council: Parliament must have chance to scrutinise EU justice opt out – The Bar Council

Posted July 16th, 2013 in criminal justice, EC law, news, parliament, treaties by sally

“The Bar Council, which represents barristers in England and Wales, has called on the Government to allow Parliament to scrutinise its intention to opt-out of more than 130 EU criminal justice measures properly. This comes as a Motion to Approve the opt-out has been scheduled for Monday 15 July, rather than full parliamentary scrutiny.”

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The Bar Council, 12th July 2013


Gay marriage: Peers approve legislation – BBC News

Posted July 16th, 2013 in bills, homosexuality, marriage, news, parliament by sally

“Same-sex marriage in England and Wales is a step closer to becoming law after the House of Lords approved the change.”

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BBC News, 15th July 2013


Part 82: The worrying new rules of the Secret Court – UK Human Rights Blog

“While MPs were dreaming of the imminent long summer break and a possible pay hike, in mid-June the Government produced the draft amendments to the Civil Procedure Rules (‘CPR’) necessary to bring Part 2 of the Justice and Security Act 2013 (‘JSA’) into force. Many – including JUSTICE – consider the Act’s introduction of closed material procedures (‘CMP’) into civil proceedings unfair, unnecessary and unjustified.”

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 12th July 2013


Press regulation: government’s plan for a new watchdog delayed until autumn – The Guardian

Posted July 12th, 2013 in charters, media, news, parliament, Privy Council by tracey

“The government’s plan for a new press regulator has been officially put back to the autumn after a privy council meeting on Wednesday referred the matter to a new committee.”

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The Guardian, 12th July 2013


Roundtable report – LegalVoice

Posted July 11th, 2013 in criminal justice, legal aid, news, parliament by sally

“A roundtable meeting took place yesterday at the House of Commons, speakers included Andy Slaughter MP, Sadiq Khan MP, Emily Thornberry MP, Lord Willy Bach and Jeremy Beecham. Gemma Blythe reports.”

Full story

LegalVoice, 10th July 2013


Abu Qatada extradition treaty finalised by British Parliament – Daily Telegraph

Posted June 21st, 2013 in deportation, extradition, news, parliament, terrorism, treaties by tracey

“An extradition treaty to pave the way for Abu Qatada’s removal from Britain
after a near decade-long saga has been approved by Parliament.”

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Daily Telegraph, 21st June 2013


Jack Simson Caird: A Proposal for a Code of Legislative Standards? – UK Constitutional Law Group

“On the 20 of May the House of Commons Political and Constitutional Reform Committee (the PCR) published its report on legislative scrutiny standards titled ‘Ensuring standards in the quality of legislation’. The Report contains two eye catching and ambitious proposals for parliamentary reform: the creation of a joint committee on legislative standards and the adoption of a code of legislative standards. This blog is about the second of these proposals. The proposal is a significant one, and if implemented it would dramatically improve the information available to parliamentarians in their scrutiny of government bills. The PCR’s code is in effect a series of questions and demands for information relating to the content and to the timetable of a bill, that the government would answer within the explanatory notes to a bill. In this blog post, I draw attention to the code proposed by the PRC and I offer a critique of their approach, and in particular of the decision not to include substantive legislative standards.”

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UK Constitutional Law Group, 14th June 2013


Minister tells profession to adapt to “the new circumstances” of life in the law – Legal Futures

Posted June 4th, 2013 in consultations, legal aid, legal profession, news, parliament by sally

“Solicitors and barristers will have to adjust to ‘the new circumstances’ they are facing as a result of legal aid and other reforms ‘if they are going to survive’, justice minister Lord McNally said yesterday.”

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Legal Futures, 4th June 2013


At-a-glance: Queen’ Speech 2013 bill-by-bill – BBC News

Posted May 9th, 2013 in bills, news, parliament, speeches by tracey

“The Queen’s Speech sets out the government’s legislative programme for the next
year. Here is a guide to all the bills in it.”

Full story

BBC News, 8th May 2013
